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First Night Apart

Posted on Wed Jan 2nd, 2019 @ 4:59am by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Ensign Kara Hoffman

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Planetside/Kara and Gallia's Quarters
Timeline: after Second Dates?
936 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Gallia, fresh from the shower and overjoyed for Sami Justice, wrapped herself in her soft white robe and took a seat on her bunk, opening her console to link to the quarters she shared with Kara, wanting to check on Tayalas and Kara. She realized as she waited for Kara to pick up that she'd literally never been separated from her daughter before tonight, hadn't been separated from Kara since they became a couple, either. This was a tough one to deal with...

Gallia's face appeared onto the screen, as Kara sat with Tayalas in her arms. She held a bottle and was cooing gently to the baby girl. When she looked up She smiled. "Gallia, it's great to see you!" Kara smiled. "I already know your worrying your pretty head over Tayalas, but i promise you and as you can see, she's absolutely fine. There's nothing to worry about sweetie." Kara smiled with a radiating warmth. Kara assisted as Tayalas cooed and drank the milk from the silver bottle that Kara held with confidence. "How are things and are you alright?" Kara's brow furrowed a little. "Tayalas wants to know, if her mummy is having fun being an adventurer and a hero."

"It's okay." Gallia shrugged, trying to play off exactly how much she hated not being with them, especially Tayalas, right now, "I mean, I'm sharin' a shelter with Liorga, Estelle, Sami, Anya Neez, and three other women, so it's gonna be kinda like a big slumber party. Rather be there with the two of you, though. I mean, everybody I'm bunkin' with tonight talks funny..."

Kara tilted her head, with a small smile and let out a breath. "I know this isn't ideal, however just because we have a family, doesn't mean we can stop doing our jobs, although I too want nothing more than for you to be here with us too. To be honest, this all came as a bit of a surprise to me. You didn't really explain much regarding your mission. What is it exactly your doing? I've been so busy with some projects that the Chief wants sorted out, and keeping things running up here, that I am sort of clueless." Kara admitted a little ashamed that she was unclear of the current situation.

"It's standard damage control, just on a grander scale." Gallia shrugged, it really wasn't all that different from shipboard duties for her, "We had to set up a force field 'round the hospital, people are panicking, really losin' their minds and violence was almost a thing down there."

Not wanting to upset Kara, Gallia quickly changed the subject, "So, how's she doing with all this?" She asked, indicating Tayalas, "I mean, this is a big change for such a little one..."

Kara grinned with wide enthusiasm as she cradled Tayalas, who happily gurgled and moved her hands to try and touch the screen "Gallia, she has been amazing! She hasn't complained once, or fussed at all. She's such a wee angel! I worry for your safety, so please do be careful won't you? Would you like to be closer tay?" Kara said, moving the youngster closer to screen. Tayalas giggled and smiled with joy.

"Dinnae worry 'bout me, Kara." Gallia replied, smiling as Tay worked for Mama's attention, "I've got Anya Neez and this Orion Marine woman, Mona Lott, here with me, they're havin' a bad bitch competition, I think. I'm safe from any enemies, and Liorga's here to protect me from meself."

Gallia looked at Tayalas on screen, waving to the tot, "I'm glad you two are doin' so well together, not that I had doubts. I see she's been fed, please dinnae forget to brush her teeth, darlin', I mean, I know she's only got those five an' all..." She paused and wiped her eyes, chuckling, "Would ya listen to me, Tay? Mummy's gone flat daft, hasn't she? Of course, ya know what to do, Kara, I'm sorry, it's just kinda... I dunno, never been without her since the night she came into my life. I'll try not to drive you mad, love."

Kara smiled with love. "Dinnae Fash y'erself Gallia. I am not that easy to offend, you know that. You and Tayalas are both so precious to me, I hate not being there to protect you, but I have Tayalas to keep safe and well here, so careful. I promise you Tayalas will be well looked after. Not that there was ever any doubt of that." Kara winked, taking Tayalas' small hand carefully, and moving it to the screen with her own, stroking Gallia's face on the monitor. "We're both thinkin' of ya'."

"An' I'm thinkin' about both of ya." Gallia replied, "Nothin' but. I'm glad there's someone I can count on with Tay... I guess I should get to it, then. My night to make dinner an' all that."

Kara smiled. "Alright sweetie. Just be careful, I know you will be. I know you'll look out for those around you too. Tayalas and I will see you when you return on-board. If you ever need anything, contact me on frequency 556.7. It's my personal comm frequency. Anytime day or night, patch into it and you can speak with me. Tay and I send all our love!"

"And mine to both of you." Gallia answered back, tearing up again, "Have a good night, love you both." She watched them for another second, Tayalas happily cooing as the screen was replaced by the UFP logo, thrilled to know that at least Tayalas was still with family even in her absence.


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