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The first crack.

Posted on Tue Dec 28th, 2021 @ 8:08am by Commander Sthilg

Mission: Tales from the other side of the Mirror
Location: Terran palace praetorian quarters.
1046 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

OOC: MU Story containing mention of torture, slavery and mutilation. You have been wanted.

Her back ached even more than usual. She had never known a name simply answering to slave. Like so many of her kind all she knew was the terran breeding camps, the market and the beating of her masters.

She had thought being bought at the play thing for the daughter of a terran admiral would have been one of the better chances for a vulcan to end up. That had been removed after one week as Mariner plaything. Every bone in her body had been broken more than once, her ears cut off and both of her eyes had been put out. The bioflesh ones had never sat right another of her masters gifts.

Her bare feet pattered down the barrack building of the praetorian barracks. Faint traces of green blood spattered onto the spotless white marble as she hurried to carry the massive tray with her master's breakfast on it. Two of the guard past her not even notching the nearly crippled alien girl walking past.

Reaching the officer door her blue itchy eyes looked up to the door alarm. She could never hold the tray and get the door alarm. As one of her hands reached up to touch it the door slid open.

Her green eyes bulged at the sight before her. Instead of her master or any of the other Terran officers stood a gorn. Not just any of the upright lizards that was seen all across the empire as slave masters, but this one was wearing a uniform of the praetorian guard. Not just any uniform, but from the rank he born on his shoulder centurion. Even more shocking was the star of terra pinned to his chest.

" Can I help you?" he asked looking rather confused at her. The slave girl looked up as well. She had been expecting her master this was her office.

" I'm bringing my master her breakfast." She stammered out.

" Ah, you must belong to my optio." The lizard said with a smile on his face that looked far more creepy than it had to be. He stood away from the door to let her in.

Optio? The girl thought. She was not going to be happy about that. Walking into the office she was amazed at how clean it was. No alcohol bottles or broken furniture.

Carefully she began to slide the tray onto the desk before her leg buckled. As she began to fall she felt a hand around her back as the lizard massive hand gripped the tray and slid it onto the desk.

" Are you okay my dear?"

All of the emotion the vulcan had been holding in for her whole life exploded as she collapsed against the lizard sobbing as she did so. One small sentence which was more kindness than anything she'd ever had in her life. Tears fell down her broken form and onto the floor as the lizard gently patted her.

" There there. Is this your master's work?" The lizard said drawing his hand away from the girls flogged back green blood covering his hand?

A swift nod was the girls only answer though she regretted it. What was Mariner going to do when she found out she'd done this.

Sthilg helped the girl to a chair and sat her down. This was the work of an animal. The girl was nearly crippled. She have sold for billions if she'd been treated right.

Striding over her pulled a medical kit from under the desk and began tending to the sobbing creature.

" Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my office?" came a half-drunken slur from the doorway. The perfect poster of the guard Mariner was not. A dirty unbuttoned uniform with a smell of cheap gin that made the lizard nose crimple.

" Your new boss. I'm assuming command of the second you are now de promoted to optio." The lizard said not even trying to hide the glee in his voice.

A look of anger spread over the drunken woman's face. Looking for something to blame her eyes fell on the slave girl. " This is all your...." She said rasing the empty bottle as she advanced on the girl. Only her blow never came as a power grip grabbed her arm

" Really Mariner?" Sthilg hissed as he increased the grip on her arm. "Too lazy to get your own breakfast. How many men did your mother sleep with to get you this job?" He hissed with bile in his voice.

" Yooo...." The human hissed before he arm started bending into an unnatural position which quickly brought a scream to her lips. Slave looked on in astonishment. No one had ever draw a hand against her master yet alone an alien.

" That is centurion to you which is how you will address me from now on. Even off duty. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Sthil hissed with menace in his voice letting the golden terran star on his uniform show.

A look of terror spread over the terrans dark-skinned face as she stammered out a " Yes sir."

As if nothing had happened the anger dropped from the lizard's face as he let go of her arm letting her drop to the floor. " Very good option. Now go and get yourself some breakfast. You can bring it yourself." He hissed in what was clearly a command.

The terran burst out of the door as fast as she could. Sthilg patted down his uniform before returning to his desk. Looking over to the slave girl he pointed to the breakfast. " Eat up my dear your mistress shall not be needing it."

The girl didn't even hesitate as she grabbed the first bowl and began to wolf it down. As he sat down at his desk the centurion of the second cohort drew a small vial from his desk which he slipped into two drops of blood from his hands. One of the slave girl and one of his subordinates. She would pay for her insults towards him. Oh, she would pay.

He had had to lie his ass off to get this position and some Terran whore wasn't going to ruin it for him.


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