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And there it is...

Posted on Tue Apr 27th, 2021 @ 7:15am by

Mission: Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit
Location: Subspace
535 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Cara didn't know why she had done it, but she had dialed Annalise Robertson's number and now waited with bated breath for her to pick up. After about three more rings Annalise answered, "Hi..." Cara started, "How are you?"

"Hi, didn't expect to hear from you." Annalise Robertson said, watching the woman on the screen for any obvious emotional signs, "So, what bring you back to talking to me?"

"Oh, come on, don't be that way." Cara sighed, she couldn't believe that Annalise was still holding a grudge, "I just wanted to talk to you."

''You wanted to talk to me?"Annalise laughed, she had heard it all now, "Why? Couldn't deny me anymore?"

"I have never denied you." Cara rolled her eyes, "Never once."

"Really? Seems like you did when they asked at FNN." Annalise sighed, she wondered if Cara even considered them as having been together, "Anyway, what do you need? I know this isn't a social call."

"What if it is?" Cara asked, letting the question linger a bit in the air, "What if it is?" She asked again, again letting it linger in the air.

"Then it's the weirdest damn social call I've ever gotten." Annalise answered, "Anyway, what do you want? Get to it."

"Okay, I..." Cara thought about it a minute and realized she had no answer for Annalise, and nobody could get to the answers she wanted like her, "I don't know, maybe just to talk?"

"Just to talk, that's funny considering the last time you were asked about us, you said we were just talking." Annalise answered, a little angrier than intended, "But, obviously we weren't doing anything. You know what's bad? I really loved you, but you denied me when it became bad for your career asking celebrity hair questions, you denied me and that fucking hurt."

"Anna, I never meant to hurt you." Cara began, her eyes misting up as they talked, this had no doubt been a mistake, "I never wanted to hurt you at all."

Annalise ran her hands through her short, black hair in frustration, she never expected to hear from Kara tonight, or again for that matter, and sighed, "Well, for someone who never wanted to hurt me you did a great job. You not only broke my heart, you ruined my career too. I have nothing left, Cara."

"That's not true.'' Cara sighed, "Least it doesn't have to be."

"Oh, and what can I have to show for my broken career and my broken heart?" Annalise asked, she had to hear this.

~You could have me! I love you!~ was what Cara's head screamed for her to say, but she couldn't make the words come out was all, she didn't know how to say it, ~Degree in communnications, huh?~

"What, Cara?" Annalise asked, "What can you possibly offer me to make up for what I've lost because of you?"

Cara considered the question for a second, her brain stills screaming at her to tell the woman she loved everything, but she could only manage, "I guess nothing, this was a mistake, I should go. Good bye." With that she hung up and laid down and started crying.


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