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Introductions in Intelligence

Posted on Wed Oct 27th, 2021 @ 7:38am by Lieutenant Commander Rin & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Intelligence Blister
Timeline: MD1 1200
786 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The doors opened and Rin strode into the Intelligence office for the first time, hands behind her back. She stopped and turned since she was in the front of the room.

"Listen up, everyone," she said matter-of-factly. truth was, she already had most people's attention as a stranger in the office with their grey and black uniform and pips on her collar.

"I'm Lieutenant Rin, and I am the new Chief Intelligence officer. I understand you have been without one for a while. From your files, it appears you compensated well. Congratulations. I don't see a need to make a great many changes to practices here. There are a few adjustments, however, mostly in regard to a more efficient flow of information within the department and toward myself."

She proceeded to lay out her handful of changes to those assembled.

"Are there any questions?"

Who on this voidforsaken ship is shouting, M'Tuuri thought as she sat up from the chief's desk, awoken by Rin's sudden announcement. "I explicitly told purrple to talk quietly." She growled while padding quickly over to the door, the fur on her left cheek matted and misplaced from her nap.

"Which one of you isn't using their indoor voice?" She quipped with a snarl, glancing around the room with wide black eyes before finally narrowing on Rin, her narrow slits examining the newcomer with ire.

"Lieutenant?" She asked as the word slowly devolved into a wide-open yawn.

"Lt. Rin, the new Chief of Intelligence. And who might be gracing us with their presence?"

M'Tuuri groaned inside while somehow finding the strength to stop her eyes from rolling, Oh for fuck sake... she thought as a diplomatic smile grew on her face. "Lieutenant Sh'iss... Infiltration spurrcialist and until just a moment ago, acting chief of intelligence."

Rin frowned slightly. "Interesting...they left that bit out of the reports. Hello, Lt. Sh'iss. Well, since you have been acting in my stead, can you catch me up on what our highest priorities are at the moment?"

"I bet they also didn't tell you I've had thisss conversation with thrrre other people sssince I came aboard..." M'Tuuri practically growled, her clawed fingers still possessively holding onto the office door. "So try not to change things too much, I'll only be changing them back next week." She added before walking back inside the office, leaving Rin standing alone as the rest of the department had quietly slunk away, getting out of the way of whatever was going to happen next.

Rin followed Sh'iss nonchalantly into the office. "I'm assuming you're coming in here so you can update me in private, yes?"

"Nothing to update you on..." M'Tuuri fired back as she turned and placed her rear on the edge of the desk, her tail swaying gently beside her.

"hmmm? I thought you said you've been acting chief of intelligence. Surely you've been working on something. No matter. I'll assume your paperwork is in order. Then, if there's nothing else, you can get off of my desk."

"Acting chief in name only, none of the security clearances or access codes..." She sighed, still sitting on the desk. "Granted I've done what I can with my hands tied behind my back," M'Tuuri growled as she crossed her arms across her chest. "So you're walking into a department that has been purrpetually sat inside a pattern buffer, waiting to materialise and do something."

Rin took another step forward, getting inside M'Tuuri's personal space. "Moaning and groaning noted," Rin commented evenly. "I'll make sure there's plenty of work on your desk tomorrow. You're relieved. Take some time to readjust your attitude. You are an officer and lead by example. Now. Get. Off. My. Desk."

She looked M'Tuuri straight in the eye as she spoke. She never raised her voice, although there was definitely emphasis behind the order.

Her feline eyes went wide, dilating to encompass all but the smallest slither of colour. "Oh, I like you already..." She grinned, showing her fangs as her irises returned to the usual narrow slits.

"Maybe you'll last a bit longer than the last one..." She purred while standing up, putting herself even further inside each other's personal space before moving towards the door, trailing her tail briefly against the side of her new chief.

"Surviving has not traditionally been a problem of mine."

She waited until M'Tuuri had left and the door closed behind her before sitting down in her chair. She reached for the console to bring up the lieutenant's file and discovered her uniform sleeve covered in fur. Looking down, she realized the 'acting chief' had shed pretty much everywhere, and set herself to the lengthy task of cleaning it all up.


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