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Conjugal Visit

Posted on Sat Feb 12th, 2022 @ 8:08pm by Lianej Derani & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Tales from the other side of the Mirror
Location: The Serpent's Tooth, MU
Timeline: After 'Mulgare Hircum'
1874 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It was the next day when the door to Savar's tiny prison was opened long enough for more than another tray of food to be shoved in. The Boslic woman, greying violet hair swept back into and elegant knot at the back of her head stood there, hand resting lightly on the butt of her disruptor. From her pose, it was obvious it was a habit rather than any attempt at intimidation. "Come with me." She said, and then promptly left.

Savar didn't ask any questions, he quickly got up from his cot and followed the woman. Having no idea where they were headed. Exiting the room, he looked for the Boslic woman and quickly got up with her and fell into step with her though he remained a step behind behind and at her side.

"These are the rules." Lianej began. "You don't get privacy. You don't try anything funny. You do get thirty minutes. And then the Inquisitor gives the Surgeon her final decision. After that, you go back to your room until I say otherwise. Understand?"

Savar listened to the rules as they were spelled out. "A question if I may. Is there a possibility that Heather and I will be allowed to stay together in the future?"

The captain kept walking. "I'm not in the business of predicting the future."

"Indeed not but you are in the habit of answering a question. Heather is my wife and I love her very much. I have already said I will cause you no trouble. I only wish us to be together."

"Whilst your on my ship? You can be together. But only when Tserek gets to be with his husband. When Bal Doru gets to be with his wife. When Rudd gets to be with his brother. When Hesmil gets to be with her daughter. When Mr Durgan gets to be with his parents. Can you do that?"

"If I could I would." Savar replied straight forwardly. "Further, I understand your anger but I did not cause the tragedies' you have mentioned." He finished calmly.

"A sailor doesn't dictate which prize to hunt, but he swings just easily as a captain." Lianej shrugged.

"And two wrongs do not make a right. The Empire you hate, why do you think Heather and I fled? We wished to no longer be a part of that. It is why we were searching for you."

Lianej stopped in the hall way. "You may no longer want to be a part of that. But that won't wash away blood you've already spilt. Justice does that. Hence trial. Be grateful we found you. Plenty of others would take one look at your history and space you on the spot. But so far I've seen no contrition, no recognition, even, that your hands are just as dirty as any other member of the Imperial Fleet. If you can't accept that, then you can go back to your room until we reach Safe Harbour."

"Indeed. I am grateful and so is Heather and I am grateful for the medical attention you have provided for heather and myself. However I believe you are mistaken. I have recognized what I have done and so has Heather." He paused, "I accept what you say as I wish to be with my wife."

"It won't be me you have to convince." Lianej stopped in front of a door. "Thirty minutes, then back to your room until I say otherwise." She pressed the door release, and beyond Savar could see the small area that served as sick bay.

The ships surgeon was sitting at a desk to one side, making notes on a padd. And sitting on a bio bed, waiting, was Heather.

"I understand." Savar replied as he stepped into the room. "Heather!" He greeted his wife as he moved to her. "Hello again Doctor."

“Savar!” Heather gingerly stood and moved to her husband giving him a loving kiss. “Thank Heavens you’re alright!”

"Heather my love." He returned as he kissed her and softly caressed her cheek. "I am fine. What of you my love?" He inquired.

“I...” Heather paused. “It’s not good. My chip is unstable so I’ve agreed to having it removed, which means I won’t have my abilities anymore.” She looked towards the Doctor then back at Savar. “Savar I... I’m dying! What Sthilg did to me... they can’t stop it.”

Savar held her hands as Heather told him the news. He moved her over to the bed so they could sit down. He stroked her cheek softly. "Heather, your chip means nothing to me. You are all that is important." His eyes closed as she told him she was dying. "How much time do you have my love?"

Heather looked into Savar’s eyes. “A few years at most it depends on how fast I deteriorate. What hurts the most is that I won’t be able to grow old with you! To see our daughter grow up!” She fought back her emotions. “I love you so very much Imzadi, I just wish this wasn’t so!”

He wiped her tears away. " We will take the time we have and cherish everyday we are together Heather. Each day, brings a new day and new adventures and we will share them together." He kissed her gently again. "My love for you knows no bounds Heather.”

