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“History Of Violence: Part Three: Questions”

Posted on Sat Oct 23rd, 2021 @ 6:38am by

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Endeavour
876 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Lt. JG Sorcha Kavanagh
Assistant Chief Counselor
USS Endeavor

Ensign Anastasia Borgia
Science Officer
USS Endeavor
Lieutenant JG Liam Borgia,
Security Officer
USS Endeavor


“I heard you were talking to a counselor today at lunch.” Liam’s words froze Anastasia in her tracks as she entered the cabin.

She looked at him. “Jordan and I often eat lunch. You know that.”

“Not Jordan. The Former Chief. Kavanagh.”

“She joined us. I did not invite her.”

Liam stepped up to her. “Did she ask any questions?”

“No.” Ana replied. “She spoke about her children and wanted to know if the science department had any children’s activities she could give them to help them in their studies. I told her I would get them for her and left her there.”

“And then she went to the Bridge.”

“So?” Ana asked moving past her husband to the kitchen to start dinner.

“Are you certain you did not say anything?”

“Liam, why would I?” Anastasia asked as she set about getting food out.

He watched her and then headed to their bathroom. “I am going to shower. I will be back out shortly.”

“Dinner in 10.” She called out as she put some steaks on the griller in the kitchen.

“I’ll hold you to that.” He replied and vanished into their bathroom.

Once he was gone, Anastasia set the table, made a salad and turned the steaks. Her hands shook as she aligned the cutlery perfectly. She knew the bathroom was perfect, she had come home after lunch to double check. The entire cabin was perfectly neat. She was just placing the last of the food on the table when Liam came back out, dressed in his robe.

He smiled warmly at her and she smiled back pleased with his praise and they sat down and ate.

=/\\= Kavanagh’s Cabin =/\\=

Night had fallen on the Endeavor and Sorcha had put her kids to bed. Now she sat at the table surrounded by paper work, and text books. She had been observing Anastasia Borgia and her husband by aimlessly wandering the ship for hours. She had made sure she always looked busy when they glanced at her. But she was reviewing the classic symptoms of Spousal abuse. She had not yet chosen to take her suspicions to the security office, nor to the XO. As far as she was concerned it would be ineffectual right now to do so.

She needed to get more information. More proof either for or against the husband. She prayed she was wrong but was not banking on it. The body language of Anastasia was easily read and she was scared of the man and scared to say anything. Jordan was probably right and that scared Stephanie to the point of caution. She did not want a broken and bleeding Woman in medical and the husband gunning for those who interfered.

She was about to put her books away when her cabin door chime sounded. She stood, glanced at the Chrono and frowned. It was midnight. “Come in” She called out and stared as Ensign Borgia entered. “Ensign?” She asked curiously.

“I... apologize for the lateness of the hour Lieutenant but… I didn’t know who to speak to.”

“Please come have a seat.” Sorcha said softly. “Can I get you anything? Tea?”

“No... I am fine thank you.” Anastasia sat down on the couch as Sorcha sat down opposite her.

“What is wrong Anastasia?”

Anastasia looked at her hands and said. “My husband knows you spoke to me.”

“I am sorry.” Sorcha replied and she was.

“I lied to him. Told him you wanted science stuff for your girls.”

Sorcha waited.

“If... he finds out I am here… he will be very upset.” Anastasia looked at Sorcha. “I don’t want him upset. I am here to tell you to leave us alone. Don’t come near us and don’t hover in the halls as you were doing today. He noticed that as well. He is security. He could have you brigged. Stay away from us Counselor. For your sake and that of your children. IF he thinks you threaten us in anyway, he will have you arrested.”

Sorcha merely raised an eyebrow. “Threats Ensign?”

“No merely the truth.” Anastasia stood.

“Are you more scared for me or what he will do to you if I don’t?”

Ana refused, to meet Sorcha’s gaze. “You make think what you will. Liam loves me. He would never deliberately harm me. You and Jordan are wrong about him.”

“Wrong? Look at you Ensign. You are here at Midnight threatening another officer with what your husband will apparently do to them and yet you are shaking at the thought of what he will do to you if he finds out you even spoke to me.” Sorcha replied.

“Just leave us alone!” Anastasia snapped heading for the door. “Do not come near us again.” She opened the door and left the cabin.

Once the doors shut behind her, Sorcha sighed and said to herself “Well if that isn’t a cry for help I don’t know what is.”

She got up and went back to her paperwork and research. No sleep again tonight…


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