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Trading Blows

Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2022 @ 4:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Rin & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Gymnasium
Timeline: After mission
1455 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Rin sat on a bench to the side of the floor mats in the gymnasium, dressed in a one piece athletic jumpsuit and working the straps of martial arts pads. She wasn't exactly sure why Commander Taylor had asked for this outing. He did seem to like the idea of a personally close knit crew. Perhaps it was his way of reaching out, which she could only welcome.

She was so damn bad at meeting new people outside a professional setting. Professionalism had rules. She liked rules. Personal interactions were improv.

The idea of beating up her superior officer was slightly intimidating, but it was, after all, his idea.

Gary arrived a few minutes later. He was dressed in a gray sweatshirt and gray sweatpants. he was looking forward to this session with Rin very much. Seeing that she was already here, he walked over to her, "Hello Rin, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

"Not at all, sir. Just arrived a few minutes ago. Is there anything in particular you're looking for? Style? Or just punch each other until we get tired of it," she added with a bit of a joking smile.

"Punch each other silly? I do have to admit it has a certain visual beauty to it and no nothing in particular Rin just someone to work out with and hopefully we can pass pointers on to each other." Gary answered.

"Just making sure, sir."

She stood and bounced on the balls of her feet to get ready. She tended to defensively hang back and get a feel for Gary's style, go for a feint, then dart in with a quick punch or kick when she saw an opening.

And she was pulling her punches. She still landed with a reasonable *thud*, but one could tell from her bearing she was dialing down the force behind her blows.

Gary likewise was holding back in his punches as he and Rin around the mat in some form of weird ballet. They didn't rush their moves as both look for openings in the other's defenses.

While she could probably take Gary's blow, Rin was glad he was taking this more like a practice and less like a bar fight. Too many soldiers felt a need to prove how tough they were and favored strength over speed, smarts and control.

Speaking of which...Rin ducked under the next incoming swing and swept one leg to knock Gary off his feet.

As his balance was thrown off, Gary's arm flashed out and his hand grabbed Rin's wrist and he pulled her down.

Rin hit the ground and threw a punch, stopping it a couple inches from Gary's throat. "Nice. But this still ends badly for you, sir."

"Indeed it does Rin at least this time." Gary said with a smile of admiration on his face. "Nice counter move."

"Thank you." Rin got to her feet and helped Gary to his, unhampered by their size difference. "Again?"

Gary clasped her hand firmly. "Absolutely" He replied with conviction.

As they continued, and as Gary became more familiar with Rin's choice of moves, it became easier to predict her feints. She was used to fights going quick. Her style was purposeful, absolutely meant for use in the field, not just throwing punches in a gym.

As the pair moved around the mat, Gary threw a right hook feint that as Rinn moved to evade, he countered with a left hook that stopped inches from her face and if it had connected would have done damage to her face. "Point, counterpoint." He quipped.

Rin nodded in acknowledgement, then stepped aside to take a drink from her water bottle. "How long have you practiced?"

Gary didn't answer right away as he picked up a towel and wiped the sweat from his face. Once done, he answered Rin. "Several years. I like to improve myself and my technique. I have to say you are very good Rin. A good challenge and opponent."

"I've literally been doing it almost as long I can remember," Rin said with a bit of a smile. "More of something to engage the mind rather than the body for me. But I do also wish that anything I can do, I can do well."

Gary nodded, "And you do it very well Rin. Your moves are smooth, flowing from one to another with no hesitation/ The same with your strikes. Controlled with no wasted energy. Most impressive. I congratulate you on learning so well."

"And the same to you, sir," she managed, not sure what else to say. "What other things do you enjoy doing, if I may ask?"

"Of course you can ask Rin. I enjoy games of strategy, music, dancing with my wife, along with reading Westerns, Mysteries. I also like being outdoors, I grew up on a ranch." Gary replied to the Intel chief, "What about you? What other interests do you have?"

"I enjoy music. I play privately. Astrophysics, if you can that a hobby. Understanding how all the pieces come together in the universe. A friend at my last post called it 'philosophy for nerds.' And I liked our talk the other day, despite the unfortunate circumstances of it."

"The circumstances were indeed unfortunate and unpleasant however the conversation was anything but." Gary agreed. "What kind of music do you like? The classics? old time rock and roll? Jazz?"

"I like some modern music, but I particularly enjoy orchestral pieces. I play the violin, which, oddly enough, I also did before assimilation. Such a random thing to have stuck with me. You?"

"I like the classics and old-time rock and roll. The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Segar, groups and singers like that. I also like Jazz. Heck, I just like good music. I don't play an instrument. However I admire people who do." Gary returned.

"Ready for another round?" Rin asked.

"Gary nodded. "More than ready Rin. Let's do this." He replied as he turned and headed back to the mat.

Rin tried another tactic this time. Less cautious, more direct, in an attempt to keep Gary on the defensive and without time to calculate his next moves.

Gary picked up Rin's change of tactics and reacted accordingly. His counter moves were quick and clean, well defined as he kept her attack at bay.

The size difference between the two was considerable. Gary had 9 inches and 65 pounds on Rin, so she decided to take advantage of that, ducking in and out, keeping him off balance, and hoping he over-extended himself.

Gary realized what Rin was doing with her ducking in and out so he adapted as well and shortened his punches and reach. Making his punches short jabs instead of long looping punches.

Rin threw a kick, then twisted for a reverse kick, and ended up colliding with Gary's next punch, which caught her square in the jaw. The difference in mass was now solidly not on her side, and she staggered backward, trying not to fall on her face.

Gary stopped his punches as Rin staggered from being caught by one. He moved to her, his hands out to steady her. "Rin! Are you okay?" concern in his voice.

She took several moments to steady herself, blinking several times until everything came back into focus. "Everything appears to be functioning normally. thank you."

"Are you sure Rin? We can take a break so you can gather yourself." Gary suggested. His eyes on her, he wanted to make sure she was alright.

"You always this protective when you spar?"

Gary looked at her, "Would you prefer I knocked you out and had no concern whether I hurt you or not?" Gary paused, "I'm sorry I can't be like that Rin. At least not in a sparring session."

"I...didn't say you should," Rin replied, rather taken aback by the apparent sarcasm. "What is it you think I was expecting? Sir."

"I don't Rin, what were you expecting?" Gary asked.

"No expectations. But you're pulling your punches. I mean, yeah, so am I, but that's because I hit like a Klingon. Was wondering if you did that with everyone."

"Yes, I do. Because it's a sparring session and I'm not trying to kill you or you me or so I hope."

Rin nodded with a slight smile. "Better than sparring with Marines. They always want to prove something."

Gary smiled, "I have nothing to prove. My reason for sparring is to improve my technique and learn new ways to defend myself."

Rin took another drink from her water and stretched her neck. "I promise, I'm good. Again?"

"As long as you are sure then let's get at it." Gary replied.


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