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Chain of Command

Posted on Sat Oct 23rd, 2021 @ 3:52am by Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD8 0900hrs
2043 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Garrett sat waiting for Commander Taylor and Lt. Whavi to arrive. He had just been promoted to Captain and the Elysium was his to command. He wanted to inform Taylor and Whavi both as well as remind them of the chain of command.

As he waited, his door chime sounded, "Enter." He called out. As the doors slid open, Commander Gary Taylor former executive officer of the Elysium entered. He had been XO under Phoenix Lalor but had been 'transferred' to chief diplomatic officer under Captain Carrington as Carrington wanted no member Lalor's senior staff in command positions.

"You wanted to see me Captain?" Gary asked.

"Sit down Gary, I'll explain everything when Lt. Whavi arrives." Garrett replied evenly.

"Yes sir." Gary answered as he slid into a chair and waited.

Exhausted, Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi headed towards the Captains ready room. She, as well as the majority of her staff received little to no rest the night prior, having placed the emergency repair of the Elysium above their own needs. Freshly showered and in a new uniform she inhaled deeply before ringing the chime.

Hearing the chime, Garrett glanced at Gary, "Ah, that would be Lt. Whavi." He paused only an instant before calling out "Enter."

When the door swooshed open Baeryn entered, giving both males a smile and a nod. "Taylor, Lovejoy." She walked to the open chair but paused before taking a seat not wanting to assume.

Garrett waved her into a chair. "Please Lieutenant, have a seat so we can begin this conversation."

Gary nodded at Baeryn. "Hello Baeryn." A genuine smile on his face.

After taking a seat Baeryn couldn't help the brighter smile that graced her face when she looked over at Gary. "Hi Gary."

"Ahem." Garrett interrupted. "Before we begin if either of you want something from the replicator, please get it now."

Bringing her attention back to Garrett Baeryn declined the offer, "No thank you."

"You are sure? No pretzels or a milkshake?" Garrett gently teased Baeryn. "don't want your stomach grumbling."

The hybrid rolled her eyes. "I'm sure my unborn child appreciates your thoughtfulness loveles- " Baeryn quickly corrected herself remembering Commander Taylor was present. "Garrett." She smiled and cocked her head to the side.

Gary looked between Baeryn and Garrett. "Loveless?" He asked the question hanging in the air.

"It's Lt. Whavi's nickname for me Gary." Garrett replied with a smile before turning his gaze back to Baeryn. "I may have to rethink the contest of what I was about to say. But I don't believe you'd like that Baeryn."

Whavi cleared her throat knowing she should have been chastised for speaking so unprofessionally. "What would I not like?"

Garrett smiled like the cat that ate the canary. "Why yo and Gary were called here. As I have been appointed Captain of the Elysium. I need to set up my command team." He looked between Gary and Baeryn. So in that context. It pleases me to announce that Commander Gary Taylor is once again the executive officer of the Elysium. Congratulations Gary, I'm afraid I'm going to be leaning on you quite a lot."

Surprise was evident on Gary's face. "Thank you Captain."

Garrett nodded. "I hope we can come close in having the same type of relationship you had with Captain Lalor." He finished before he took in Baeryn. "That brings us to you Waverider."

Baeryn reached across the gap between their chairs and placed a hand on Gary’s forearm and squeezed, it was the closest to a hug she could manage at the moment. In reality she wanted to jump with joy that Taylor was reinstated as second officer. The joy was short lived as she turned to Garrett with a bit of dread in her expression. Her nose scrunched at the use of the nickname as she waited for Garrett to continue.

"Thank you Baeryn." Gary said sincerely. Then grew silent as Garrett mention her.

"As I now have an experienced First Officer. I also need a second officer to support him, and in turn support me. To learn, bring issues to him and if he feels they are warranted bring them to me. and additionally if need be take command." He paused he looked at Baeryn. "Therefore after careful and extensive examining of the facts I have come to the conclusion. There is only one person I would want as my second offer..... Congratulations Baeryn that person is you."

Gary spoke quickly. "Congratulation Baeryn!!!!!!! " As he placed a hand on her shoulder. "That is wonderful. I look forward to us working together.

Baeryn's jaw dropped slightly, she could think of at least five officers that were more qualified for the position, all of whom had more command experience then she did under her belt. She stuttered, "Are you...are you sure?"

Garrett stared at her, his expression unreadable. " I do hope you aren't you questioning my decision Lieutenant. You aren't are you?" He asked firmly.

Her voice raised in volume, "No! I would never...I just.." She sighed and relaxed her shoulders a bit. "Thank you Garrett, i'm honored."

"I have confidence in you. Gary has confidence in you. Time for you to have confidence in you. Don't doubt yourself Baeryn. You have the talent and the ability. You it." Garrett stressed.

The support warmed her heart as she nodded, "I wont let you down." The corner of her lips perked up and she turned to Gary to share a smile.

Gary returned the smile, "You won't Baeryn. More importantly don't let yourself down. Your a good second officer. The crew likes you. However you can be excellent with a little more seasoning."

If Baeryn was being honest she hadn't even taken two seconds to realize there would be a change in the command line after the unfortunate events of Carrington. Though she was glad to see Garrett do right by positioning Gary where he belonged. "I can only hope that working along the two of you, I'll get there. So... what now?"

