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Posted on Sun Dec 26th, 2021 @ 12:58am by Captain Gary Taylor
Edited on on Sun Dec 26th, 2021 @ 2:30am

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
515 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Gary had come into his and Lia's quarters and her Christmas song greeted him as he entered. He stopped just inside the doorway as the music engulfed him and he listened to the song and the message it conveyed. She knew him so well and what made him tick. He would definitely talk with Lia.

Moving into the kitchen, he poured himself a glass of red wine and thought of something he could do to get him more into the Christmas spirit. He thought and he drank some more and he thought some more than he had it. A funny poem or song. Something to put a smile on everyone's face and forget the tough times they had been through, the loss of one captain and another held in a undisclosed location on charges of treason. The crew had been through a great deal and the stress they had placed on them was enormous.

Sighing, he walked into the study and sat down at his desk and began to compose. The words coming quickly (thanks to the wine) as he composed them on a PaDD. As he did, he could feel a smile coming to his face. the corners of his mouth upturning into a smile as he read what he had written. It was funny and he hoped no one got offended. It was all in fun. He even chuckled at what he had composed

Santa needs new reindeer.
The first bunch has grown old.
Phoenix has arthritis;
Garrett hates the cold.
Naxea's sick of staring
at S'hib's big behind.
David married Braeyn
and lost his mind.
Gary's mad at Lia
for stepping on his toes.
Rins being thrown out—
she laughed at Myne's nose.
Miraj is pissed at Santa as he doesn't
know how to pilot.
Rael stares vacantly and doesn't know what to do.
Heather and Fernando just want to cuddle and kiss
Savar looks at Alicia and wonders what is amiss.
While Arri sits in science and plots.
If you think you have what it takes
we hope you will apply.
There is just a few tricky parts:
You must know how to fly and be good with directions.

As he finished, Gary looked at the PaDD and nodded in approval. "That isn't half bad. It isn't Shakespeare but it isn't bad. Definitely better than what Alf E. Newman could come up with." He debated if he should have Lia read it and after several seconds of internal debate, he decided not to. He would surprise her by just singing the little ditty and watching the look on her face. As he waltzed her around their quarters. He was sure it would be priceless.

His spirits lifted by the copious amount of wine and Lia's moving and oh so appropriate song had done the trick. This silly, little song just put the icing on the cake. He rose from his chair and went back into the living room to await Lia's coming home and spend some quality, alone time with his wife and to enjoy both her company and the holiday.


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