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Posted on Fri Dec 28th, 2018 @ 9:00am by Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Field Hospital
Timeline: current
594 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

"Savar?" Estelle called out to the Vulcan. "I could use your professional help here. Are you free?" There were several people on biobeds, all still unconscious, who bore the scars of rioting. "These people got hurt freaking out, injured each other. I want to make sure they don't continue this destructive behaviour when we wake them up."

Savar turned and walked over to the surgeon. "I am free Doctor." As he came to stop alongside her. He glanced at the biobeds and the unconscious people on them. "A wise precaution. What do you desire of me Doctor?"

"Can you look at these readings, tell me if any of it suggests that their unusual behaviour is chemically induced?" Estelle asked. She figured the mental health professional, especially since he was Vulcan, would know a lot more about this than a surgeon.

Savar didn't answer, he did however arch an eyebrow as he looked at the readings of the unconscious patients. After studying the readings for several seconds he turned to face Estelle, "No, Doctor, these readings are not indicative of any chemical being present. However if I may offer another possibility. I believe what you are looking at is borderline paranoia or depersonalization disorder."

"And that is brought about by the conditions on this world?" Estelle wondered. She had a hard time believing that people, most of whom would be reasonably well-educated, considering what the Federation offered even on remote worlds, would just lose it like this. "What can we do to help them?"

"That is brought on by the present conditions on this world. Which I suspect have been going on for some time. What you see before you is the end results of those conditions." He corrected. "As for what we can do to help. The solution is obvious Doctor. Remove the cause."

"I was thinking, something more immediate", Estelle said. "For these individuals. I'll have to wake them up but I don't want to have to restrain them, as that won't exactly help with their physical recovery. Besides, most people don't enjoy being restrained, as I'm sure you know. Come on, give me something we can work with."

"Doctor." Savar began again. "What has happened to these people is immediate. It is the result of being lied to, feeling left out. In essence being invisible to their own government. Hence their illogical reaction to the cause. They felt they had no recourse and that for them to survive they had take matters into their own hands."

"And that even while we were going through all those rescue efforts?" Estelle shook her head. "That's hard to believe. It doesn't compute, so to speak. But, I suppose understanding is not required. Do you think I can wake them up?"

"Doctor." Savar spoke evenly, "You treat their bodies, I their minds. These people feel abandoned by the government. The relief efforts, in their eyes, are too little too late. Furthermore they feel about the Federation as they do their own elected officials. To use a Terran phrase, they feel as if the Federation and their government are in cahoots together." He looked at the biobeds and the unconscious bodies resting on them. "Yes, you can wake them. They should not pose a problem."

"Very well. I'm not frustrated with you", she prefaced. "So don't take this the wrong way. But I don't like it." She started administering hyposprays to the unconscious.

"An understandable reaction. If I were human I would feel the same way." He replied stoically.

Estelle smiled at him. "Thank you for understanding."


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