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Grav launcher, what grav launcher?

Posted on Thu Sep 30th, 2021 @ 2:56pm by Ensign Edward D'Gracefull & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: deck 36 Hanger level 2
Timeline: MD08 - all afternoon
848 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Ed was looking back and forth between his P.a.d.d. showing a planed ship alteration, and the Mag /Tractor Launcher system that launched fighters into space. Noting that the modifications were simple and decreased the time that the pilot sat waiting to get launched by 20%. Ed hit the memo button on his P.a.d.d. and sent a memo to Ensign Miraj Derani, saying that Ed needed a few minuets of time to discuss the impact of this ship alt on there equipment and when they could drop the launch system for maintenance. Ed headed towards the mess hall for a snack while waiting for a reply.

The reply came back a few minutes later.

Sorry, I think you've got the wrong person. Fighter drop bay is responsibility of CAG. You need to forward this to Commander Jessica Vaii.

Hope that helps
Ensign Derani

Ed looked at the message, and shook his head. Things were so much different here than on his destroyer. It would take a lot of paradigms being shifted to fit in. Ed thought wait a second... What did she do then, hmmm.

Ed sent a reply asking.

"Ensign Derani, Thanks for the heads up. I will bother the commander next. But while I have your attention. what is your area of responsibility, as it interacts with engineering equipment. I have a large list of equipment upgrades and modifications. I might as well deal with your area while we both are thinking along these lines of thought.

Edward Garnla Gnomomer Chel'Sata, from the House of EL, line of D'Graceful
Engineering officer

Miraj didn't get the response until she had finished her watch, and flicked her eyes over it whilst she was getting changed. Her eyebrow twitched, the flare or her orbital arch preventing it from rising like a full human's would. Surely somene who outranked her would have a clue what she did?

If it flies or has to do with flying, and its not a fighter, then its mine. Main/Auxillary Shuttlebay condition, ATC into same, managing the jollyboats for condition & repair and fitness to mission. Flight training and authorisation, and any and all piloting and navigation of main vessel and jollyboats.

Hope that helps
Ensign Derani

Only after she pressed send did her brain point he'd mentioned a list.
Large list? What list?

She started to frantically search back through her messages in case she'd missed anything from the chief of the deck.

Ed read her reply and pulled up his two lists, he saw several items in the list but no items on the trouble call list, that the crew would put in to have equipment fixed. If something broke. He send her a message.

Ensign Derani, I assume you have your own group of technicians assigned to you? And is there any equipment in your area of responsibility, that is acting up, or needs re-calibration, repair, and or replacement. Even if it needs a conversation with a 25kb short handled sledgehammer named "Bob"?


Miraj giggled when she read the reply
The chief of the deck handles all of that. I'm not aware of a sledgehammer called bob, but I believe a hyperspanner called Nigel is sometimes involved.


Ed replied, ' Bob is is Nigels long lost great great grandpa, and is sometimes called in for mechanical adjudication, and or attitude adjustments for obstinate equipment. If you want to get together some time for a food break, I can tell you a few stories about BOB."

Miraj looked at her padd uncertainly. It seemed a perfectly innocent request.
And she'd never met this Edward Garnla Gnomomer - By DAvy Jones snaggly beard how much name did one man need - and if he was going to be handling the jolly boats he probably wanted to know who'd be making him work. Then again... The last time she'd had lunch with someone it had got seriously weird before the waitress had brought over drinks, and she wasn't sure she could face more of that.

Yes, sure. I'm on Alpha shift, so usually in the mess hall just before or after, and usually around midday for break.


Her stomach gurgled as if to say "liar". Okay so she'd missed breakfast this morning, but she'd lost track of time (again) in the flight simulator the night before and had overslept. But she'd be there most days. He'd find her. Except she had no clue what he looked like. And vice versa.

I'm the one with pink hair


Ed read the message and thought, wow I have never met a race that has pink hair. Looking at the chronograph on his P.a.d.d., Ed made a note and alarm, to remind him of lunch. Ed then climbed back up the jefferies tube. As he was climbing back in to the bowels of the ship, He thought he heard laughing.



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