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Checking in for a check up

Posted on Sun Oct 24th, 2021 @ 8:57am by Staff Sergeant Leilani Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Commander Sthilg

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After Reunion
1105 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Leilani arrived at Sickbay for her medical check up. Before all hell had broken loose with Green’s people Sthilg had implanted her with a new womb...

~~ Sickbay, prior to the takeover of the ship ~~

Leilani had arrived in Sickbay bright and early for the procedure to remove her own womb and implant the new womb Sthilg had been creating for her, she wasn’t sure whether to be excited or afraid. All she knew was she was about to take a step on the ladder towards being able to carry and give birth to hers, and George’s baby.

The gorn smiled as he notiched Leilani walk into sickbay. " Hello my dear how are you thisss morning." He inquired.

“Very well thank you Doctor” Leilani smiled warmly. “I’m looking forward to getting this procedure done.”

" Well if you'll just follow me we can get you prepped. The organ finissshed replicating yesssterday and Vissse has worked her magic to prepare it. It'sss all ready for the transssplant. " The gorn said as he lead the way towards one of the surgical bays.

Leilani nodded. “Thank you” Following on behind Sthilg she had butterflies, even though she was a medical professional herself. “To say I’m nervous is an understatement!”

" Don't be my dear i've been transssplanting organsss from before you were born. " the gorn said as lead the way into the ward. A cylindrical tube lay on hover trolly next to the biobed. " If you'll get changed in the female room we can get thisss ssstarted. Isss there anything you want to know before we begin."

Leilani gave it some thought “Will I need to stay overnight?”

" I'd prefer you ssstay the night, but if everything goes well you can go home by tomorrow." The gorn calmly explained.

Leilani nodded. “That’s fine, I’ll call George later.” With that she headed into the female changing room to change into a surgical gown.

The gorn nodded as he headed into the male changing room as he allowed the computer to replicate his scarlet surgical scrubs onto him. Other members of his team arrived as he exited Leilani already sitting on the bed. " Okay jussst lay down and we can get thisss ssstarted." he stated camly.

Leilani nodded and did as she was asked. Her hands gripped each other nervously as she lay them across her stomach.

The gorn gave her a warm smile as he picked up the hypospray. " Now breath in and out." He said as he injected her with spray.

Leilani nodded and breathed in a deep breath before letting it out, it didn’t take long for her eyes to start drooping. Within a matter of minutes she was out like a light.

With that, the gorn nodded to his team as they got to work.


It only took the gorn a mere twenty-five minutes to do his work. After cleaning himself up and wheeling Leilani into recovery the gorn sat down next to her.

Leilani awoke a few minutes later, a little groggy but comfortable thanks to Sthilg’s care. “Hey doc...” She offered a weary smile. “Was surgery...a success?”

" A complet sssucesss my dear. " He replied with a warm smile. " The body ssshowsss no sssign of rejection."

Leilani smiled the biggest smile yet. “So that means I’ll be able to carry my baby to term once my body is ready?”

The gorn nodded. " You'll need to wait a while for your body to fully ajussst, but i sssee no reassson why not. "

Nodding Leilani wiped away happy tears, this meant more than she could put into words.


~ Current Day ~

Leilani had arrived in Sickbay ready for her latest check up, now she lay on a biobed letting Sthilg see how her body was adjusting to her new womb.

The gorn had a smile on his face as he looked over the results. " We have good preogressss my dear. Sssee how the tissssue isss ssshowing no sssign of rejection." He said pointing to the pink tissue.

Leilani nodded. “That’s wonderful. Actually I err...I don’t suppose there’s any sign of...” She paused. “After recent events George and I we err...” She sighed. “I’m not pregnant again am I? It’s just we got carried away!”

" No my dear your body ssstill ajusssting and will take a while before it can begin conceiving again." The doctor replied calmly.

Leilani breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank heavens for that! Not that I’d be upset if I was pregnant again, it’s just with the baby and us adopting as well. It’d be too much all at once.”

The gorn let out a slight chuckle. " I'm sssure you and George will be back in here before long asking for my help with bringing another life into this world."

“That’s true” Leilani grinned. “How long will it be before I’m able to carry my baby again? I know Emily is a wonderful surrogate but I want to feel my baby inside me again.”

" A month or two jussst to be sssafe." The gorn replied. " Well need to ssstart you on a diet and sssome medication to get you prepared as well."

Leilani nodded. “I’ll do anything, I don’t care what it takes. I can’t wait to be a mother again. In the meantime I have Hendor to worry about.”

" Let me worry about Hendor my dear. You need to relax ssso your body can heal properly." The gorn replied calmly.

Leilani nodded. “I know, it’s just he’s becoming part of our family and as my son I’m going to worry no matter what.”

" The joysss of parenthood. I'm sssure you'll do a great job. " The lizard said with a smile.

Leilani smiled warmly. “Thank you Sthilg. Alicia is a lucky woman having a father like you.”

" And i'm lucky to have her asss a daughter." The gorn said typing up a prescription onto a data crustal before handing it to Leilani.

Leilani looked at Sthilg curiously. “I’m sorry what was this for? I’ve gotten myself completely off track.”

" Updated prescription and dietary requirements to aid in body repair." The gorn replied with a warm grin.

Leilani blushed. “Sorry! I’m all of a dither today, I will relax and chill out now.” She grinned sheepishly.

" No need to apologize my dear. Now go home and relax." Sthilg warmly replied.

“Yes Sir” Leilani grinned. “Thank you Sthilg, I appreciate your help.”

The gorn replied with a smile before giving her a wave as she left sickbay.


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