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*** CONTENT WARNING *** Growing up is hard to do - Part two

Posted on Fri Jun 18th, 2021 @ 11:27pm by Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: 2385
2960 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure

**** CONTENT WARNING 18+ **** This post contains one off scenes of lovemaking between non blood related siblings. If you are easily offended please do not read. ****


It was the day of Kara’s 18th birthday. Having been accepted into Starfleet Academy she had managed to find herself a small apartment just off the Academy Campus. Her parents had already called to wish her a Happy Birthday, but so far she’d heard nothing from Mattias and she wasn’t sure she would given his career in the Marines. She was just unpacking when the door chime rang, walking to the door she stood back in amazement as she saw Mattias standing outside. “Matt!!”

Leaning against the doorjam, Mattias had a huge grin on his face. "Hey, I heard there was a new, hot shot medical student living here now. You know anything about that?"

As the door shut behind him Kara threw herself into his arms giving him a big hug before the emotion of the moment lead to a kiss, a very passionate kiss.

Mattias enjoyed the tight embrace. It had been too long since the two of them were in the same room. When she kissed him, however, he was initially suprised. Both by it's suddenness and its strength. It brought him right back to that day, when they were both younger, and she had kissed him then.

He remembered that he had felt conflicted then. She was his baby sister, after all! But then, now that they were both adults, while he was still unsure, he didnt stop the kiss either. Once the kiss ended, he tried to catch his breath, "Oh..!" He gasped softly.

Kara stood back giving her brother an awkward look. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” She walked across into her living room back to the box she was emptying. “Please make yourself at home, I was just unpacking.”

As he watched her walk away, he gave her a slight grin. "I...uh...I was just surprised is all. took me back to that day, back home."

Kara nodded. “I remember, that was... nice but embarrassing all at the same time. I’ve no doubt you’re a man of the universe now, experienced with women. I’ve never...” She shrugged her shoulders. “You’re the only man I’ve ever kissed.”

Grinning and chuckling slightly, Mattias moved to help her continue to unpack. "Man of the universe? Not likely. I mean, sure, I've made out with a few women, even slept with one a few times, but I'd still say that my experience is low." He then furrowed his brow. "I'm the only one? What about the times when the ship would take a furlough for repairs? You never had any quick experiences with boys or girls that would be around?"

Kara blushed. “Not really, I was always too shy to let anyone touch me. It didn’t feel... comfortable to be touched by anyone else. We’ve always been close, I feel safe with you.” She shrugged her shoulders. “If it wasn’t for the fact that you’re my brother...” She gave him a smile. “I mean, I know we’re not blood related which changes the map somewhat but...” she blushed as their hands met in the box they were both emptying.

Mattias paused when their hands met. He blyshed as well, as he listened to her speak. "I...I had no idea that you felt that way...about me." He looked worried, as he added, "Did I ever do anything make it seem....?" He was stumbling over his words.

“Heavens! No!” Kara smiled. “I guess it’s just... growing up, hormones and all that. I wish we could... that you could... be my first.” She paused hanging her head feeling what she was saying was all wrong.

Hearing her request, Matrias sucked in a quick breath. "Kay...I...I don't know what to say. While there is a part of me that is flattered...and I recognize that we are not blood siblings...why-why me?" His voice, while shaky, was quiet and soft.

Kara paused her unpacking and sat down on the nearby sofa. “You have always treated me with the upmost respect, care and love. You’re gentle, kind, handsome...” she grinned. “Other guys would just want to rush me, not give me time to enjoy what love is all about. I have no doubt you’d make it a magical experience.” She looked up at Mattias. “Does that make sense?”

Reaching up with his left hand to scratch the back of his head, he looked conflicted. "Well...yeah, when you put it that way." He sighed as he moved to sit next to her, leaning back in the comfortable sofa. "But...would I still know, your brother after this? I mean...are you wanting to change our relationship from lovers?"

Kara shook her head, “Certainly not! I’m not even sure if it’s right, I’m just... telling you how I feel.” She gave Mattias an embarrassed look. “I love you as my brother not as a lover, if we did...” she bit her lip just being near Mattias talking about this was making her hormones rage.

Though he was human, over the bond they had created during childhood, Mattias could feel the lust and desire that Kara held for him at that moment. Suddenly, he was feeling very warm in his uniform.

Sitting forward, he unzipped and removed his uniform jacket. Underneath, he wore a sleeveless tee, whicj did nothing to conceal how fit his upper body was. The tattoo on his right shoulder was clearly visible as well. "I'm very warm...what've ya got to drink?"

Kara shrugged her shoulders as she eyed how Mattias looked. “Erm... whatever you’d like from the replicator, or there’s a bottle of stuff I was given by a friend. Though I’ve no idea what it is.”