“Nor my love for you Imzadi” She cuddled up close feeling somewhat like they were under a microscope. “We may not even have time, they’re going to sentence us to die anyway! To them we’re monsters, it doesn’t matter whether we came here to help them or not.”

"Heather, if that is their desire then we will die together and we will know the truth that we came to help them stop the true evil....the Empire." Savar said softly. "And that our last vision will be of each other my love. Now do not despair. We still have a trial ahead of us."

Heather nodded. “I know, I wish... I could give you another child Savar, but what Sthilg did to me has left me unable to. I will dedicate what is left of my life to you, I will forever be at your side.”

"I have you and you me. That is all we need Heather. We will look forward not back. Forward is a future of promise and hope. That is what we need to concentrate on." Savar said softly.

Heather nodded. “I know. Savar I’m afraid of what they’ll drag up about me. When we were first chosen to be together I didn’t think very highly of being matched to a Vulcan, I imagined life would be... cold and devoid of love. You taught me that life could be so much better. I just don’t want you to hear that the way they’ll twist it to sound.”

He stroked her back gently, not caring the the doctor was sitting nearby. "Heather you worry needlessly. I have seen inside your mind and I know your true feelings and the love you have for me and you have seen my inner thoughts as well and seen my love for you. Do not worry about what you cannot control. Let us enjoy the time we have together."

Heather nodded. “I just wish they’d allow us some privacy, I feel like a specimen under a microscope right now!” She sighed. “What are we going to do try to escape!?”

"They are our captors Heather and the ones in charge. I too wish we had privacy and allowed to be together. As for escape, where would we escape to Heather? We are on a ship in space. Besides these are the people we were looking for." Savar pointed out.

“Exactly!” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I’m just wallowing in self pity.” She offered a warmer smile. “I’m just glad you’re alright. You are my strength, and my hope. We will get through this!”

"Nonsense Heather, you are expressing an honest fear." He held her close and felt her heart beating against his chest. "You are my world Heather, I would be lost without you."

Heather smiled. “I’m going to fight this Imzadi, I want to spend what time I have left living my life to the full with you.” She leant towards him giving him a loving kiss.

"We will fight together Heather, for united we are strong, separately we are weak and we need to be strong my love. This will take every ounce of strength we have." Savar replied as he continued to hold her close as he kissed gently and lovingly.

The Ship's Surgeon coughed quietly, and then held out a padd. "Consent forms. Read them, discuss them if you want, feel free to ask questions. Only sign them if you want to. I won't proceed without a signature. And you can change you mind any time you want."

Savar took the PaDD and looked at Heather, "You are sure wish to do this my wife?" He asked softly though he already knew the answer.

Heather looked at the PADD. “I have to do this Imzadi, if I don’t have the chip removed then I’ll be dead long before my condition kills me.” She pressed her finger to the PADD giving her consent.

"A logical and the correct choice Heather." Savar replied as he pressed his finger to the consent form for himself. "We take this one step at a time and the first step is to remove your chip."

Heather nodded and looked towards the surgeon. “I’m ready when you are.”

Savar looked at the doctor. "I would like to be there with Heather when she comes out of surgery." Savar asked.

The square pupils of the Ktarian slid to Lianej, who pursed her lips for a minute. "When the doctors woken her up and is sure the procedure is a success. Not before." Lianej noticed that Hesmil looked slightly relieved.

Heather nodded. “I’ll be alright, don’t worry about me.” She gave Savar a loving kiss and a hug. “Let’s just get this over with.”

"I am afraid that is impossible Heather, I will worry until I see you again." Savar replied before he kissed her. Then turning to Lianei. " That is acceptable." he looked back to Heather, "I will see you shortly my love."

"Very well," Hesmil replied. She indicated a screen att eh back to Heather. "There's a gown for you back there. We'll start soon."

"I don't suppose you could burn out her melodrama centre while you're in there?" Lianej asked.

Hesmil gave the captain an arch look. "I don't do non-consensual procedures, and i do recall something about you beaming my hands into space if I tried. Suck it up, buttercup. The most I'll do is something for the nausea."

"I get no respect," Lianej shook her head with a smile. "All right lover boy, lets go, No point in fussing here. You'll come back later." She gave Savar a nudge out of the room, and left the doctor to her work.


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