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Posted on Tue May 11th, 2021 @ 6:47am by Samantha Prescott [ADMIN NPC] & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Gavin Lovejoy

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Commander Lovejoy's cabin
Timeline: MD3 - 08h00
2315 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Raye had not slept well that night. She had found Triston and snarled at him and made him feel guilty but he was not about to go and apologize, he was not ready. So Raye was by herself standing outside the new XO's cabin.

She raised a hand and hit the chime.

Gavin heard the chime , "I'll get it" He yelled as he went to the door and opened it and found himself staring at Raye. He pushed down angry, sarcastic comments and settled for "Yes?"

"Hi," She said stealing herself. "Do you have time to chat?"

"Yes. Do you want to come in?" Gavin asked.

Everything in her screamed no but she gave a short nod. "ok.. if it is alright..."

Gavin gave her a look, "Why wouldn't it be alright? Lighten up Raye." He whispered.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't ... ohh men" she grumbled but she stepped inside. And didn't advance past half a meter from the door.

Gavin started to reply, when a voice interrupted him, "Gavin? Did I hear the door chime?" As Garrett came into view. "Oh, excuse me. I didn't realize it was a friend of yours." He said in a personable tone.

Raye gave the man a nod. "Commander." She said, as politely as she could.

Garrett looked at his son, "Well Gavin are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Of course Dad, This is Raye Crosby-Triannth. Raye my father, Garrett Lovejoy."

"A pleasure Miss Crosby-Triannth." Garrett said holding out his hand.

She had been raised to be polite, so she shook his hand. "Sir. Ah.. people call me Raye, easier." She added.

Garrett gave a chuckle, "Fair enough Raye. Welcome to our home such as it is."

"Thank you sir. I was just stopping by to apologise to Gavin for yesterday."

"Oh?" Garrett exclaimed but didn't push for an answer. "Well, I'll let you two talk. A pleasure to meet you Raye. Gavin." He said looking at his son, "Don't forget to introduce Raye to your mother." Then he was gone, back deeper into their quarters.

"Yes Dad." Gavin then looked at Raye, "lets go to my room. My parents won't bother us."

"they are going to be ok with you taking a girl into your bedroom?" Raye asked lightly

"Yes. They trust me … to resist your advances." Gavin replied with equal lightness.

"You wish I was making advances Lovejoy." she snarked back as she followed him.

Gavin chuckled, "Don't be hasty Raye. Give yourself time." He bantered back as they entered his bedroom. Once he he shut the door. "Okay, lets talk."

She stood by the door and crossed her arms. "look I am sorry about yesterday, tensions are high at the moment and I know its not your fault but neither is it Triston's or mine."

"You can sit down Raye, I'm not going to bite you." Gavin answered. "I see. Apology accepted. I'm sorry for upsetting you but you can't believe those things you've heard about my father. You met him."

"From what I heard from Triston, your conversation was mainly about Captain Bitch down the hall"

"True enough until close to the end when he attacked my father or were your ears plugged up?"

"And you attacked him too verbally right?" She asked curiously. "Two wrongs Gavin."

"Him yes. Not his parents Raye." Gavin countered.

She studied him carefully. "I can see this was a waste of time. I am sorry I didn't back you up. I am sorry I snapped at you and called you names in Cardassian. But there is something rotten here, and if you are too blind to see it, then, please feel free to continue wearing blinders. Triston may not be a leader, but he at least has his eyes open."

"He is a sheep. He is easily led and believes anything someone tells him. I have my eyes open Raye. Just because I'm not thumping my chest or whining for attention doesn't mean I don't. You need to have some faith in me." Gavin replied. "Why don't you ask him what was in the letter he got from his girlfriend? You might be surprised."

"I already know what is in the letter, I got one too." Raye replied. "And I know what is going on and I know that Carrington is a lying bitch." she turned for the door. "Maybe you should ask your father what's going on. Cause it seems to me, he brought you in blind."

"I will. Did you ever consider, he wants to protect me? That's what parents do." Gavin replied. "And if you and stupid know, why all the hostility at me and my father?"

"I wasn't hostile to your father" She replied. "And I am only hostile to people who are hostile to me."

"You were cold." Gavin replied. "Have I been hostile to you?" He asked honestly.

"I was polite. He is a senior officer. And there is a mirror Gavin. You were."

Gavin sighed. "I was defending myself however I did not mean to be hostile towards you. I sincerely apologize."

She turned as she opened the door. "Accepted. But I challenge you to ask questions Gavin."

"And I told you I would Raye." Gavin answered as he stood beside her. "You can't leave yet, "You have to meet my mother remember?"

"Ah.. I think it might be best if I do not," she said softly as she headed for the main door.

"Now, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, but I do not need to meet your mother." She gave him half a smile. "See you in class."

A mixture of anger and hurt flashed in his eyes but he managed to remain civil. "Bye." He replied simply.

"Bye Lovejoy" She sent him a smirk and headed out the door. "Good Luck"

Samantha was watching from the shadows. When the door closed she said "Quiet girl that one"

Gavin turned and looked at his mother, not "Yes. Yes she is. But I like her." He admitted.

"And does she like you?" Sam asked wandering forward. "What's going on Gavin?"

"I don't know Mom. I need to talk to Dad." He replied, "Might be best if you are there as well."

"He is in the study" she pointed to the small study that had come with their quarters.

Entering the study, Gavin found his father sitting at the desk going over some reports. He set the reports aside as Gavin and Sam entered . "Gavin, Sam, what can I do for the two of you?"

"Dad, I have a question for you."

"Alright Gavin, what is it?"