"Lemme see the bottle...please." Mattias hoped that, whatever it was, it was strong. He needed a drink big time!

Kara stood and walked over to a nearby box pulling out a bottle and 2 glasses before pouring a small amount into each . “Here... knock yourself out!” She sipped hers before coughing, “Whoa! Now that is... strong!”

Seeing the familiar amber liquid, Mattias knew exactly what it was. "That's Betazed Honey Nectar." Taking the bottle and his glass, he downed the contents of his glass in one gulp. Feeling the fire go down his throat, he looked at the year. "2265. A very good year." He remembered the last time he had had any '65. It was with Loranna, a full blooded Betazoid, and the first woman he had ever fully been with. They had emptied nearly seven bottles that weekend, back on Risa.

"The Betazoid people, especially the woman, consider this an aphrodisiac." He poured himself some more liquid courage and downed the second glass.

“Mmm I can feel why” Even on one glass Kara was feeling the warm effects, she wasn’t used to her own people’s nectar. “I’ll have another one.” She poured before gulping it down like Mattias. It was giving her the courage she needed to take a step further with Mattias. “So do you still find me attractive?” She smiled as she slid her cardigan off to reveal a strappy top underneath.

Mattias gulped as he, unblinking, watched Kara in front of him. Slowly, he nodded yes, as his mouth hung open slightly. He had to run the tip of his tongue over his lips to moisten them.

Kara moved closer the drink having given her some courage to do so. “Do you want me Matt?”

Instead of using words, Mattias stood up from the sofa, like a hungry predator stalking prey. Once standing, he slowly untucked his shirt. Then, his eyes locked on hers, he pulled it up and off, his toned and tanned body flexed from the movement. Dropping the shirt to the floor, he stepped right up to Kara, looking down into her wide eyes. "Do you still want to do this, Kara?" His voice was heavy with heat and desire.

Kara’s fingers gently reached out touching Mattias’ chest. Her eyes met his, “Yes, I do.” She learnt forward her lips meeting his in a gentle, yet romantic kiss. A kiss that slowly got a whole lot more passionate.

Between the nectar, and that kiss, Mattias's rational thoughts all vanished. Reaching out, he pulled her to him and returned her kiss with an equal amount of passion, his hands moving slowly over her back and ass.

Kara was pretty much lost in the passion of it all, the nectar throwing her inhibitions to the wind she responded by running her hands over his body feeling his muscled torso under her fingers was heightening the whole experience.

Reaching down, Mattias took hold of Kara’s tight ass and lifted her up off of her feet, spreading her legs around his hips. Breaking the kiss long enough to ask where the bedroom was.

Kara looked towards the room behind the sofa. Giggling as Mattias carried her towards it.

Turning, he moved slowly to the nearby bed. Once he felt the bed against his knees, he gently laid her down onto her bed, releasing his hold so she could get comfortable.

Kara was breathing heavily with excitement as Mattias lay her down. She propped herself up long enough to remove her upper clothing throwing it on the floor by the bed, she left the lower half for Mattias.

Slowly, Mattias reached out and gently undid her pants. Then, he pulled them slowly off of her long, slender legs.

Kara was getting more and more excited as she looked at Mattias, her inhibitions gone, she wasn’t going to stop him now.

Once Kara was just in a pair of panties, Mattias slid his boots and socks off, then, his eyes on Kara's, he undid his pants and slowly slid them down, revealing two things. One, he wasnt wearing any underwear. And two, his manhood was fully erect.

Kara looked at Mattias in awe and wonder, wondering how on Earth she would accommodate him inside of her and whether it would hurt. She motioned him closer her fingers touching his body. “Matt... will it hurt when we...” She looked into his eyes.

Crawling into bed next to Kara, he nodded slowly. In a soft voice, despite the nectar and the raging hormones, he said. "At first, it will. But, it will get less so the more you have penetration. Try to relax despite the pain." He leaned closer and kissed her again.

Kara returned the kiss letting herself get lost in the passion it stirred within her. Her fingers touched his body enjoying the sensations it was giving her.

Mattias moaned softly into Kara's mouth as she touched him. Slowly, he moved his left hand to gently caress her right breast.

Kara sighed and moaned at Mattias’ touch, it was so gentle yet it had the desired effect. Her body was responding just as nature intended preparing her for the experience yet to come.

Slowly, he slid his hand down her smooth skin, until he reached her center. After sliding his fingers under her panties, he carefully slid his fingers inside of her and started to stimulate her.

Kara moaned and sucked in a deep breath as his fingers slid inside her, she’d never been touched like this before and it was driving her crazy! Her hands gripped the sheets of the bed as her back raised and fell with the stimulation of Matt’s fingers. Her nearest hand roamed the distance between them before suddenly touching his erection, her fingers trailed along him before gently gripping him and starting to massage, her eyes locked on his watching his expression.

