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Home Sweet Quarters

Posted on Thu Jun 17th, 2021 @ 11:35am by Lieutenant JG Siora Carberos

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Siora's Quarters
653 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Siora smiled.

In her mind she was going through all the places she had stayed whilst on board the many starships and stations she had called home over the last 30 years. How they had changed in décor, style and even the comfort of them had moved forward over that time. Her own style had changed too.

Her quarters on the Maderia were small even for being in command. She had limited space to make a mark on them, make them her own. She had always remembered her roommate on the Starfleet Medical, Dr. Boral. She was a Vulcan, prim and proper, needing everything to have its more logical and efficient place in the world. Siora would not go as far as to say the experience was uncomfortable but she made do with what she had at the time. She took the opportunity to get to know the Vulcan, her people and it turned out to be quite educational.

When she made Director of the Borg Division on board Starbase One, she got her own quarters and her interior design skills came in to play far more. She was proud of her heritage, of being El Aurian and wanted to take ‘home’ with her wherever she went. Some may say it was a shrine to a former life, that El Auria was dead and the past should remain there.

Siora was never a believer in that. How does one grow without looking at where they have come from? The experiences of the past make up the person you become and grow into.

As her experience grew, her movement up the chain did too. She relinquished command of the small USS Maderia, her mission over and she moved on to pastures new.

Her quarters on the Elysium seemed far too big for one person. The lavish comforts of her new home seemed excessive, but they were hers, nonetheless.

On her desk she placed a picture of her family. Her mother, father and siblings. They were back on El Auria in front of the Songu Research Institute. Siora had just been appointed to lead her own lab after years of training, of learning her trade as a doctor, a virologist and other specialities.

She smiled as she looked at it, the memories of that day will stay with her for as long as she lived. The sad fact was that her father was no longer with them, and in fact that was one of the last images they had of all of them together before The Exodus occurred.

She placed some throws over the room, on the desk chair, over the back of other chairs. Done by the students of El Auria, some by the students of their new hidden world, Kaitos. They were by no means extravagant but simply patterns pleasing to the eye, that and they were quite cosy if you were feeling cold or wanting the comforts of home.

Her bags were always light, no real clothes to speak of as most could be replicated so it was just personal belongings and trinkets from her travels amongst the stars.

The place was beginning to look like home, well as much as it could under Starfleet décor. Siora had replicated makeshift yoga equipment, in the design of what she used to have back home, and placed it in the corner of her main living space. This was the first time she had the space to do it and she was quite happy with how the computer had followed her instructions.

Sitting down she began on that mat she had just made she decided to try out a few stances. It had been a while since she had truly been able to stretch out and find a peace she had misplaced. She closed her eyes and smiled, the relaxing feeling washing over her as she drifted off into her own little yoga world.


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