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"Look at her, all superior looking."

Posted on Tue Oct 26th, 2021 @ 1:01am by Lieutenant Myne Redal
Edited on on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 7:36pm

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Forward Lounge
Timeline: MD1 - 2000
1156 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


T'Kara entered the lounge and began to do some work while having some tea. Her usual 'I need tea to work' thing, and she focused on her padd while sipping.

Myne was still in her Super Garrett t-shirt, having just parted the meeting with her new friend Rin. For some reason, she felt very anxious. It was hard to distinguish between her own feelings, which were hers, the current host and not the feelings of the host before her. Her talk with Rin had left her full of a deep sense of loss that she had never experienced before. So going back to her quarters was out of the question. So, maybe she just needed some more time to unwind and clear her head. Moving to a different lounge sounded like a good idea. And going in, ordering millipede juice and taking a seat in a corner was way one of doing it.

T'Kara suddenly found herself staring at Myne. 'Oh look. It's a Trill. Probably a joined one. Look at her all superior looking with those spots and that hair. Probably made valedictorian. I wanted to be valedictorian, but the bolian got it. The bolian. That is not logical. Not it's not.'

*Ever got that feeling that someone is watching you... oooooh.* Myne raised her head from staring at her drink to look around, seeing someone staring at her. Well, that is not awkward at all, and why that intense stare. *Did I piss that person off? Gotta be, seems like that always happens no matter the host. Fucking Redal and your fucking bad luck. You are a bad luck symbiont if there ever was one.* With a sigh, Myne got up from her table and approached the stranger, taking a seat at her table. "I am sorry. For whatever I have done to upset you." She said in a meek, apologetic tone.

"Indeed." T'Kara noted simply. 'Oh come here to rub it all in, have you. Well I'm not falling for it.' T'Kara noted internally. 'You're up to something, Trill.'

"Can you tell me what I did to upset you at least? You Humans are so hard to understand, it is really confusing." Myne sighed at looked at person on the other side of the table. She felt confused as to why she was getting this kind of stare.

T'Kara raised her eyebrow. "I am not human, I am Vulcan." 'Eww, she compared me to a human... most illogical.' ((LOL))

"Vulcan? Ah the Romulan lookalikes. Sorry, to be honest, all of you non-Trills kind of look the same to me. Except like Gorn, Ferengi and Klingons. They kinda look very different. Vulcan, hmmm, oh you are the logic guys, right?" Myne asked, her demeanor was getting more cheerful as curiosity got the better of her.

"No, it's the Romulans that are the Vulcan..... 'lookalikes.' In fact they're an offshoot of our race. Vulcans that left Vulcan during the time of Surak." She noted. 'Logic guys?!?'

"Sarak? Sounds Klingon. Sorry, I have never heard of him. Did not know that Romulans came from Vulcans. Soo... why do they have an empire while you guys do not?" Myne asked looking at the Vulcan curiously.

"Su-rak." T'Kara noted. "Not Sarak... and no we don't have an 'empire.'" 'Is she for real?'

"Su-rek!" Myne repeated happily. "Huh, guess they just inherited the lame empire building skills while you guys got logic. Yay, right?" The way she said it, was like an adult would say to a child that their crappy little art project is not bad, but yes, it is art, for realsies...

"SUR.......... RAK......." T'Kara gave her a wicked look. 'Oh no..... the Trill upstart will not undermine my logic!' She said internally.

"SUR... RHAK!! Double R's right?" The Trill looks at the Vulcan repeating almost perfectly, well, repeating the manner of speaking, not the name. She still got the name wrong. But the Trill was eagerly trying to copy the Vulcan like an eager child, and her mood seemed to improve greatly as each such moment passes. Her smile simply getting wider and wider.

T'Kara stared at her then typed on her pad.

"SURAK." It said on the padd. 'You miserable little mocking punk.' T'Kara spoke mentally to herself, all her emotions hidden within a shell of Vulcan stoicsm.

Looking at the PaDD and blinked a few times, turning her head to the side and staring between the Vulcan and the PaDD a few times. "SU-RAK! Ha! I got it!! Fancy name, weird for a girl though, right?"

"SURAK WAS A MAN!!!!" T'Kara suddenly burst out. with everyone looking at her. The Vulcan stood and dusted herself off. Collecting her logical training, she then downed her tea. "A pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant. I have things to attend to." She turned to leave.

"Wait!! Don't go!! You haven't yet told me why you are so upset with me!! I would like to learn more about this Su-rak man. Was he Vulcan as well, right? Was he like that Human Jensus?" Myne asked looking rather distraught and meek up at the Vulcan, worried that once again she made a mess of things. "Please?" Her eyes began to water a little. "Please tell me what I did wrong? Please?"

"How did you ever graduate the academy?" T'Kara mentioned. "Cultural Studies is a required course in Starfleet Academy. And it was Jesus and he was a man."

"Erm... Jee-sus, male, Human. Thank you." Myne fidgets in her seat awkwardly, blushing and looking away. "Almost did not graduate. Was a close call at some classes. Had two teachers who said that the ship that takes me on is bound to be cursed to have me aboard..."

"Indeed... Good day Lieutenant." T'Kara walked away and began to walk a heavy pace to escape her.

"Wait, please! You haven't still told me!!" Myne gets up and goes after T'Kara. "Please!!" This is so nerve-wracking, damn it Redal, you and your stupid bad luck.

Several corridors away, T'Kara huffed as she hid from her. 'Please don't see me, please don't see me.'

Appearing from another corridor, Myne stopped near T'Kara breathing heavily, out of breath. "Wait... you are... so fat... I meant fast..." Taking a few more breaths she continued. "My name... is Myne... by the way... You haven't... answered my... question..." She offered a hand to shake, the other still holding onto her other knee as she continues trying to calm her breath.

What could be heard as a deafening Vulcan scream erupted in the corridors of the deck. T'Kara bolted running from Redal like she was the devil herself.

"Craaap... well... maybe I'll bump into her another day. Can't catch up..." Myne sighed and leaned against the wall, still breathing hard.


Commander T'Kara
Chief Science Officer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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