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Long time no see

Posted on Sat Jun 19th, 2021 @ 3:10am by Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Starfleet Medical, Earth
Timeline: 2395
1557 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

- 1 week after Kara’s hospital admittance -

Kara was sitting on her bed in a private room away from the prying eyes of visitors to other patients. Mattias had spent what time he could with her after her rape but he’d had to return to his duties. Her bruises were slowly starting to fade they were now turning colour, but she was still sore from the beating she took.

Malakai stood outside Kara's door. He had a bouquet of roses in his hands. He had learned of her admittance from an anonymous tip as well as her being raped. His anger had flared and flowed like a volcano at the news. He blamed himself for this. If they had still been together this would never have happened. As it was, he swore to find who did this and make them the ultimate price. Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door and awaited admittance.

Kara jumped at the sound of the knock taking a deep breath she called whoever it was to enter. Her mouth dropped open as Malakai stepped into the room. “Malakai!? How? What?” She hung her head not wanting him to see how she looked.

"Hiya beautiful." Malakai said as he moved to Kara's bedside a smile pasted on his face. His heart shattered at seeing her bruises along with seeing her look so small and vulnerable. "Brought you some flowers to brighten up the place." He said looking at the sterile white walls even as he handed Kara the flowers.

“Roses, they’re beautiful. Thank you” Kara smiled a little as she smelt the roses, they brought back happy memories of times with Malakai. “How did you know I was here?”

He moved closer, "Oh, a little birdie told me." He smiled as he picked up her hand and held softly. "Kara, I'm so sorry! If we had been together this never would have happened. Please forgive me."

Kara looked up at Malakai in surprise. “It’s not your fault, and this still might have happened even if we were together.” She paused. “Matt came to see me just after my...” She paused. “He left while I was sleeping, he went after them Malakai... all because of me!”

"Stop it Kara, this wasn't your fault." Malakai said firmly. "Your brother and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things but in this case I hope he finds them because if he doesn't I will." He looked to Kara, "However, the big thing is we need to get you better and up and out of here. You can stay at my place Kara to continue your recovery."

Kara’s eyes widened in surprise. “Are you sure? I do have a ship to return to but my Captain said not until I was ready. I guess the docs would like this room back.”

He nodded, "I'm sure Kara. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life but the biggest one was walking away from you. I love you Kara, I always have. I'm just sorry, I've been such a jerk in showing you. You can stay at my place for as long as you like."

Kara offered a more relaxed smile. “I’d like that.”

{Timewarp - hours later}

Arriving at their destination Kara was glad to get indoors away from the looks that people were giving her. She held onto Malakai’s arm as they walked in. “It seems so long since I was last here, can I... sleep with you? When I’m alone I get nightmares, flashbacks of what happened.”

He smiled, "It's been awhile but nothing has changed. "Oh I added some paintings, some Van Gogh's." He said off handily. He stopped and looked at her, "Are you sure you want that Kara? I'm not opposed but I don't want you to do anything you aren't ready for."

“Ohh I didn’t mean...” She paused. “It’s going to take a while before I’m ready for that, I just... need to feel safe. That’s if you don’t mind us not making love?”

"Kara, it's alright. I don't mind waiting, not one bit do I mind. I can assure you that you will be safe here." Malakai replied hoping to ease Kara's concern. "Say, are you hungry? I can fix you something if you'd like. I promise it will taste better than hospital food." He smiled at her.

Kara nodded. “Please I’m starving!” She settled down onto the sofa making herself comfortable. It was starting to hit home just what had happened to her, with Malakai getting food she got up and moved to an enclosed corner crouching down against the wall in a huddle.

Malakai went into the kitchen to prepare a meal for Kara. "Kara? Would you like an omelet?" Getting no answer he repeated the question, "Kara, would you like an omelet?" when silence greeted him again he went into the leaving you and found her curled into a ball in a corner. "Kara!" He exclaimed as he rushed to her side. "Come on, come back to couch, your safe here. No one is going to hurt you." He helped her to stand and they slowly made their way back to the couch. He wrapped her in a blanket. "You think you can handle an omelet?" He asked her softly.

Kara nodded as she huddled down on the sofa in the blanket, curling up in a ball she lay waiting for Malakai to return with the food.

Malakai fixed an omelet consisting of ham and cheese, along with some toast and a cup of coffee. He returned to Kara carrying it on a tray. :Here you go Kara, there's some butter and jam for your toast as well if you want it."

Sitting up Kara put the blanket over her lap and offered a smile. “Thank you.” She picked up her coffee but had to hold it with two hands as the cup shook in her hand, her inner turmoil showing up. Sipping it She gently placed it down before starting on her omelette. “Mmm delicious! I’d forgotten how good a cook you are.” She savoured the rest a little at a time.

"Take your time Kara, I can always fix more." Malakai told her. "As for cooking, I like it, I get to be creative when I cook. However I am glad you like it as well."

Kara nodded. “I love your cooking” she paused picking up her drink again only this time it didn’t shake as badly as before.

"I'll cook for you forever Kara, if you want me to." He said quietly as he sat down next to her.

Kara nodded. “Mal... kiss me, and touch me. I want to know how it feels now, if I can...” She paused. “If I can take it.”

"Um okay." He replied. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not but he could at least humor Kara. He took her hand in his and gently held it and then he leaned forward and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips and waited to see what happened next.

Kara returned Malakai’s kiss, a few emotional tears running down her cheeks. As their lips parted she looked into his eyes and offered a little smile. “I was ... worried I’d freak out at being kissed again!”

"And how do you feel after kissing me Kara?" Malakai asked softly.

Kara wiped her eyes as she looked at Malakai. “It was.... wonderful.” She smiled as she looked at him. “I love you, you know that don’t you?”

Malakai nodded as he held her hand, "I know Kara and I hope you know just how much I love you."

Kara nodded. “I do, but I’m not going to be here forever Mal. Once I’m healed I have to go back to my ship. Come with me?”

He hesitated, "I don't know Kara. Let me think on it okay?" He asked not wishing to upset her.

Kara nodded, stifling a yawn as she did so. “Sorry, I’m tired.”

"I understand. You want to sleep here on the couch or in bed?" Malakai asked.

“Do you mind if I lie on your bed?” Kara offered a smile.

"Of course not Kara. That's what it is there for, to sleep on." Malakai replied as he took her hands in his and gently pulled her up.

Kara winced a little feeling sore, which wasn’t unexpected given the beating she’d taken. Walking into the bedroom with him she looked at Malakai. “Cuddle me? Keep me safe.”

"Certainly Kara." Malakai replied as Kara got onto the bed and he followed. "I'll always keep you safe Kara. Always." As he put his arm around her.

Kara flinched at first but soon relaxed knowing Malakai wouldn’t harm her, she cuddled up holding onto him as her eyes slowly started to close.

"That's it sweetheart, you sleep. Sleep the sleep of angels." Malakai whispered in her ear as he held her close.

There was a brief nod of acknowledgement before Kara was fast asleep in Malakai’s arms.

Malakai watched Kara sleep. He would be her sentinel and keep her from all harm, he silently vowed.



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