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What we leave behind.

Posted on Wed Jan 5th, 2022 @ 3:51am by Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
505 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

To my........

Sthilgs hands paused as his hands typed on the keyboard. He'd written a will before but almost all the times it had been simple. Donate my body to medical science and my books to the federation library. Burn anything no one wants.

It had once been so simple. Now he had a family to think about. His daughter, son in law and two grandkids.

He pushed as he looked at himself in the mirror. He'd started to come to terms with his age yet now he had a family to look after.

His eyes gazed over the bookcases of books stacked high to the ceiling. Seemed so little to leave them. He stood up walked to the replicator and got himself a copy before heading to the window.

The stars flew by as the ship spread through the oceans of space.

He didn't want to die. Was that selfish he thought to himself, He'd lived four times the normal length of his species a blessing by any degree.

Yet the fought of not holding those two grandchildren in his arms scared him more deeply than it should. More than injury or pathogen ever could.

He took another sip of the coffee letting the warm liquid flow down his throat. Another of his oddities. Coffe was alien to his species yet alone caffeine yet his plot in the hydroponics grew several coffee plants.

Another of his many quirks.

His eyes drifted to his picture of him and his beloved wife. He wondered what would she and his daughter think of this world he'd found himself living in. Would Gedes love Alicia as one sister to another? Would she play with Conner and N'Vea as if they were her own? Would Shassou love Alicia s if she came from her own womb?

He'd met them both in the hunting grounds, but could he be sure. Was all that ...........

Of course, we would you daft old lizard. He heard the voice of the green alien beauty who had stolen his heart echo on his mind. Stop doubting yourself and worrying about us we'll be waiting for you on the other side. Now look after your family and stop worrying.

She always knew what to say even if it was his memory of her. It was why he loved her his beautiful green-eyed girl.

How he missed her.

The computer bleeped loudly waking the lizard from his thoughts. Hurrying over his heart rate slowed when it saw it was simply the week's duty roster. A rather simple week with only two operations due. Mostly checkups and the standard work his team had to do.

The gorn downed the rest of his coffee. He needed some sleep. Walking over to his bed the lizard dropped down pulling the seats over his frame. Despite the coffee coursing through the old doctor's veins, his white eyes felt heavy and he was asleep in moments. He hoped his dreams would be long and happy with a warm sun over his face.


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