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Medical File Updates

Posted on Sat Jul 17th, 2021 @ 11:28am by Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay
543 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Olivia was sitting at the desk in her office going over a few crew files in making sure that they were updated. She hated that Gallia and Tay ended up having transfer off the Elysium yet again, but that is the life sometimes when it comes to serving in Starfleet. Olivia made sure that both of their medical files were up to date and sent the information on over to Starfleet Medical so that they would have it on hand and be able to send it to Gallia's next duty station.

Olivia was going to miss being able to spend some off duty time with her little blueberry buddy baking cookies and helping in teaching her some of her swimming skills as well. Hopefully one day in the future, she would get to see both Gallia and a certain little blueberry to do a bit of catching up and see how they have been doing.

After making sure the medical files were updated, Olivia saved the information and then made sure to send an up-dated copy on to Starfleet Medical to handle things on their end. After doing this, Olivia pushed back from her desk and stood up to stretch a little before getting back to the files and reports that needed going over before the work pilled up even more on her. After stretching a bit, Olivia sat back down at her desk to finish up on the items on her desk.

Several hours later, Olivia had finally finished up on all the updates that needed her attention right then. The last few things could wait for another day. Right now she was going to check up on things out in the main part of Sickbay to make sure that everything was still going well and to see if anything there needed her attention.

Walking out of her office, Olivia walked through Sickbay checking things over to see if she needed to do anything right then. Very little needed her attention, due to the rest of the staff on each shift seeing to it that everything had been kept in order. After spot checking everything in the main part of Sickbay, Olivia headed over to the area that Dr Sthilig kept some of the animals that he used in some of his alternative medicine. She hadn't really checked into it before and thought that she should make sure that she at least looked into it a little just in case that there was a need for her to assist with it at some point.

Olivia had done some work back during her time at the Academy with alternative medicine, but it had been awhile since she had done anything with her knowledge. She figured this would be a good time to do a little refresher on that part of her training. Walking into the room, Olivia noticed a lot of different things and many of them she didn't even learn about while at the Academy. Olivia started making a mental note to herself to check with Dr Sthilig to see if he would be willing to share some of his knowledge with her so that she would be able to ensure that she would to continue doing her best over her career.


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