"The three of us will have monthly meetings to discuss various aspects of the ship and crew. I would like you and Gary to work closely on restoring ship morale and pride. Pride that this ship lost when Phoenix was removed." Garrett answered.

"And how will we announce Gary's transition back to second officer? The crew deserves more then a memo... if i'm being honest." Baeryn stated. The delivery of this information would be paramount.

"First Officer Baeryn. You are Second Officer." Garrett teased her before getting serious. "I agree. No memo. A ship wide announcement will be made and I will announce it and your continuation as second officer."

Baeryn laughed shaking her head, "Sorry! I guess I my mind is still on this whole second officer position."

"Quite alright Baeryn." Gary assured her. "No harm, no foul. just watch it." he teased her.

"Ha!" Baeryn felt more settled somehow, though it wasn't hard given the company. Both men had an air about them that she respected, "I'm not making any promises Taylor."

" I see, I'm going to have to watch myself and stay on my toes. Otherwise I might find myself deposed." Gary bantered back.

Baeryn lifted one shoulder in a shrug while lifting her hands, "Never let your guard down Gary." She teased then looked back to Garrett. "Thank you, not only for having faith in me but also for keeping me on as second officer."

"Haven't so far Baeryn." Gary assured her.

"You earned Baeryn." Garrett informed her. "And you deserve it,"

"I wish my congratulations were under different circumstances Garrett, but regardless, I know you'll make a fine Captain. So congratulations as well." Baeryn laughed, "I really wish we could toast to this right now!"

"Thank you Baeryn." Garrett answered sincerely. "Who says we can't toast ourselves?" He questioned.

Laughing Baeryn patted her still small pregnant stomach, "If you'll accept my toast as a sparkling water i'm in."

"I think that can be arranged." Garrett replied as he walked over to the replicator. "Two glasses of champagne, one glass of sparkling water." An instant later three glasses appeared and Garrett carried Gary's and Baeryn's theirs's before going back to get his. Returning to his desk, he raised his glass. "To the new command team of the Elysium. May they continue to uphold the fine tradition of previous command teams."

Grinning, Baeryn raised her bubbling glass in the air towards Garrett's. When all three glasses clinked she brought it back to her lips and took a small sip. "I have a great feeling about this boys."

Gary nodded at Baeryn's statement. "I concur Baeryn. I think this is going to be the start of something we can all be proud of."

"When will the announcement be made? If you don't mind me asking?" Baeryn asked before taking another sip from her glass.

Garrett looked at Gary and winked before answering Baeryn. "Well, my impatient Lieutenant, if you will allow us, me enough time to finish our drinks, I will announce it right after that." Garrett answered with a grin.

"Loveless I thought you were aware of my impatient nature." She teased.

"I was and I am Waverider but hope springs eternal." He quipped.

"And here I thought I was the hopeless optimistic one." She smirked but raised her glass to her lips.

"See? How little you know." Garrett teased playfully.

Gary watched the byplay between Garrett and Baeryn. It was clear (at least to him) they liked each other. Plus watching the give and take, Gary saw a side of Garrett he never knew the captain had. He had a sense of humor and wasn't the stiff, humorless pain in the ass, he and the rest of crew thought.

"That's why I have Gary, you know, to help me catch up on all my missing information." She narrowed her eyes playfully at Garrett before turning to Gary with a smile.

"Ah. Now my purpose becomes clear. To supply Baeryn with the mountainous mass of information that she is missing." Gary matched Baeryn's smile with one of his own.

"Isn't that what elders are good for?" Baeryn asked with a hint of sass.

"I don't know Ensign Whavi, is that what elders are good for?" Gary bantered with Baeryn.

Whavi burst with laughter. "Okay okay, " She managed as she gasped for breath.

Gary couldn't help but laugh with Baeryn. "See Captain, I told you Baeryn was bright, quick on the uptake."

"So I see Gary. It looks like we made the right decision in keeping Lieutenant Whavi as second officer." Garrett answered with a grin.

"The crew is going to be ecstatic to to hear about Commander Taylor, I expect you'll be quite a busy man the days the follow." Baeryn said as she looked to Gary.

"It is where Gary belongs." Garrett offered "And i hope they are."

Gary smiled, "I suspect you are right Baeryn. I know I'm happy to be back as XO."

"Well boys, unless there's more to discuss I was hoping to get back to Operations. I have quite the mess to clean up." Baeryn's mind was also on David whom was still in sick bay under observation but she still braved a smile.

"Nothing else Lieutenant, go back to Ops. I'm sure Gary and I have some work we can do as well." Garrett said with a grin. "Oh wait." He reached and opened the shipwide com. "Attention crew of the Elysium. It gives me great pleasure to announce that Commander Gary Taylor is once again Executive Officer and Lieutenant Whavi remains Second Officer. That is all."

He smiled as Baeryn, "As promised."

"Short and sweet. I like it." The lieutenant stood and took her half drank glass back to the replicator. When she turned she paused, "If there's anything I can do to honor... Carrington please let me know." Baeryn hadn't let it sink in until now that the former Captain wasn't reassigned or missing... she was dead.

"I will Baeryn and thank you." Garrett answered solemnly.

Lieutenant Whavi smiled and nodded goodbye to both men before making her exit and returning to operations... but not before a pit stop in medical to check on David.



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