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Not exactly the thrill we thought

Posted on Sun Jul 18th, 2021 @ 5:53am by Lieutenant Samaire MacBride-Reece [Lalor] & Lieutenant Vira Vemre [Whavi]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Ten Forward
Timeline: MD 5 19h00
1163 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Ten forward was full of off duty officers winding down. More then Vira expected to be present on what she considered a weekday. The risian sat alone with two drinks in front of her, she didn't care how it looked, she knew better then to fight the rush when her counterpart finally arrived so she had ordered the extra for her. Vira gave lifted her drink for a sip before casting her eyes out to scan the room.

Samaire came through the doors briskly, and looked around. She smiled and moved to sit on the other seat opposite Vira. "Hi, sorry I am late. Parent teacher interview."

Vira returned the smile and slid the untouched beverage across the table. “No worries at all! How did the interview go? Will Skylah be starting school soon?”

"oh she is already in school. This was an interview about her... truancy." Samaire sighed. "She skipped out of school today."

"Oh bless her little rebel heart! Is she having a hard time adjusting or is she rebellious by nature?" Vira asked.

"I think its a mix of both."Samaire said, "I am sure it bodes well for some vague future career."

"Five years old and already talk of her career?" Vira teased and took a sip of her drink. "It there weren't issues with her adjusting after what you both have been though I would be worried, but it seems normal? What did the teacher have to say about it?"

Samaire's eyes lit with the thought. "Oh how she needs a firm hand and cannot be allowed to roam around the ship without supervision and what she expects me to do as Skylahs' legal guardian ete, talk about flashbacks. Skylah's mother was the same, hated sitting still."

"Can you blame her?" Vira chuckled then lightly grasped Samaires hand, "Your doing the best you can, don't let the teacher get to you. Besides it sounds like this behavior runs in her blood." Vira withdrew her hand and leaned back in her seat.

"Oh it does" Samaire said "She will never be boring, that's for sure."

"I think a nice vacation to Risa is exactly what Skylah needs. Between the beaches and vast forests to explore she'll find some peace of mind." Vira chuckled, "Call me biased but my home world has always brought serenity to its residents as well as its visitors."

"I do admit it sounds lovely." Samaire replied. "And so much more interesting than following Carrington around."

Vira frowned, "That doesn't sound like you were able to observe much...."

"Oh I observed. The woman has no social life. She goes to the bridge, does a shift and goes to her ready room then back to her cabin. She does not leave her cabin at all and no one visits her."

Vira frowned, "That's actually...really sad. And definitely not what I had thought we would learn. Maybe she spends all her time on video call with her fiancé? She not married yet right?"

"according to her record, she is engaged and.. she lost her child about 18 months ago." Samaire replied softly.

"Well now I feel utterly heartless. Maybe this had been a bad idea..." Vira sighed. It was one thing to be nosy and another to be intruding upon someone's privacy. Granted, it was a very thin line drawn between the two.

Samaire nodded in agreeance. "I get the feeling from the crew, everyone else would be quite happy if she just packed up and left. They do not seem to want to give her a chance."

"I just can't figure out why everyone feels that way." Vira began to stir her drink with the small straw in it. "Are you going on the away mission tomorrow? Carrington saw to it that I was included. Had it not been for her I doubt I would have gotten the opportunity. Does that make me biased?"

"No it makes her a CO who wants everyone to have away team experience." Samaire replied. "I have been assigned to one as well."

"How do you feel about it? The away mission. Are you...nervous at all?"

"Excited and yes a bit nervous. These people are descendants from a horrible time in human history. It could end up being a very big mess." Samaire replied with a smile.

"I pray that it's not. Their ideology seems a bit twisted... but things could have changed." Vira said, forever the hopeless optimistic.

"Indeed, I know a lot of people will have pre-judged them. So its best that we do not." Samaire agreed

"Agreed. Sometimes I feel my willingness to see the good in a species will be my downfall. On Risa we're taught to accept everyone's differences. We strive for peace, serenity, tranquility between all. It sounds naïve, knowing all I've been taught since joining Starfleet, but it's difficult for me give credence that a people would rather not coexist with others."

"Sometimes differences of opinions and points of view can cause major issues" Samaire said softly.

Vira was quiet as she took in Samaire's words. She looked out at the other occupants of ten forward. A group playing some game unknown to her, a couple holding hands across a table. There was a wide variety of species present, and yet there was peace among them all. Even if it was temporary and taken fore granted.

"So since Carrington proved, monotonous. Who should our next target be?"

Samaire looked around and considered. "Commander Taylor?" she suggested.

"He's married to the head of security isn't he?" Vira inquired but the plot was already forming in her head.

"yeah and he is the former XO and now chief diplomat." Samaire filled in other details.

"Hmm...this is could be interesting....He could be interesting. I wonder if he's still upset he was..." Vira tried to think of a better word then replaced. "reassigned."

"I would be, wouldn't you?" Samaire asked softly "From executive officer to chief diplomat?"

"Its honestly difficult to even imagine. Wouldn't they normally send an officer to another post with a demotion like that..." Vira's voice was hushed, something about the topic made her feel she needed to be.

"Well that was the process back when I first joined the fleet and I was under the impression it had not changed." Samaire leaned closer and lowered her voice. "But some feel that he was left on the ship as a warning."

"Something like a example..." Vira muttered. She took a moment to get her thoughts together, it wouldn't be easy to 'observe' him but she wondered how much he would be willing to say in light conversation. Not to mention what business do a couple of Ensigns have chatting it up with a former XO...this would be a challenge for sure. "I think we found our next target." She ended with a smile.

Samaire smiled back. "We are going to need a lot of luck"


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