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Further indecent proposals

Posted on Wed Feb 16th, 2022 @ 10:34pm by Lieutenant Myne Redal & Lieutenant Nevada McKay

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Science Department
Timeline: MD14 0900
1257 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Myne wasted no time in heading towards the Science Department. Once set on this path by Command Taylor, her mind was set. Not only she had received permission to poke around Avalon's framework and prod with her fingers all she wanted at her components, well, make a copy and prod around in those, but she was handed a skilled aid just like that as well.

Entering the fabled Science Department she looked around for a bit before clearing her throat and raising her voice. "Hello!! Heya, anyone here is or know someone who happens to be Doctor McKay?" She asked loudly, hoping someone would volunteer her the information.

A Young looking woman with a haggard expression, and an odd metallic sheen in her eyes slowly lifted her head from one of the consoles. "Thats me," she said, her voice cracking with exhaustion and sounding far older then her young form. "Another spook?" she asked quietly.

"Oh, hi there!" Myne waved and approached Nevada. "My name is Lieutenant JG Myne Redal, Assistant Ops Chief. Commander Taylor told me your could help me with a little project of mine. I want to make a shuttle EMH from the ground up and spice things around with it as much as possible. I am to understand you are an expert on nanotech?"

The woman sighed and Sat back in her chair, her expression darkening. "Not as much as I used to think i was..." she muttered. "But..yes, Nanotechnology and bioengineering are fields I specialized into."

"Well, since Commander Taylor spoke very highly of you, I can only take him at his word that you are really awesome at it. So, if you wanna help, I could really use it. Since the EMH I want to put in on a shuttle, I will need help to minimize the tech. To take normal components and reduce them in size as much as possible." Myne replied, nervously looking at Nevada, trying to judge her reaction.

The woman's expression soured at the mention of Commander Taylor in an almost imperceptible flicker of emotions before she cracked a wry smile. "Well, I've never been much of an engineer, but I could always help with the Database, and Maybe give our Holographic doctor a Face lift."

"A facelift? Oh, I would like that. Actually, I would like the EMH to have a constantly adapting and changing appearance. If possible to have it adapt on the fly to its patients. Especially if meeting new lifeforms, sentient one, I'd like our EMH to be able to create a new form that would help inspire calm, you know?" Myne explained her grandiose plan.

" want a Founder for an EMH?" Nevada asked with a quirked brow. "Bold strategy..." she muttered while rubbing her chin. "Still...Like I said I can certainly Help give the thing a...brain.." she said her thoughts trailing off for a moment, a spark of excitement rippling through her. "Ah...if you want," she added.

"What? No, just want it to adapt its every shape to the form of the species it encounters or treats..." Myne trailed off and slapped her head. "Yeah, I heard myself as I was talking. Yeah, pretty much the Founder version of an EMH. A brain, hmm. That does sound intriguing, I certainly would love to try, yes. At least to a certain extent, need to make sure the EMH is contained and it doesn't require too many resources. Remember, it needs to fit on a shuttle!"

"Well...the Voyagers EMH, based of the few classified documents I've gotten on him, suggest he could function out of their modified shuttle..." she paused. "And it only takes a few Petabytes to simulate a Human brain..." she added her gaze once again drifting.

"Wait, wait wait wait. Wasn't that the one that went coo-coo in the head and acted against its original programming? I think the XO will have my butt on a platter if we do that. I'll settle for an EMH that doesn't run the chance of achieving sentience if we can pull it off." Myne chuckled and looked curiously at Nevada's eyes. "Everything alright there?"

The Impossibly young woman gave a wizened smile. "Oh...nothing, Just an old woman fantasizing." She said with a dismissive wave. "So Aside from genetics any other fields you want this gift to work well with?"

Myne narrowed her eyes for a brief second before shrugging. Not sure why the Lieutenant was calling herself old when she looked even younger than Myne herself, but the Trill did not feel like prodding further. "Hmm, not really. I got the technobabble sorted out. Just the genetics, that's my weak point right now. Once I got that covered, I am pretty much ready to go and have some fun building stuff!! So thank you for agreeing to help."

"You know... I am a Nano Technology specialist as well," she said with a wink. "I could help Miniaturize the matrix if you'd like," she said as she got to work compiling some information.

"The good commander might have mentioned that small tid bit!" Myne chuckled. "Yes, if you can help me scale everything it would be amazing. Not just the matrix. I love miniaturizing components for the things I build. Maybe we can scale down the processors and other components. The more we can make fit in the least amount of space, the more complex the EMH I can build will be!" The Trill continued with youthful excitement.

Nevada couldn't help but wonder what Gray had been thinking sending this young officer her way, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Sure I'd be delighted to do everything I can to get this system as small as we can get it."

"Awesome!! Do you have everything you need here? Or do you want to go to my office? I have a ton of components there we can use to test things out. Or shall we handle the theoretical parts first and I can iron out the technical part later?" She asked itching to get started.

Nevada smiled and slowly stood, wincing as her knees popped softly. "Ah...yeah lets go to your office, I'd love to take a look at what you have already to know what I'm working with."

"Oh yeah!! This will be fun! I got all my favorite toys and inventions in my office!" Myne cheered excitedly. "Come let's go, it is quite a bit of a walk there, but I think you will really enjoy my setup!!"

"Say you wouldn't happen to have a Neural Pathway scanner there would you?" Nevada asked with a hum as she gathered a few Data pads, a spark of excitement twikling in her eyes.

"A neural pathway scanner? No, but I do have a subroutine that specializes in medicine at the brain level. I can use the internal sensors and if you give me a hour I can modify a tricorder to serve that function. Coupled with the sensors and the subroutine it should pretty much serve the same purpose." Myne replied as she rubbed her temple. "Okay, maybe a hour and a half depending on the quality you are going for. Nothing is really out of reach with enough time and components really."

" me on that one," Nevada said with a knowing chuckle. "i''m well aware of that."


Lieutenant Nevada McKay
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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