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The Widening Search: Part 1

Posted on Mon Oct 4th, 2021 @ 12:07pm by Lieutenant Kathleen O'Shea

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Denora 5
826 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Rhian and her guards finally managed to find him...she was not impressed. "This is what you managed to find for me?" she looked around at their surroundings before focusing on the unconscious form laying on the filth-encrusted bench.

"One of the guards spoke. "I apologize, but...he was willing. And cheap." He shook the sleeping man. "And if it becomes necessary for him to disappear, he will not be missed." He shook the man once again, this time forcing some signs of life from the man. "Wake Lady wishes to speak with you."

Marwick grunted and cracked an eye open. Immediately he regretted doing so. The light was bright and piercing, and was playing hell with his head. Not that he could actually complain about that, it was entirely self-inflicted. Opening the eye again and screwing it up, he took a glance at the guard, 'you what now?'

Rhian spun the Uhlan around. "Just how is..." She gestured toward Elias. "....THIS supposed to be of any use to us? Just what do you plan on doing to keep him sober long enough!" Rhian walked over to the Human. "You...what is your name!"

'What's yours?' asked Marwick snidely as he swung into an upright position, closing his eyes with the momentary disorientation. Just what in the hell did I drink last night? Disentangling his duster coat from his body, he reached into a pocket, and drew out a half-smoked cheroot. Finding a lighter he lit it, and sat back and took a drag of the foul-smelling smoke...

...And suddenly found himself with a dagger's point against his throat. "Human, you had better learn some manner fast, or today will be your last." Rhian stated. Behind her, all 4 guards had their disruptors drawn and aimed at Marwik. "Now, if you would like a chance to earn back all that you lost last evening and more, cooperation would be an excellent place to start. Your name."

Taking another drag on the cheroot was important - it displayed a nonchalance he did not feel. Tapping the ash off the end casually, he said, 'Elias Marwick. Vagrant Engineer. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady ...?' He trailed off, waiting expectantly fir the woman's name.

Rhian smiled and returned the dagger to it's hidden sheath. "That is better, Human. "I am Rhian Terik, aid to Ambassador Llhran Barel. I have need for somebody to perform certain tasks for me, and it must be held in the strictest confidence. Failure to do so, and you will never be seen again in this...or any sector of space.. If you cooperate...the rewards will be most generous. Now..." She walked over to one of her guards, who handed over a rather large pouch. Opening it, he could see the glint of gold and jewels. "...might you be interested in helping a humble subject of the Senate?"

'Certain tasks?' echoed Marwick with a lewd laugh. 'I'm quite sure you don't have to hire anyone to help you with those,' he said, eyeing up the gold and jewels he could see. 'What kind of job is this?' He rubbed his hand against his forehead for a moment, wishing his damned hangover would just disappear.

If Rhian had not needed the man on such short notice, she would have killed him right there and looked for another person to play the roll. But..."So, are you willing to deal or not?"

'I suppose so, yeah,' he replied, 'but I'll require some money up-front, as a gesture of good will, of course.' Given he had no recollection of ever seeing these people before, Marwick was little prepared to deal with them on trust. And they were Romulans.

Rhian nodded to the guard holding the bag, who then closed it and tossed it to Marwick. "Now that we have settled that bit of business..." She handed him a small iso-card. "Here are some instructions for you. Please make sure that you comply with every detail of what is on there like your life depends on it...because it does."

'Ominous,' replied Marwick lightly as he accepted the card. 'I take it the instructions also tell me when and where to meet you?'

"That is correct. Follow these instructions preciously, and there should be no complications. Once you finish these tasks, we will discuss your further employment. Now, if you will excuse me..." She looked around the filth-ridden room one last time, then turned to her guards. "Get me out of this...this dump." With that, she left the area as quickly as she could, leaving Marwick literally holding the bag. Just how things would turn out was a completely different story...

She needed to find the one person that could help to rectify her current circumstances. That was the only way to make this work. It was her only chance.

She needed to locate Kathleen O'Shea.


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