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Posted on Tue Dec 11th, 2018 @ 10:23am by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Gallia's Room
Timeline: Something in the Air +3 hours
562 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

While Kara showered and Tayalas slept peacefully, Gallia, excited beyond comprehension, dialed her brother. She waited for a few seconds, which felt like an eternity, before the Federation logo was replaced first by the logo of the USS McKinley, then by her brother's face, "Good evenin', Charlie boy!" She said, grinning from ear to ear, her voice more Scottish than usual.

"Well, well, what's got that look on your face, sister?" Charles asked, though he had a feeling he already knew.

"Well, I've found meself a good one, brother." Gallia replied, "A fella engineer she is."

"Interesting." Charles nodded, he was beginning to worry about his sister, she seemed to get burned frequently in matters of romance.

"More than that, though..." Gallia began, teasing the big reveal, "She's a Scot. Edinburgh."

"That will certainly make Great Aunt Mary happy." Charles smiled, his Vulcan nature overridden by his Scottish upbringing. He knew it wasn't entirely true, Great Aunt Mary was hoping Gallia would find a young man, have a blood child to carry on the name and title, "She'll be quite happy that you've found someone. Though, you do know..."

"That she's gonna bring it up." Gallia sighed, "I know it. Bloody hell..."

"You know what it means to her." Charles continued, his sister just didn't seem to get what the title and the accompanying lands meant to their family's matriarch, even if it meant literally nothing to Gallia, who currently held the title, whether she wanted it or not.

"Aye, that I do." Gallia nodded along, even if it drove her nuts, "An' I guess sooner or later I'll 'ave ta explain it ta Kara..."

"Indeed." Charles agreed, "So, with all that being said, you two will need space..."

Gallia knew where her brother was going with this and she was going to shut it down in a hurry, "Charles, I appreciate what you're doin', but I didnae call ya to pass Tay off to ya. Kara loves Tay, and Tay loves her, she's gonna stay with us."

"Alright." Charles relented, her knew his sister was every bit as stubborn as their mother and sister, "I just thought it might be nice for Tayalas to have a family with a sibling."

"Ya mean?" Gallia asked excitedly.

"Aye." Charles replied, "Vaylana got it confirmed this morning, we're expecting."

"Charlie, that's the best news!" Gallia smiled, "Why didnae ya tell me sooner?"

"Oh, come off it, Gallia!" Charles laughed hard, "Ya know how ya are, girl! You get excited and nobody can get a word in edgewise. Even Dad!"

"Well, now we both got things we got to be excited about." Gallia said, fighting back joyous tears, "You tell Vaylana I'm bloody thrilled for her, for the both of ya!"

"Aye, that I will." Charles replied, "And you tell your lass she hurts you she answers to me. No, worse, I'll put Aunt Mary on her!"

"I wouldnae wish that one on the bloody Dominion!" Gallia laughed, "I love ya, brother. Love to Vayanla and my little niece or nephew."

"Aye." Charles smiled, placing a hand against the screen, an action Gallia mimicked, "And best of luck with your new relationship, sister."

She watched as her brother vanished from the screen, getting up to start getting her new home ready and tell Kara about her heritage before someone else, namely Great Aunt Mary, did.


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