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Asking for a Friend

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2022 @ 3:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Rin & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: XO's office
Timeline: After mission
1212 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Rin had made an appointment to see the XO, so at exactly the appointed time, she was outside his office ringing the door chime.

Gary had arrived at his office just a few earlier and was halfway to the replicator when his door chime sounded. "Enter" he called out as he waited to see who came through the door.

Rin stepped smartly through the door, PaDD in hand. "Afternoon, sir."

Gary smiled as Rin entered. he had been impressed with her thinking in the McKay affair. "Hello Rin, have a seat. I was about to get a hot chocolate. Would you like something?"

"Coffee, please, thank you, sir." She took a seat on the other side of the desk. Her eyes looked tired, contrary to the rest of her bearing, which remained stiffly upright, as usual.

Gary nodded and a moment later he returned with two cups in his hands. "One coffee." He said as he set the cup in front of her before he moved to sit behind his desk, blowing on the cup to cool it down.

He looked across his desk at her, "So what brings you to me?"

"I have sort of a favor to ask," Rin started. She was already regretting asking for coffee. If it was water, she could earn herself moments to compose things in her head while she sipped, but the coffee was too hot. "People talk of family a lot on board Elysium, and the closest I have are the xBs. I would like a friend to apply for a civilian position on Elysium. I'm not asking for channels to be bypassed. I want him judged on his own merits. But, among other things, he's not a Federation citizen. He's not anyone's citizen, as is the case for many of us."

Gary listened as Rin spoke of allowing another xB to come onboard the Elysium. He was slightly disappointed that she didn't think of him as a friend or the crew as her extended family but didn't dwell on it. "What is your friend's specialty Rin?" He asked that would help his decision-making process. As he waited for her answer, he picked up his hot chocolate and took a sip.

She could tell she had mis-stepped somewhere, although she didn't know where. Among other things, he was using his drink in the same way she tended to use hers.

"He's a geneticist with a preference for botany. I know the arboretum is short staffed. And...maybe he'd have new ideas concerning Dr. McKay? I haven't broached the subject with him, since the matter is classified. But his resume, colorful? He gets work where he can."

She hands over the PaDD, which offers up a profile of a male humanoid with short ridges running front to back across his bald scalp, a species Gary had never encountered. Like Rin, he had a single name: Ebi.

Gary set his hot chocolate aside and looked over the PaDD, Ebi was indeed colorful. He set the PaDD aside and returned his attention back to Rin. "I'm not familiar with this species Rin, what is species is Ebi and as for Dr. McKay, you did right in not discussing the matter. Perhaps later if Ebi does come aboard, we can entertain any ideas he may have."

"Ebi was born Bacunae. Their homeworld was on the far side of the Delta quadrant. Even if he wished to return, there's no way of him doing so. Now he's xB."

Gary nodded as Rin gave him a brief synopsis on Ebi. "Having him onboard would certainly add to the diversity of the crew, give us a much-needed geneticist and perhaps mostly give you someone who has had a similar experience as you had. That knows what you have dealt with. A kindred spirit if you will." The last said as Gary watched Rin to see if there was any reaction.

"My own benefit was certainly part of my thought process. I know people are trying, but there are times I'm just not understood. It's a work in progress. And I've been thinking for some time what more I can do for my people. I'm one of the lucky ones. I'm someplace safe and relatively welcome. There are people who care about me. I'm valued and can be productive. I have the benefit of being a Federation citizen. I'm not being exploited, and I don't have to look over my shoulder. If I can share that with even one of us, it's a good day. And if others can get a little more used to us, that's not a bad thing either."

Gary listened as Rin spoke of Ebi and what went into her thought process in wanting him to join the crew of the Elysium. When she finished. He didn't rush answer. That wasn't fair to Rin or Ebi though he would never know. fter several second she spoke. "Very good and well thought out reasons Rin. I commend you on your thought process and the amount of thought you gave to your reasons. Where is Ebi now? Could he join the Elysium now or does he need time to leave his current job?" He asked the Intel Chief without yet tipping his hand in regards to her request.

"He could join us by the time we reach the starbase, sir," Rin replied, allowing herself a smile. Gary wouldn't have asked if he wasn't at least considering the request.

Gary didn't react at least not outwardly to Rin's statement but he could tell that she really wanted him to approve her request. "I see." He replied evenly but didn't expand on his statement. "As Ebi had any problems integrating himself back into society Rin?" It was an important question and one he needed an answer on. "In addition, how does he work with others?"

"Fair question," Rin acknowledged. "I haven't seen him in person for several years, but he had a better sense of self earlier than I did, and he talks about friends and co-workers. Been envious of him at times. I wouldn't suggest this if I thought it would be a problem."

"Rin, I know but I had to ask. Thank you for your honest opinion and based on what you have told me and I have read on the PaDD, you can tell Ebi he is welcome to transfer to the Elysium as a geneticist." Gary replied hoping that his decision helped Rin not to feel so alone.

"Thank you, sir!"

"You are welcome Rin. Glad to be of help." Gary replied and he was glad, He paused for a moment and switched topics. "I notice you have an interest in martial arts Rin."

"Yes, sir. I performed security duties on Tavara an, casually, it gives me something to focus on. Why do you ask?"

"Only because one of my interests is unarmed combat. Perhaps one day if you are willing we can set up a training session."

"Absolutely, sir. When would you like?"

"Whatever is a good time for you Rin."

"I'm on duty this evening, but...tomorrow afternoon?"

Gary nodded, "Tomorrow afternoon is perfect Rin."

Rin nodded. "Afternoon in the gym it is."

"I am looking forward to this." Gary replied with a smile.


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