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Was it Real or Not

Posted on Mon Dec 13th, 2021 @ 8:03am by Captain Mira King ( Magnus ) & Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Lieutenant Tonya King ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Holosuite 3
Timeline: Before Arrival at Gorn Planet
661 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Two days after The Elysium decided to table the assembling the Industrial Vehicle Replicator, Captain Mira King of the USS Izar and her first officer and husband Commander Pyotr Zhukov came by the USS Elysium. The two of them met Lt. Victor Barclay de Tolly and Lt. Tonya King in Holosuite 3. The setting was a French Style cafe called Kitty’s Tavern which was ran by a Caitian named Kitty.

Mira and Pyotr walked into the tavern in casual clothes reminiscent of what you might find two wearing in a Three Musketeers Novel. Mira swayed a bit even though she was incredibly pregnant.

“Tonya, my dearest and only sister,” Mira said as she gave her sister a delicate hug. “So the ship has misgivings about the replicator?”

“A few did,” Tonya shrugged a bit. “A couple were worried about placing their pilots in danger in ships that were replicated. Another one acted how we would be judged in the history books.”

Pyotr facepalms himself followed by shaking his head. “Don’t they understand it is already happening.”

“Some get caught up in social ramifications,” Victor replied. “My only misgivings about it that it requires a lot of power.”

Mira chuckled. “That is why I only use it once in awhile but keep in mind, if your ship is stuck in space and you need to evacuate, the end justifies the means.” She felt a weird feeling go up her spine as she felt this was probably due to people reluctance to try something new.

The barkeep named Kitty came up to the table, “What would you like to drink?”

“Ice Tea,” Mira says touching her belly. “I am pregnant.”

Pyotr answers in respect to his wife Mira, “The same.”

At another table, there were some who Victor and Tonya remembered from the party suddenly appeared. This time, they were dressed differently. Plus they had a few more with them.

“Mister Nick,” Victor said a little startled, “You are dressed up like an Admiral”

Nick turned around scratching his head a bit, “Have we met before?”

“At a Halloween Party,” Tonya answered. “Hello Mr. Lucien. Hope you are not here for fresh blood,” she said joking.

“My vampire days over,” Lucien said with a nod. Lucien understanding he was a hologram program, he asked, “Could you reintroduce yourselves?”

“I am Lt. Victor Barclay de Tolly,” Victor answered as he was playing along with the program. “This is my fiancé Lt. Tonya King, her sister Captain Mira King and her husband who just so happens to be my father, Commander Pyotr Zhukov.”

Nick gave them all a boyish smile. “Different faces I see. This is Captain Mark Leifson and his wife Captain Jeanne Leifson. Lucien brought his wife Angela.”

Mira decided to ask, “So what brings you all to this tavern?”

“Oh looking for…,” Nick stopped in mid sentence, “Ah Kitty. You are using your original look.”

Kitty whispers to Nick, “Be finish in a short while. V’iola is busy at the moment.”

Pyotr sensing something odd asked, “Seems a little cloak and dagger here.”

“You could say that,” Lucien says as he whispers something into his wife’s ear and she whispers back.

“I may be only human,” Mira says as she looked at each one wondering if they were real or not, “You all want technology from this ship and I have a feeling I know what it is.” To test theory, she asked to end program but nothing happened.

Nick placed his hand on Mira’s hands. “We will be gone soon and no harm will be done.”

Another officer appeared which look like an Andorian female. “Admiral, we can go now.”

Lucien kisses the forehand of Tonya saying in a French Accent, “Au Revoir, Mademoiselle.”

And at that moment, they all disappeared.

“I swear,” Mira says to them all, “These programs seem more real every day.”

“Indeed,” Pyotr says kissing Mira’s forehand. “Now where we’re we?”


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