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Comming to terms with the command.

Posted on Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 1:46am by Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Vice-Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Arri/Josephine's Quarters
Timeline: MD 1: 1900 Hours
659 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Arrianna entered her quarters and stood looking out the viewport. Pondering recent events. She pinched herself several times, wondering if this was some kind of night terror.

Josie came out of the small kitchen area and studied Arri. "ok.. what's wrong?" She asked softly.

"Captain Phoenix Lalor has been arrested... For treason." Arri stated. "Worse yet... this ship is now under the direct command of Commodore Evelyn Mountbatten's cadre of arrogant perfectionists. The Captain is conveniently gone.. along with every record of her. Immediately I began looking around for any data I could find on Phoenix's location. Nothing. Even her records and transcripts have been scrubbed clean."

Josie studied Arri. "Ok.. that's weird." She said softly. "Do you think her family may have been apart of it?"

"I'm beginning to wonder if that's the case. Josie. Either way. We may have to endure Captain Carrington's command. Commander Taylor asked me to stay. Trust me, I know how this will end for our careers, Josie. This is a woman who believes in a unattainable fantasy on what a Starfleet Officer is supposed to be, and we need to find out what Carrington and Lovejoy have done to Phoenix. Watch yourself Joise... They couldn't get Phoenix's ship by proving anything to Starfleet Command. So they've used the lowest trick in the book; Betrayal." Arri noted. "When I looked at that smug smile on Garrett's face, it told me all I needed to know."

"I thought you and he had made peace?" Josie said as she moved to check the comms. "And didn't the captain say he and her had made peace?"

"And now she's gone." Arrianna stated. "I'm just tired of this, Josie." Arri got a wine glass out and filled it a quarter of the way with wine. Then she filled the rest of the glass with water. This was the way Alindari drank. "I am just tired... Ten years of service.. Right when I graduated. I was assigned to a ship evacuating Romulan Space. And it's been nothing less than a battle every since then. You should know it. When I first saw you in that courtyard, I knew right away. You were as commited to this Federation as I was. Enough to spend the rest of your days in that castle. to make sure the timeline was not compromised." Arri mentioned. "That was very Alindari. Josie."

She gave a small smile. "Survival really Love." She said brightly. "Arri... what if you are wrong? What if this is not what it seems?"

Arri nodded. "That thought has occurred to me. I and Gary are going to be patient. But we'll soon know very soon. Depending on whom Carrington decides to bring in to replace us with. Commander Taylor's already been reassigned as the Chief Diplomatic Officer. He's a fighter pilot." Arrianna mentioned. "He doesn't know the first thing about diplomacy. Which tells me I may be reassigned to a position I am completely inadequate for just to fail at it. We'll see Josie. Meanwhile, keep your wits about you, and don't react to anything she does. We need two things; Phoenix Lalor's location and proof."

"well I have a few friends left on Earth at Starfleet Command, I can ask around." Josie suggested.

"Not now... We need Carrignton's house of cards to start collapsing before we do that." Arri noted. "Right now, Phoenix's life may be in exceptional danger, and if we don't act the right way, we may never see Phoenix Lalor, or her family, alive again."

"Have you tried to contact her sister?"

Arri thought a moment. "No doubt Phoenix's mother and brother are still here as well." She sighed. "What do I tell Phoenix's mother..."

"I do not know. But they are not ship side. " Josie said, "They were all going down to Earth when we arrived. I saw them all beam down, twins and all. Miran said they were going to the Earth House."



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