Mattias grunted and moaned loudly when Kara first touched, then started to stroke him. It took all of his will oower not to climax right there. He continued his stimulations of her center, as he kept kissing her deeply.

Kara moaned loudly at the stimulation Matt was giving her, she turned towards him releasing his manhood and kissed him with fire. Breaking the kiss she looked into his eyes, “Take me Matt... please!” She watched him reach for his trouser pocket. “There’s... no need, I’ve have a birth control hypo.” She blushed at that confession.

Turning back, he asked, "Are you sure?"

Kara nodded as she looked into his eyes, “I want this to be special.”

Nodding slowly, Mattias leaned back and wrapped Kara in his arms, kissing her deeply. Then, a few minutes later, he rolled them over so he was atop her. Raising up to his knees, he reached down and gently pulled her panties off of her body. Then, once she was positioned properly again, he took hold of his manhood and gently, slowly, entered her, taking his time, until he was fully inside. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Kara’s eyes never left Matt’s as she experienced the loss of her virginity, she gasped and bit her lip as he pushed inside her. A small moan escaped her lips and she nodded. “Yes... I’m okay.” She ran her fingers along his skin encouraging him onward.

Mattias moaned softly as he felt Kara's center squeezing reflectivity against him. Slowly, carefully, he started the movements of pulling out of her slightly, then thrusting back in. All the while, he watched her eyes and face, to see if she needed him to stop.

Kara moaned as she closed her eyes, feeling the sensation of Mattias thrusting in and out of her was incredible! She never dreamed love making could be so amazing. “Don’t hold back” she looked up at Mattias, “you’re not hurting me, I like it.” She encouraged him to move faster.

Grunting from the pleasure he was feeling, both physically, and what Kara was sending directly to his mind, through their bond, Mattias did as requested, increasing both the strength and speed of his thrusts. As he did so, he leaned down and kissed her, the love he felt for her growing to new heights.

Kara returned Matt’s kiss passionately, her hands encouraging him onward. She couldn’t help but moan and cry out with the pleasure she was feeling. She was rapidly approaching a climax.

Feeling her tightening more around him, Mattias kept the speed and pressure, of his thrusts, constant, so as not to ruin the wave that Kara was starting to ride. He could feel his own climax rapidly approaching.

Kara’s breathing became heavier and she suddenly cried out Mattias’ name as her climax hit. Her back arched and her fingers dug into his back as her muscles squeezed him tight.

Feeling both the sudden tightbess, and the nails digging into his back, pushed Mattias over the edge, he climaxed with force deep inside of Kara. The sensation lasted for several beats.

Finally, totally spent, he collapsed down atop her, his weight balanced on his elbows. Looking deep into her eyes, as he panted heavily, he said, "I love you, Kara." His heart was more open to her now than it had ever been before.

Kara smiled. “I love you too Matt, I always have.” She gently pressed her lips to his in a romantic kiss.

Mattias accepted the kiss eagerly. Then, while he was still inside her, he rolled them over, putting her atop him.

Kara was taken by surprise but she didn’t complain, she was lost in the love they were sharing and her first time was getting more interesting by the moment. She sat up feeling him inside her from this position was a totally different feeling, she couldn’t help but move herself as she started riding him.

Mattias gasped. It wasn't what he had intended for her to do, however, after a few moments, he felt himself returning to full attention inside of her.

Kara leant forward to kiss him, this was one birthday she would most definitely never ever forget. She paused looking down into his eyes. “I’m sorry... you didn’t intend for me to...” she moaned as she felt him tighten inside her. “Do you... want me to stop?”

Putting his hands on her hips, he paused a moment, then shook his head. "Use what your body is telling you to do, Kara." His words came through broken as waves of pleasure flooded over him.

Kara nodded and let her body and feelings lead her, she could feel the pleasure she was giving Mattias and it was spurring her onward as she rode him letting herself get well and truly carried away.

Closing his eyes, Mattias groaned softly as Kara began riging him into sweet oblivion.

Sometime later Kara lay against Mattias’ chest wrapped in his arms. She’d never imagined love making could be like this. “Is it always like this?” She smiled as she held him close enjoying the feeling of being in Mattias’ embrace.

His eyes closed as he was still coming down from the high, Mattias murmered a reply. "It can be. It all depends on how you feel about your partner." A final shiver of pleasure washed through his body, causing him to sigh contently.

Closing her eyes it didn’t take Kara long to fall asleep, fully content in Mattias’ arms.

Mattias felt Kara's position slightly shift, signallibg that she was now asleep. Opening his eyes, his mind began racing through the various ramifications of what just took place, especially if it ever came out.



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