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a new specialist

Posted on Wed Dec 26th, 2018 @ 8:28am by Lieutenant Commander Matias Grronkil & Petty Officer 1st Class Kaywin-Li Fray

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
597 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Crawling though the superstructure of the ship, Kaylee was making a quick inspection of the parts of the ship she had worked on when the ship was going through its trial run near Sol. It was quite the noise around Utopia Planitia when a ship of this size was brought in for work. They had to pull people from all over the shipyard to work on her. Coming to a stop next to a power junction, Kaylee takes off her engineers kit, diverts the flow around the junction through secondary routes, takes off the cover and was surprised by what she saw, “what the hell happened. Half of the connections have been replaced. They should’ve been fine until the next overhaul” she said to herself, taking out a tricorder and beginning her scans.

An alarm sounded at the board Matias was at. He located the source of the alarm and headed out. It was in a Jeffries Tube near a power junction. He soon found it and called out "Is there a problem?"

“That would depend on your definition of problem. I’m just trying to figure out why parts that should’ve lasted for years have been replaced. I’m sure I installed them correctly at the yard” Kaylee said, sitting back in the tube while still looking at the junction, “i just don’t understand, the parts should’ve lasted longer”

"Let me come up and we'll figure this out together," said Matias, as he entered the tube.

Moving to one side of the panel, Kaylee positioned her Kit between them so they could both access it. “Half of these power couplings have been replaced, they should’ve been fine. It looks like they may have burned out”

"Let's find out why," said Matias. He looked at the panel and the power couplings should not have done this. He ran it with his tricorder. "Do you see any evidence of a power surge which could have burned out the couplings?"

"Not that I can see. I mean, it's not like Saul would install the power grid incorrectly" Kaylee said, trying to think of passible causes. Looking over her own scan results again, Kaylee thought she saw something. " that? No it can't be, I check for that" she said, taking another scan.

Waiting as the results came thought, Kaylee sighed, "damn it, the boys back at the yard will never let me live this down" she said, showing Matias the results, "there's a micro-fracture in the connection between the couplings and it looks like it's been there and been growing for a while. I thought I checked for them"

"The fact that you found it now counts in your favor," said Matias. "Let's work on fixing this."

Turning around to retrieve a hyperspanner, Kaylee got to work repairing the damage. “So, in case you’re wondering, I am the new damage control specialist”

"You are doing a good job as damage control, Kaylee," said Matias.

"well thanks, can I ask what your name is?" Kaylee asked

"I am Lt. Commander Matias Grronkil, Chief Engineer of this ship, and I am glad to have you aboard." he said.

Kaylee smiled, "I am glad to be aboard LC, and I hope we work well together" she said, glad that her division commander was a kind person, plus he looked like a cute puppy. She had to resist the urge to give him a pat.


Lt. Commander Matias Grronkil
Chief Engineer
USS Elysium

Petty Officer 2nd class Kaywin-Li Fray
Damage Control Specialist
USS Elysium


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