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Checking In

Posted on Sat Oct 2nd, 2021 @ 6:29am by Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay
1648 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Olivia had been working on some of her reports and decided to take a break and check up on Sthilg. It had been awhile since she had checked up on him and had a chat with him as well. Getting up from her desk, Olivia headed around it and out of her office and a couple doors down to check in with her department boss. Seeing that Sthilg was at his desk working, Olivia knocked and patiently waited for him to acknowledge her arrival.

Sthilg let out a yawn as he worked. It had been a long day with many surgeries to perform and patients to see. Know he had the paperwork to fill out. Looking up from his desk at the knock he looked up giving Olivia a smile. " What can i do for you my friend." He said gesturing to the chair.

Olivia smiled a little as she moved over to the offered chair and sat down. "Just thought I'd check in with you to see how you were doing," Olivia replied. "We haven't had a lot of time to just chat about various things due to both of us being busy with one thing or another lately."

" Life isss never quite on thisss ssship. Between the refugesss and my family i'm being kept on my feet." The old lizard replied.

Olivia smiled a little when Sthilg mentioned his family. "There are times were it would be nice to have a bit of downtime so to speak on mission related stuff, so that we could do a bit of catching up on other things," Olivia replied. "How is your family doing?"

" Asss well asss can be expected. My grandssson is keeping his mom and dad on their toesss and everything is prepared for the new arrival. " The lizard responded with a beaming smile.

"That is to be expected on him keeping his parents on their toes," Olivia replied. "It helps them to prepare some for the up coming arrival of his little sibling. Plus, I'm sure that he has fun spending time with you as well."

" He doesss. He lovesss the teddy bear and model ssship'sss i keep making him. It warmsss my heart that he ssseemsss to have none of the habbitsss from the mirror universsse." the gorn replied warmly.

"Well considering the love and attention that you and his parents here are giving him, it would make sense that the habits of the mirror universe have been put behind him," Olivia said. "Plus, I'm sure that as more time goes by, he will only remember the good times here rather than what happened in the other timeline." Olivia thought for a moment before continuing. "I do have one thing to ask and I hope I'm not stepping out of line in asking it. If I am just tell me to stick my nose elsewhere. Since you have a new adopted family, are you still having visions of your wife and daughter that you lost many years ago?"

The old gorn tapped his fingures on the desk as he replied. " No your not ssstepping over the line my freind. I ssstill sssee them in my dreamsss, but I've ssstoped ssseeing them while I'm awake. " He replied calamly.

"That is an improvement at least," Olivia replied. "One other thing that I have been thinking about asking you for when there is time to do it when schedules allow. One thing that doesn't always get a lot of coverage at the Medical Academy is the use of some alternate medicines. I was thinking maybe you could give a few lessons on what you have learned over the years in your travels before joining a Starfleet ship."

" That would be a rather good idea my dear. In fact, I have been thinking of writing a book on that. Two hundred yearsss as a traveling doctor sssound like a good title? " He asked with a freindly smile.

Olivia smiled in return. "It is a VERY good title," Olivia replied. "You could even have enough information for more than one book with all the knowledge that you have learned over the years."

" More like four knowing how i like to ramble on. " He replied grinning. " I'll sssee about running sssome classsesss of sssome of the tricksss i've learned through the years.

"There is still a wealth of knowledge in all of your ramblings," Olivia replied with a smile. "You have first hand experience to draw upon, where as I just have access to the memories my symbiont has from previous hosts."

" Hey don't sssell yourssself ssshort your hossst memoriesss are asss vitial asss an old lizardsss ramblingsss. " the gorn ressured.

Olivia laughed a little. "I will have to remember that," Olivia replied. "Plus, you might have to remind me on the rare occasion." Olivia thought for a moment before continuing. "Do we need to stock up on some coloring pages and crayons for you to have on hand here in your office for when you pull a few extra baby sitting sessions with little Conner?"

The gorn smiled as he opened a drawer and pulled out a few paper coloring books. " I made sssure to ssstock up. That grandssson of mine doesss go through thessse at quite a rate. Do all young mammelsss have thisss ablity."

Olivia softly laughed when she saw the stash of coloring books that Sthlig had on hand already for little Conner. "Most enjoy having the fun of being creative in one fashion or another," Olivia replied. "Then there are others that take up a bit more of an interest in it as they grow older."

" Well, i'm sssure he'll do well no matter what he deciedsss to do. " The gorn said as he drew a piece of paper from the rest and handed it to her. A crudely drawn lizard was tending to a stick figure in a bed.

Olivia smiled as she looked at the picture that Sthlig pulled out to show her of that Conner had drawn. "He has a good start of being able to do some drawing for someone so young," Olivia said. "Before long you will have a lot of drawings to post here in your office as well as your quarters. Just remember to keep encouraging him over time with everything that he is interested in doing."

" I will. Maybe sssomeday he'll become a doctor like his old grandfather." he responded with a grin. " Now enough about me hass anyhting happned to you i need to know about?"

"Besides having the guy that I was involved with for a long time and just reconnected with here onboard after being apart for a long time," Olivia said," up and disappear on me without warning or so much as a word? Not to much has been going on with me. Still trying to sort that out while making sure that I stayed on top of all my duties. Then there is a certain little blueberry that I was getting attached to as well that ended up leaving with her mother when she got transferred to another duty station."

" I'm sssorry to hear that my dear. I'll be missssssing the little girl as well. " the gorn said sadly.

"Hopefully we will get to see her again before to much times passes by along with her mother," Olivia said. "I am going to miss being able to give her more baking lessons and helping out on her swimming lessons." Olivia thought for a moment before continuing. "Have you noticed any changes in the mood of the crew yet due to the change in command?"

" A few. I know we ssshould't but the crew is taking thisss change hard. Phoniex was our captain and i can't believe what'sss being said about her." The gorn replied honestly.

"I've noticed a bit of a change in some when I would move about the ship when off duty myself," Olivia said. "The newer crew that has come on board right before the change and after the change in command wouldn't know the difference really, but those of us that have served with the Captain have had a challenge of sorts to deal with since the change. Hopefully things will be set right soon before things get worse than they already are now."

" I hope so to though i ssstill don't believe what there saying about phonix. There mussst be sssome mistake." The gorn replied.

"It is hard to believe what is being said about out Captain," Olivia replied. "I just hope that her twins are safe and not being harmed in any way at all. I haven't heard anything about them since the Captain left. Have you heard anything?"

" There sssafe with her family. I made sssure of that." The gorn responded

"That is good to know," Olivia replied. "I just hope that they stay safe and no one attempts to harm them. Things wouldn't be the same when we are able to have our Captain back and her twins not able to return with her for the crew to help look after them and spoil them a little."

The gorn nooded. " I've been thinking of reaching out to sssome old freindsss in the KDF sssee if they've heard anything about thisss messss. I know Klingon intelligence is a universal joke of an organisssation, but they may have heard sssomething."

"It would be nice to get some good news for a change," Olivia replied. "We all have been through a lot lately and we could use a good boost right about now."

The gorn nodded. " Indeed." As if the universe could hear the two of them his badge started giving out the emergency alert. " Incoming patient everyone to your ssstationsss." The old doctor yelled.

"It would appear that we are back at it again," Olivia said as she stood up. "Lets see what awaits us this round."


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