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Capetown Dreams Two

Posted on Mon Oct 25th, 2021 @ 3:37am by Commander Sthilg & Commander Tholashr sh'Enin & Lieutenant Commander Peleia

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: USS Capetown
511 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

" Hold still." Stated Peleia a slight hint of annoyance showing through her normal emotionless voice. '

The andorian she was treating groaned as the needle went deep into her leg drawing a drop of blue blood as it was withdrawn. Peleia applied a medi patch to the source before looking at the andorian commander

" Commander if you don't want to be in here for skin irritations every week maybe you should stop your contest with Kirk on who can sleep with the most females. "

The andorian let out a laugh as a grin formed on her face as she slid off the bed and pulled up her pantyhose. " And abandon the honour of the Andorian race by letting us loose to a human never." She replied with another burst of laughter. " Besides from what i remember at the academy you and your husband got up to a few adventures"

" We were very young." She replied a hint of emotion slipping into her voice as she looked at the picture on her desk of the young Vulcan in the blue jumpsuits of early Starfleet her arms around a human MACO.

" You still miss him don't you."

" Commander if you ever find someone who does make you complete never let them go." The doctor replied honestly as a slight shudder made the two of them pause.

" Engines must be playing up again." The andorian said as she headed for the door of the small sickbay. " I'll see you later doctor."

The Vulcan nodded as she picked up her medical tools and started the sterilization process. She let out a slight sigh as she sat down on the stool. Other than her nurse she was the only doctor for the eight-five crew of the Capetown.

Not that she'd change anything. The small ship had been her home for the last twenty-five years. True she was no Enterprise, Endeavor or the other Constitution-class starship's, but the voyages had been enjoyable.

Another faint shudder combined with a slight flash from the main light made her lookup. That refit couldn't come soon enough. The old girl needed it.

She had been on board since the captain first took over and she did plan to stay when Commander Peleia. The young andorian did have promise even with her habit to rival kirk.

She let out a sigh. Oh to be young and so free again she thought looking at her wedding ring. She missed her husband long having since left this plane.

The door slid open as her nurse stepped in. Giving the human a nod and a polite explanation that she was going for some sleep she headed for her quarters.

Around halfway, to her quarters the lights began to flick again causing her to pause. This wasn't normal even by the old girl's standards. Her ears began to pick up the sound of the explosion a fraction of a second before the shockwave hit her throwing her against the wall. As consciousness left her head she could see the lights fade into a bright emergency red.


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