Gavin took a deep breath then plunged forward. "Dad, wants going on? People are tense and on edge . There are grumblings against the Captain and her gloating about what happened to Captain Lalor."

Garrett looked past Gavin and to Sam who stood silently against the wall. "Gavin, I thought we raised you better to not believe everything you hear."

Gavin nodded, "You and Mom did Dad but this isn't coming from one or two people but from all over the ship."

Garrett nodded, "I see." Garrett paused and glanced at Sam who nodded. He sighed, his decision made. "Gavin what I'm going to tell you goes no farther than this room. Understand?"

"Yes Dad."

"Captain Lalor hasn't been arrested or charged with treason. It's a cover story one Commodore Mountbatten came up with. One Captain Carrington is not privy to. Ideally Commander Taylor would have been Captain and we wouldn't be here having this discussion. But things didn't work out that way. Captain Lalor will be back to command the Elysium in hopefully a few months. We just have to keep a lid on things here and keep Carrington in check." He looked to Sam to see if she had anything to add.

She had been studying their child. Years of being on constant watch had not faded over night. "Is that what that girl came to discuss Gavin?"

Gavin nodded, he had forgotten just how perceptive his mother was. How quick she was to pick up events. "Yes ma'am. She was telling me just how unhappy the crew is."

Sam nodded "She is the same age as Miran Lalor Garrett, Gavin is she a friend of the Lalor girl?"

"They are best friends Mom." Gavin replied.

Samantha nodded She looked at Garrett. "Well we can guess where some of the animosity is coming from."

"Yes. We certainly can. Unfortunately they will have to remain in the dark about this, can't afford any leaks on this or we'll all be in the brig." Garrett pointed out.

Sam nodded. "Who else Gavin?" she asked her son, "Who else has spoken to you about this?"

'Um, a cadet by the name of Triston. He was all bent out of shape over this. Really going to down in blasting the Captain."

"If she hears him, he will be brigged or kicked out of the Academy." Sam said softly.

"I tried to tell him Mom but he wouldn't listen, he'd just get louder." Gavin replied.

"When people are upset, they do not always think clearly." Samantha said softly. "When the situation is as bad as this, I think we can give him a little leeway Gavin. And it is only early days."

"But Mom if he keeps on he'll get thrown in the brig or worse. I don't like him but I don't want to see that happen." Gavin answered with conviction.

"Maybe... that's his plan?" Sam asked curiously.

"Well if it is , it's a dumb plan." Gavin said with more than a trace of anger.

"Is it?" Came the reply from his mother. "When you focus on one thing, you remind blind to all others"

"Mom. He's a cadet, an officer in training and he's setting a great example of how not to act and he is blind to everything else. He's wrapped up in his own little world." Gavin replied.

Sam moved to Garrett's desk and brought up a crew search. She found the cadet's file. "Cadet Montgomery is considered a solid officer but if pushed can be unpredictable. Several of his instructors have said that he shows that unpredictability in his classes." she raised eyes to her son. "He used that skill to distract members of the Mirror Universe ISS Elysium to protect civilians."

"Your defending him?" Gavin's voice raised, "I don't believe it. So he did something good in the Mirror Universe but he's lost it now and he's going off the deep end."

"is he?" Sam wondered. "Tell me Gavin, what did you say to him? What did he say to you?" She forbore the urge to yell back.

"He was talking of the Captain gloating about the fate of Captain Lalor. Then he started talking about how her sister was going to be sent back to their world to be beaten and raped. I said, he didn't know the whole story and what other choice did the captain have? she is a minor and as no relatives here and a bunch of other stuff. I was taking the high road here Mom."

"Neither do you." Came her reply. "And the captain does not have that power." she looked at Garrett, "Didn't you tell Gavin what happened to your old co-worker Percy?"

Garrett shook his head. "No. It never came up, no reason to talk about it or even mention it until now."

"Because?" she shook her head. "Before we came here, I did my research. Percy was demoted and is now currently stationed on some space station near breen space. Why? Cause he called in the Erisians on Miran Lalor. And if my memory serves, he ignored the Captain's will. Miran Lalor has guardians Gavin. And they will keep her safe. I would bet on it."

Garrett smiled "Points for you Sam." He looked at Gavin, "Know the facts Gavin before possibly saying something you will regret later."

"And did you think that the Cadet may have known who he was speaking to?" Sam asked curiously. "Redirection is always an idea and very useful. While you and everyone else is watching a rampaging bull, what are his friends doing in the background?"

"He didn't know at first but he knew when Raye told him." Gavin replied decisively. "And she knew because I told her earlier."

Sam gave a shrug. "But he would know that you were new on the ship." She paused. "I think its a smoke screen. And while everyone is looking at the exploding teenager... what are the others doing behind the screen? And why would that girl come here today?"

"She came to apologize for her behaviour yesterday and she wanted me to ask Dad what was going on for she and Triston both got letters the younger Lalor sister." Gavin explained.

Sam sat perched on Garrett's Desk and looked at the ceiling, as she did so, her lips moved as she counted backwards. "Hmm" She mused. "I wonder if she was establishing an alibi."

Gavin and Garrett both looked at her "An alibi for what Mom?" Gavin finally found his voice to question his mother and hear her reason for making a statement like that.

Sam shrugged " As to that, I do not know."

Garrett spoke to them both. "Now isn't the time for guessing. We need facts so for now, trust no one. " He looked at Gavin, "That means you tell your friends as little as possible. We can't risk being exposed." He looked over to Sam, "Sam, you keep your eyes and ears open to the crew and their feelings. We're sitting on a powder keg and we have to keep it from going off."

"If we can" Samantha replied. "We could be too late."

"We can. We must. We can not fail." Garrett replied solemnly but with conviction.


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