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Playing in the Dirt

Posted on Wed May 26th, 2021 @ 12:55pm by Lieutenant Vira Vemre [Whavi] & Lieutenant Nevada McKay

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: MD 2 1000
854 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Vira, having just left Commander Lovejoy's office decided checking in with her old pal Lieutenant Whavi could wait awhile. She wanted to do some exploring first. Her rebel heart swelled a bit as the adrenaline that rushed through her.

The Elysium was more then triple the size of the Rosenbloom, but lucky for her she had taken the time to study its schematics before her transfer. The risian craved adventure, and after the reports she had read she knew shed find that here. As she proceeded down the corridor she pondered where she would go first, she had seen some visuals of the arboretum, so maybe there?

Lieutenant Nevada McKay, Ever the Rebel strode through the Corridors of the Elysium dressed int he Fleets Short sleeved, Tightly fitting Tropics Garrison uniform, its sleek two toned blue of Medical Research A clear attempt on her part to stand out while also being somewhat forgettable. While She had other things on her plate was headed to the ships Arboretum for the sole purpose of de-stressing herself with her simpler side project.

Vira entered the arboretum wide eyed. Risa was known for its tropical resorts planet wide, so Vira was no stranger to nature’s beauty but what she walked into was far more enchanting then she would have assumed. ‘To think this is aboard a starship’ she thought.

Walking down a path she was barely aware of the other people and species around her, she kept looking up to the tree tops. Vira was having a difficult time believing she hadn’t walked into a holodeck program. Suddenly she was very interested in who tending the grounds here. When she finally brought her attention to her immediate surroundings she caught sight of a girl who seemed rather interesting, someone who stood out but also tried to blend in. The affable risian smirked and said, “Hi.”

Nevada Flinched at the voice and slowly turned her gaze away from the small patch of plants she'd been Tending too. "Uh...Hello Ensign," she said quietly as she slowly rolled back onto her knees. "Can I help you?" She asked as her expression softened and warmed.

Vira knelt down besides Nevada, getting closer then most species would, the risian had a habit of ‘invading personal bubbles’. Pointing to one of the small plants she said, “Actually I was going to ask you the same.” She gave the Lieutenant a soft smile before added, “I’m Vira by the way. What are we doing exactly?” She asked, not waiting for confirmation the Lieutenant would even accept her assistance.

"Oh...I'm doing some Gardening," Nevada smiled weakly. "I've been Tinkering with Recipes that Require Ingredients From various Home worlds through out the Quadrant," She explained as she gestured over the Plot of Plants she'd been working on. "Romulan Lustiati, Arctic Thyme from Earth," she said with a hint of pride in her voice as she pointed them out. "Its...not really a sanctioned Experiment...but I see no risk in it."

"Recipes for what? Food? Medicine?" The plants made her miss the beautiful flowers that grew all year long on Risa. She started looking for any plants that would resemble those form her memory.

"Foods," Nevada said with a large grin. "if it were medicines I could just synthesize the components I needed," she hummed. "I was thinking of trying to make some Mesoamerican food from Earth using components from across the federations member species, Like these Risan Peppers," she added with a wide grin. "No where near as hot as some of the Peppers Grown on earth but its hard to beat their flavor."

"I'm not too familiar with that style of Earth food. Last time I agreed to Earth food I was given a, burger I think they called it, I was bloated for days." Then when when Nevada pointed out the peppers her eyes widened. "My mouth is watering just thinking about those! Have you ever had them stuffed with rice and cheese?" Vira moaned at the thought. "With crispy edges! Ughhh. Okay now I'm starving. I also have to mention I make a mean frittata."

Nevada smirked at the Younger womans enthusiasm. "Well I could always use an extra set of hands if you wanted to make use of any of these ingredients,"

Vira was beaming with excitement. She then made show of wiggling her fingers, "I'm ready, lets do this! Didn't think I'd be gardening my first day."

"Ha, No one ever does," Nevada shot back with a smirk. "Most people wouldn't know what to do if A senior Officer Tried to make them Garden on the first day on a starship"

"Wait, are you?!" Vira's eyes widened. The Risian clearly had misjudged the woman.

"I am Lieutenant," Nevada smiled weakly. "And the Assistant Chief Science officer aboard the Elysium," she added.

"Hmmmp." Vira chuckled a bit embarrassed but quickly composed herself. "I definitely never would of suspected a senior officer would causally be gardening in the middle of the arboretum." The ensign gave a side smirk before adding, "I'm all yours lieutenant, lets make some magic!"


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