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Your Quarters are still Unavailable

Posted on Thu Nov 25th, 2021 @ 5:30pm by Lieutenant Myne Redal
Edited on on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 10:50pm

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: DECK 8 - Cabin 40 G-O - Redal's cabin
Timeline: MD04 1400
1552 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Myne had a fun day for once. Sure it started bad, but it became much better later. Talking to Rin had lifted her spirits greatly and she felt so light for some reason. Maybe this whole talking to people and unloading was worth something. Also, she now had more guts and courage to face T'Kara! The Vulcan had unknowingly and without intent brought back some really dark parts of Redal's past to the front. Trying to keep those under control had been daunting, but now Myne was confident she had things well in hand.

With a belly full of pancakes and a silly happy smile on her face, Myne opened the door to her cabin. She wondered how it would look now, did having a second person share her living space change anything? Myne had been very careful to tidy up all of her gizmos and gadgets in a box pushed to a corner. To give T'Kara ample space to do as she wished.

Singing came from the shower as T'Kara was showering herself. In a way this was relaxing beyond all measure for the Vulcan. She could center her thoughts as the water splashed on her. It was like meditating under a light waterfall.

Well, the cabin looked just as bare as it always did. "Wonder where T'Kara is. Oh, that must be her! Should I dare take a peek?" Myne talked to herself as she entered the cabin and heard the tune the Vulcan was singing. Going to her bed, she ruffled under it and pulled out a Ferengi comic, featuring a valiant DaiMon and some strange creatures that looked like Vulcan in the background.

"Now is my chance to see how a Vulcan's chitinous, insect-like body looks like!" The airheaded, gullible Trill chuckled to herself, holding her comic to her chest and approaching the door to the bathroom. Opening it slowly she snuck a peek in only to see T'Kara and yelping loudly as a result. Quickly, she closed the door back behind her. "Craaaap!! Not again!!" She sighed in frustration.

Only it wasn't an insect-like body... It was a very humanoid looking body. With a very Vulcan stare. One that was restraining quite a bit of emotions. She then spoke as she grabbed a towel. "Lieutenant Redal... Is there a reason why you are violating my privacy. I believe I do not intrude on you while you are showering." Said the Vulcan in what passionless voice she could muster.

From the other side of the door, Myne coughed. "It wasn't me! You must have been seeing things!!" Came the hasty, not at all well thought out lie. "Erm... while on the subject of privacy, erm, why do you look so normal? I thought you were supposed to be covered in chitin, or scales, or other insect like things."

Once again, T'Kara's eyebrow raised in how truly illogical that statement was. "No, as a matter of fact, Vulcans are not insectoid. We are humanoid. What you saw was the only form Vulcans possess." She noted. "From where have you received this misinformation."

There is a long pause before Myne managed to reply, with a shaky, bitter tone. "A Ferengi comic book I read when I was growing up." That was all she volunteered to say. Was everything she had thought she knew a lie? These books had been her world growing up, the only child on a freighter with minimal crew. So many things wrong, what could she believe anymore? "I am sorry T'Kara, I shouldn't have entered."

"Indeed." T'Kara closed the door. Got her garments and robe on and emerged about five minutes later. "Comic Books are based on. Exaggerated views of reality, Lieutenant. You're better off using the Scientific Method."

"The Scientific Method? But that is boring!!" Myne replied, not raising her head to look at T'Kara, still holding her comic to her chest. "These comic books... are all I had growing up. Though lately, it seems that everything I learned is false. Everything I held dear is nothing but a lie." Exhaling deeply and laughing Myne smiled nervously and rubbed the back of her head. "Phew, ain't that a pill to swallow, right T'Kara?"

"The Scientific Method is not daunting, in fact you just did it in your own way. First you began with a hypothesis. 'Do Vulcans have Insectoid bodies.' You conducted an observation and an experiment to prove the hypothesis. And you learned the hypothesis was incorrect." T'Kara noted. "Please do not publish the results. That would be the final step. That is all there is to it. Ask a question, form a hypothesis, perform empirical observations and experiments. If your hypothesis is correct, you publish it. If it is wrong, Sometimes you have to begin again." T'Kara noted. "You are more scientifically minded than you think."

"What? I did? Well that was more fun then I remember it being. Doing doctor stuff to learn stuff was soo tedious and boooring." Myne smiles more calmly, looking up at T'Kara. "Don't worry, I won't publish anything, I don't need anyone finding out I am alive and come hunting for me." She chuckled, rubbing her chest for a moment. "Now I feel weird after hearing you say that nice thing about me."

"T'Kara... thank you. Really. I know I am very difficult to be around and you didn't want to be here. But, you really are a cool roommate. And you didn't try to kill me in my sleep!! Which is really awesome of you. Heck, I didn't even try to kill you either, nor poison your food, nor cut off the air supply or anything like that. Phew, I really thought one of us was going to be a goner really."

T'Kara nodded. "Sometimes I feel like I'm back with my parents.. all over again. Being berated for my emotions. When I am as logical as the next Vulcan. Even more. It is not fair.. They pushed me too far.. Myne... They pushed me.. They should have stopped. I only wanted them to be proud of me." She then smashed a table and broke in half... Holding her hand up. "I'm sorry Myne... It's difficult to let go of that anger... It's so illogical.." She closed her eyes and restrained her emotions. "I'm sorry I scared you." She turned to the wall.

Approaching the Vulcan, her roommate and potential friend, Myne hugged her gently from behind. The comic book having fallen to the ground in the process. "Anger is not good T'Kara. You did not scare me at all. As I told you, would have been a relief if you did actually do something." She chuckled, ignoring the broken table. "T'Kara... I felt rage, anger, hatred, fury. I lost my mind so many times and made so many people suffer. Losing my life won't even atone for a fraction of the pain I caused. But one thing I learned, with each memory that comes back to haunt me. Every day you wake up with the chance of being a better you, to make your life have more good in it than bad."

Her hand reached out to timidly touch one of the Vulcan's own, while still hugging her with the other arm. "I was scared of not killing you because that is what I do when I lose control. The impulses of those before me come forward, telling me to kill or be killed. To betray before being betrayed, to trust no one. Spending a night with another person has been terrifying because I was not sure I would not hurt you." Another nervous chuckle, a bit too forced. "Sharing too much, sorry. T'Kara, if it matters, you are a person to be proud of. I know I admire you for holding together so well. And you seem really cool too. If you ask me, parents are overrated."

T'Kara gave a very logical nod. "I think you have more potential than you realize; Myne, it just needs to be applied a different way."

"Heh, honestly, I will settle with just being the first host not to go insane and get others killed. That would be a win in my book." She chuckled and gently but determined, turned T'Kara around and gave a proper, tight hug. "I am still kinda bummed out you have boobies and not chitin or scales though. That was exciting, now it's just... sooo normal."

"You want to see extraordinary?" T'Kara noted. "Very will. I may have a surprise for you soon."

"Well, I am now both curious and anxious! Intrigued and quite afraid at the same time. Color me impressed, quite the range of emotions stirred up in my from such simple words delivered so... Vulcany." Myne smiled as she broke the hug. "Sorry again for sneaking a peek. Scientific method and all of that nonesense."

"Apology Accepted." T'Kara moved to her meditation rug and sat down. Putting the noise cancellers on her ears.

Stepping in front of T'Kara, now seeing her deafened, Myne mouthed a 'thank you' and decided it was her time to take a shower. While it was still warm in there, she did not like feeling cold.


Commander T'Kara
Chief Science Officer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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