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A different proposal

Posted on Sat Dec 25th, 2021 @ 10:35pm by Lieutenant Myne Redal

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Myne's Office
Timeline: MD14 1400
1299 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure


It took Myne a long time to find someone with a particular set of skills she needed for a super-secret mission. Well, actually, it didn't take her that long. Getting access to the personnel files had been more nerve-wracking than anything else. Especially as she kept expecting Avalon to come and bust her for it. But she had managed to stay under the radar, using either redundant or menial systems that Avalon normally should have delegated to subminds. Even AI's have their limits after all.

Ensign Shanyrria would help Myne greatly with her little plot and plan. Getting her to cooperate, however, would be quite a challenge. As such she sent an invitation on the Elysium board to the dear Ensign, inviting her to Myne's own office for a little chat. Maybe Myne would be lucky and things would pan out just as she needed them to.

Shanyrria had received the summons and curious she made her way to the office of the Assistant Chief of Operations. Shan checked that her uniform was perfect then hit the chime.

"Enter!!" Myne tried to keep her tone steady to hide the fact that the chime had startled her. Given how she was lost in her own mind in that exact moment. She cleared her throat and waited for her guest to enter, trying to look as serious as she could.

The door opened and Shanyrria entered. "Lieutenant? Ensign Kelmys, reporting as requested. "

"Hi hi!! Please take a seat Ensign. I am Lieutenant JG Myne Redal, but you must have already known that from the message I sent you. I am so glad you came, I have something super serious to talk with you!" Myne motioned with her hand to one of the two seats in front of her desk.

Shanyrria took a seat. The Lieutenant was definitely bubbly. "Of course Lieutenant, what is the project?"

"I heard you might be good with skeletons, alien stuff and culture stuff. I need someone to help me build a computer model for a modular being. I wish to build a EMH from the ground up in a sense for the medical shuttle. However, thinking of the potential encounters that shuttle might face and the unknown people it might end up helping, the idea of a normal EMH personality has me a bit worried. And I wish for this EMH to be able to adapt, change shape and behavior in a manner that would suit in calming down and offering some measure of comfort to the unknown folks the Lethe shuttle might end up helping." Myne explain in her usual long-winded manner.

Shanyrria listened and as Myne spoke she considered the puzzle put before her. "So you want to build an EMH module but you want to make its matrix able to morph into different races, holographically?"

"In short, yes. And not just into different races we have a database for. But to adapt to new races as well in case the need arises to. So I need someone to help me build a proper framework for the EMH to be able to adapt its shape and form to suit new encounters." Myne nodded eagerly.

"So using a morphic matrix is what you need to build. I can get you scans of numerous alien races biology which we can code into your matrix, but you will still need to code the morphic code."

"That sounds wonderful. I can code the morphic code, that part will only present a challenge of time. Could use your help however in fine-tuning. The scans are helpful, for sure, but your experience I think would be even more invaluable. I would like you to also assist in making sure that the way the EMH adapts to new forms looks, well, natural. You know? The whole uncanny valley thing, I would like to make sure it doesn't create new forms that are actually horrible to look at. Don't want the EMH to scare people. And also some help in establishing a sort of baseline personality to use in new encounters as well."

"Most medical scans go to a molecular level. If you implement the scan into the system, the program can be coded to take it, copy into the morphic grid. The problem is if the race is unscanable or suffers from mutations that would corrupt the scans." Shanyrria was intrigued by the whole thing.

"Exactly. The EMH needs to have the baseline for various types of lifeforms to be able to adapt on the fly. A sort of backup in case the scans fail. As a archaeologist I am sure you have the experience necessary to have noticed patterns appear in cultures and species across the space we have explored so far."

"Yes, I can get those for you and make sure the system has the proper levels needed." Shanyrria nodded. "How long do I have to get the information for you?"

Myne leaned back and exhaled, thinking and running numbers in her head. "I would say about a week? I know it is short notice, but this will be rather central to the EMH and I would like to have the data ready by the time I start building the proper framework around it. Do you think you can do it?"

"Sure a week should be enough." Shanyrria said with a smile.

"Awesome!! Phew, I thought this might be a dead end. Thank you! Your help is gonna make this so much easier. And end up with a really cool EMH." Myne clapped her hands together cheerfully. Another piece of the puzzle had fallen neatly into place.

Shan nodded. "You will have to clear it with Commander T'Kara though."

Myne let slip a very mischievous smile and a glint in her eye. "Oh, I don't think Commander T'Kara will be opposed to this. You don't have to worry about little details like that. I will take care of it."

Shan studied the Trill's face. "Okay..." she said "Just hope you know what you are doing."

"Me? Ha!" Myne laughed and shook her head waving away at Shanyrria. "Never, not once in my life. And I've lived several lives. Nope, I have no idea what I am doing or how this will end up, but that's the fun of it. Right? Just keep on going till something comes out the other end. Either it blows up or it works." She offered the Ensign the cutest, most innocent smile Myne had in her arsenal.

~Oh yeah this was going to go kaboom~ Shanyrria thought to herself. "Well then I will go get started on that information for you" She stood up with a smile.

"Yup yup!" Myne got up as well and offered her hand to do an awkward handshake. "Thank you for your assistance Ensign. Here for your troubles!" She said and picked up a Super Garrett t-shirt from her top drawer on her desk and offered it to her.

Shan caught it and frowned "Oh... thanks" she was not going to wear it though. "A week right?"

"A week yes! Also if the captain sees you wearing that he'll give you a thumbs up! Managed to talk him into doing fan service for his super fans!" Myne chuckled.

"Ah, personally I would rather avoid being noticed by the CO," Shanyrria said gamely. "I am going to get started on it."

Myne shrugged. "I get that. First time I met the CO he gave me homework. To study Earth culture. Anyways, yes. Have fun on your assignment and I can't wait to see what you send my way!"

"Have a good day Lieutenant" Shanyrria smiled and headed out the door.


Ensign Shanyrria Kelmys
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist
USS Elysium

Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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