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That's a big ship.

Posted on Thu Aug 19th, 2021 @ 9:44am by Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Captain David Tonelly [Reece]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Elysium
Timeline: Current
1624 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

After looking over Freya's burns Kaden had spent most of his time in his quarters packing his things. Until an alert sounded from the cockpit detecting a vessel nearby. Going to the cockpit he took a seat in the pilot's chair checking his readings it was a Federation vessel.

“What’s going on?” Freya walked in and took a seat seeing the ship outside. “That’s certainly some starship!”

"It must be the Elysium," Kaden replied bringing his ship out of warp. He leaned forward flipping a switch to open a channel. "Federation Vessel, this is Kaden Ross of the Redemption do you read?"

Lovejoy had been monitoring the comms and ship chatter when the call from the Redemption came in. "Redemption, this is Elysium. State your business ." He requested while alerting Lia to the conversation with a snap of his fingers.

Freya looked at Kaden. “Let me” she waited until the comms were open. “Elysium this is Consul Freya Ross, your new Drax exchange Officer, and Kaden Ross your new bartender. We’d like permission to board?”

Garrett's voice floated back to then. "Understood. You are clear to land in shuttlebay one and welcome to the Elysium." He closed the channel and turned to Lia. "Commander Taylor, please accompany me to shuttle bay one."

Freya looked at Kaden and smiled. “You heard the man”

Kaden nodded before giving her a salute. "Yes, Ma'am."

After they docked Freya walked out of the gunship alongside Kaden, her burns needed treatment so once the pleasantries were over she was going straight to Sickbay. “Commander Lovejoy” Freya nodded.

Lovejoy stood waiting with Lia and Corporal Tonelly who had already been in the shuttle bay. As the gunship came to a stop and the door opened he waited for the passengers to disembark. As Freya came down and addressed him he spoke. "Consul Ross a pleasure to make your acquaintance. May I introduce you to Commander Taylor and Corporal Tonelly." He looked at her burns, " You need to go to Sickbay for those burns."

Freya nodded and smiled. “I intend that to be my first stop, Sir.” She nodded politely to Taylor and Tonelly. “This is my...” she wanted to say boyfriend but knew Kaden wouldn’t agree with it. “..friend Kaden Ross, he’s the Elysium’s newest bartender.”

Garrett nodded at Freya's comment then turned and looked Kaden up and down before extending his right hand. "Welcome to the Elysium, Mr. Ross. I hope you enjoy your time here. I hope you both do."

Kaden held out his weapons in front of the Starfleet officers. "I hope you are not going to ask me to turn these over are you?"

Freya couldn’t help but smile. “Those go everywhere with him, they’re inseparable.”

Kaden nodded in agreement although he was good at hand-to-hand combat he rather these people did not know about it. He was not a hired killer anymore plus he had changed thanks to Freya and her family. These Starfleet officers were good people he hoped and potential customers. "Trust me, after spending time on the cesspit I have you grow to sleep with them." He added.

David had been marveling at the new gunboat as soon as she entered the bay. He then gave the new Consul a polite nod and smile. "Ma'am." He then took in Kaden briefly. The man was definitely a warrior of some kind. Possibly even a bounty hunter or assassin-for-hire. He had certainly seen enough of the man's type over the centuries to be able to pick one out of a crowd.

When Kaden held out his personal weapons, David was certain. Though, with the way he had willingly shown his weapons....that was something new to the El Aurian. He had never known of any hired gun to retire, certainly not as young as this man seemed. Then his talents pucked up the chemistry between the two new arrivals. Perhaps she was the reason he had hung up his guns, so to speak.

"Sir, if it'll be an issue, Mr. Kaden can store his weapons in my personal safe. That way, there are fewer people interested in them?" He turned to Kaden and extended his right hand. "Corporal David Tonelly. You both can call me David. I'm the unit's range NCO and one of the scout snipers. Well, currently, I'm on medical leave. But, my safe is open to you, if desired."

Kaden pulled back holding his weapons close. "I prefer to keep them actually believe it or not I am not in the business to shoot potential customers. But I am not one to be unable to defend my bar, myself, or my customers if need." He confessed.

