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The Disappearance of Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Posted on Thu Sep 2nd, 2021 @ 12:58pm by Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: USS Elysium, XO's office
Timeline: MD-7 ???
771 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Commander Lovejoy's console was suddenly interrupted with an incoming transmission. First the Federation symbol appeared and then the seal of the Alindari Imperium. A Federation member world.

Interest to see what this was all about Garrett opened the link and waited for it to be established.

A striking young woman appeared. Almost with Arri's features but with an elegant and beautiful dress and a very elegant Tiara woven in her hair. "Commander Garrett Lovejoy. My name is Alena. I am Arrianna's cousin and Empress of the Alindari,"

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance Your royal Empress. How may I be of assistance?" Garrett inquired.

"Commander. I am worried. Usually my cousin contacts me and family once a week. And if no contact is possible. She explains why. But now she has ceased communication all together. This is strange Commander. She has not been seen anywhere. Not even my Imperial Guard can find her."

As Alena spoke, Garrett reviewed what he knew of Arrianna's leaving the Elysium. "I may be able to shed some light on that your Highness. Arrianna was placed on medical leave to to over work and stress. It was suggested she take some time away from the Elysium. She and her companion Lt. Josephine Carlyle left in Arrianna's private yacht. She may be spending some quiet time with Lt. Carlyle yo recharge her batteries so to speak."

Alena though a moment. "Handmaidens, guards, please wait outside." Alena's attendants left. The channel then was secured."The Defense College's Special Institute of Intelligence has received unsubstantiated reports that a high ranking Alindari has been sold into pleasure slavery." Alena kept her composure discreet. "This a grave matter, and if true is serious. These slavers risk war with the Imperium. We do not abide slavers. But I feel this situation won't resolve itself with military intervention. We do not know who we're going to war with. And even if we did fight these parties it would cause us a diplomatic incident as Federation members with the Federation Council. So... I have decided that discretion will save more lives than brash action.

Garret thought on what Alena had just disclosed. Could it be Arrianna? He didn't know but he's do his best to find out. "That is indeed disturbing information Empress. The Federation has no love for slavers either. I assure you of that. I will start a discrete investigation here. I will send a diplomatic inquiry to all Federation Starbases and outposts as well as to our member worlds to see if there is any news on Arrianna."

"Lives are at stake Commander. If these individuals do possess me cousin. I would rather have our intelligence communities recover my cousin and free these slaves. The, and only then will we bring our defense forces to bear on these parties." Alena noted. "Alindar will do its duty for the Federation, but I and the Senate serve and protect all the Alindari and the Federation peoples who live on our world."

"I agree completely Empress lives are at stakes and mistakes cannot afford to be made. Arrianna and Lt. Carlyle are both highly valued members or the Elysium and we take this report lightly. This is a very serious situation if true as Arrianna has from her position aboard the Elysium access to classified information. I believe in the interest of both parties this is done as discretely as possible to attract no attention."

"Advise your Captain not to send any more crew unguarded on shore leave until we have the answers we seek." Alena noted. "And another thing. My cousin noted she did not always see eye-to-eye with you on everything... But she grew to respect you. Arrianna Salannnis an Vantar would give her life for the Federation. In some ways, she's more worthy of my throne than even I? She is kind, selfless, and courageous... But her mind has been poisoned. I do my best for her, but... I fear what being enslaved would do to her..." Alena noted. "Take care whom you reveal this to, Commander. Those who have the audacity to enslave a Starfleet Officer.... are capable of anything."

"I shall do Empress." Garrett replied and grew silent as Alena spoke of Arri's opinion of him. "Your cousin is correct, we don't see eye to eye on everything but she has always had my respect. She is a highly capable and valued officer and despite our difference of opinion or maybe because of it. I value her opinion and never reject it out of hand. Should I get anymore information I will contact you immediately. You have my word."


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