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*** Content Warning *** The deepest love

Posted on Thu Jul 15th, 2021 @ 9:24am by Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor]

Mission: Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot
Location: Starr family quarters
Timeline: MD19 2045 hrs
1215 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

**** CONTENT WARNING **** Contains some adult content.


Returning to their quarters Kara wasted no time in acting on the feelings she was experiencing from Kate, it was almost impossible not to act on them. Walking in the door she waited for the doors to close before turning an kissing Malakai with all the pent up sexual energy she was holding back. Thee was no mistaking just what she had in mind.

Th doors had barely closed behind them when Kara began peppering Malakai with kisses. He barely got out "Kara!" before her lips were on his and he was kissing returning her kisses. He liked the attention he was receiving from Kara he had begun to feel like the invisible man around her. His arms closed around her even as she was still kissing him and he tried to maneuver her toward their bedroom. It was proving difficult to say the least.

Kara paused long enough to come up for air, her drive was on overdrive as she let Malakai lead her to the bedroom. As they reached the bed her fingers moved to remove his clothes, practically tearing at the them in a hurry to get them off.

Kara was like an octopus as her hands pulled, tugged and tore at his clothes until Malakai was naked. That done, Kara tore at her own clothes until she was as naked as he was. "Kara what?" He managed to get out until she pushed him back onto the bed and following there. Malakai let passion overtake him and he responded with the love he felt for Kara. Kissing her lips, throat and neck all while she did the same to him.

Kara was lost in passion, the pent up passion from where she’d accidentally entered Kate’s mind and the passion that she was feeling now. Not just from Kate but her own passion for Malakai. She trailed kisses down his chest, his abdomen and as she reached his manhood she wasted no time in wrapping her lips around it. Her eyes looked up at him as she pleasured him, wanting to see the pleasure written all over his face.

"OH MY.... KARA!!!!!!!!! Malakai shouted in pure unadulterated passion as Kara wrapped her lips around his manhood and began to pleasure him all with a devilish twinkle in her eyes. "Ohhhhhhhh yes baby, yes." He groaned at the pleasure he was feeling.

Kara kept going pleasuring her husband until she felt she’d pushed him far enough, moving onto the bed beside him she lay teasingly waiting to see if he wanted to return the favour.

"You little minx, you." Malakai playfully admonished Kara as he rolled atop her and gently spread her legs. "My turn." He grinned down at her as with glacial slowness he entered her and began to pleasure her. He was in no hurry. He wanted to have this last as long as possible. as this wasn't about Kara or himself but about them as husband and wife.

Kara couldn’t help but moan as she encouraged her husband’s lovemaking, her fingers ran over his skin digging gently into his back as they made love. She kissed him passionately as she enjoyed the closeness this time brought them.

He increased his pace as Kara's fingers dug into his back which served to further excite him. His lips came off hers for a brief moment as he whispered breathlessly to her. "I love you Kara now and forever." Before his lips found hers again.

Kara returned the kiss with passion, encouraging Malakai even more than she had before as they’re passion reached all new heights. It didn’t take long for Kara’s climax to build her breathing became heavier and as her climax hit she cried out Malakai’s name digging her fingers hard into his back.

Both Malakai's tempo and intensity picked up at Kara's encouraging him as he could feel himself approaching climax. He could tell Kara was close as well as her breathing become heavier. Then like a tidal wave he climaxed and he heard Kara yell his name as her fingers and nailed dug into his back, making their shared passion even more intense, more fulfilling.

Coming down from her high Kara gently relaxed her grip on Malakai’s back, she smiled as she ran her fingers gently along his skin. “I didn’t... hurt you... did I?”

Malakai kissed her softly, "Hurt me? Kara you would never hurt me." Even as he kept his back out of her sight. He looked at her, "That was amazing."

Kara smiled. “It’ll be even more... non-stop amazing if I don’t stop myself from sensing what Kate is going through!” She looked towards their bedside table where she kept a neural inhibitor just incase it was ever needed. “Will you... help me?” She motioned towards the inhibitor. “I want it to be just us.”

Malakai smiled broadly at her, "Kara, I'll be more than happy to help you. You just need to ask and in this case I think it's a good idea."

Kara nodded as she reached out her hand and picked up the inhibitor. “Just place it on my neck, and activate it.” She held her hand out giving the inhibitor to him.

"That I can do." Malakai answered as he took the inhibitor and placed it gently on Kara's neck and then activated it. "Everything okay Kara?"

Kara sucked in a deep breath as her senses slowly disappeared, she hated inhibitors wearing one made her feel isolated and alone. She looked up at Malakai as her hands held onto him like a frightened child. “I...” She shook her head. “Don’t leave me! Just hold me, keep me safe.”

"I'm not going anywhere Kara. I'll stay right here with you." Malakai assured her. "I'll stay here forever if that's what it takes to keep you safe. You are the most precious person in the world to me Kara." Malakai told her, "Don't you forget it."

“I’m sorry!” Kara looked into Malakai’s eyes. “If I’ve made up feel like you’re second best! I’ve gotten used to being alongside Mattias. I just need some time to adjust to being your wife now.”

Malakai looked into Kara's eyes and he knew she was being honest. "It's not the best feeling in the world Kara but I didn't think you were doing it on purpose." He answered as he caressed her cheek softly. "I love you." He repeated again.

"I love you too! With all my heart and soul" Kara looked into Malakai's arms. "I want nothing more than to be the wife you deserve, and the mother our baby deserves."

"You already are Kara," Malakai answered honestly. "You are a wonderful wife and I know you will be a wonderful mother to our baby.''

Smiling Kara rested her head and closed her eyes. It didn’t take long for her drift off into a contented sleep.

Malakai patted Kara's back and rubbed her shoulders. He would never forsake her. He would always be there to protect her and keep her from harm and now with a baby on the way, he was even more resolute in his protection.



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