"I understand your position Mr. Ross but you are on a starship and not some wild frontier or untamed planet and shooting customers is definitely frowned upon. We have a highly trained security force onboard overseen by Commander Taylor." Garrett replied.

Kaden looked at Commander Taylor then Lovejoy he hated the idea of being unarmed but rules were rules. "Fine, but is it too much to ask they be placed a safe in your Armory under my name?"

"I think that is a reasonable request, Mr. Ross," Garrett replied while looking over to Lia. "Commander Taylor, what is your opinion of Mr. Ross's request?" Wanting to keep the chief of security in the loop.

David looked over at Garret and Lia. It was their call, after all. He was just a ground pounder with a long gun.

Freya stood silently watching the exchange, it wasn’t her place to interfere with the discussions.

Lia moved forward and looked at the weapons, "I can't see that being a problem, if you wish to fire them you would have to simply book the time with the armorer. Welcome aboard Mr. Ross".

"Excellent," Garrett exclaimed. "Mr. Ross if you will so kind as to hand over your weapons. Commander Taylor will put them in a safe inside the armory."

With a sigh, Kaden felt like he was turning over a beloved pet to a stranger as he handed his weapons over to Lia. "Just, be careful with them they are custom made and very expensive to replace." But he wasn't completely defenseless he still had the two throwing knives hidden in his belt buckle. Which would have to do hopefully in time he can earn his right one day to have the rest of his weapons back.

Quietly, David let out the breath he had been holding. While he could understand Kaden's reluctance, he was glad that he accepted to rule of the land. Once he returned to active duty, he'd see about allowing Kaden time to practice down in the Marine firing range.

Once Kaden had turned over his weapons to Lia, Garrett spoke again. "Excellent, now that we have that cleared up, welcome again to the Elysium Mr. Ross, Consul Savette."

"Again, thank you all for welcoming us aboard." Kaden noticed David looking at his ship as if curious to get a closer look or cause of her size which did take up the entire shuttle bay. "I...uh...hope you can forgive me for my ship taking up your bay, Commander, she is my baby and I never go anywhere without her."

"Mister Ross," David began as he continued to gaze at the large ship that took up most of the space in the shuttle bay. "I gotta ask... Is that a Hermes class gunboat?" His eyes seemed to glisten as he asked the question."

"Hellfire Class actually only one ever made and I saved her from a fate of being scrap metal over a lucky game of Tongo," Kaden replied.

"One of a kind, huh?" David was impressed. "Well, whoever built her used a design similar to the Hermes, hence my confusion. How many lightyears you put on her?"

Kaden turned facing his ship hands on his hips. "You know I put a few on here but I am the third guy to own this old girl. Can't tell you how much she has seen but when I got her what a mess took me lots of time and money to make her what she is now."

"Would you mind if I poked around under her hood sometime?" David asked, using Twentieth Century Earth jargon as he spoke. "I was a mechanic one time, a long ago, and I worked on a few Hermes gunboats. They were tough little ships." His eyes sparkled slightly, as memories flashed behind his eyes.

Kaden raised an eyebrow. "Hood?" He was clearly confused.

Freya smiled. “I think he’s referring to looking at your engines, I’ve heard the reference before.” She looked to David for confirmation.

"I'll think about it," Kaden replied.

David grinned and nodded.

"If there is nothing else, welcome aboard again Consul, Mr. Ross," Garrett told the pair.

"Thank you all again for the warm welcome, Commander," Kaden replied extending his hand. "Just one last thing, I do not believe the Consular and I have been assigned quarters yet can you look into that for us? My ship has living spaces we can use till then."

"The Quartermaster has your cabin assignments Mr. Ross, you can get them from him." Garrett replied.

“We’ll do that, thank you Commander” Freya smiled warmly at Garret.

Kaden shook hands with the officers and proceeded to the door but paused. Taking out a small device he pressed a button as a forcefield erected over the hatch on the boarding ramp. A transport inhibitor then armed making it impossible for anyone to beam in or out.

Tucking the device into his coat he followed Freya out of the shuttle bay.


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