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Another intimate little talk

Posted on Fri Feb 18th, 2022 @ 2:42pm by Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor

Mission: Season 5: Interlude: Darkness Abounds
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: After Senior Staff - Briefed on the next issue
1756 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Lia had walked into the Captains ready room after the heated briefing, she wasn't happy that Gary had taken Lovejoy's side. He hadn't even stopped to think what she had been getting at, she had been an agent she knew what could or might happen. But both the Captain and XO had chosen to simply push her doubts and worries aside, this little chat just might get heated.

Garrett sat behind his desk, stone faced. Gary was in a chair in front of the desk. Jess's uncalled for outburst and Lia's challenge to Lovejoy had put a tamper on the briefing. As the doors opened and Lia strode in, Garrett wasted no time. "Be seated Commander."

Nodding, Lia now sat down and waited. If this was going to be a firing squad, she wasn't going to give them any more ammunition. "I must caution you sir, I am still recording any interaction between yourself the XO and myself", as long as she was open in her actions there was little that could be said against her.

Garrett nodded, "As you wish Commander." His voice hard, cold and flat.

"Do I detect a problem sir? Are you after my resignation?" Lia could feel the anger within the room, but for her the situation was simply black or white. A) Work blind and end up possibly causing problems for the agents, even if she wasn't happy about them being onboard. B) Get a simple outline to work with for now and get a more detailed brief later. But both Lovejoy and Gary seemed blind to that very easy answer, they were determined to go back down the Carrington rout once again. Say nothing and let gossip abound, a sure and certain way for difficulties to arise.

"Last part first, no I am not after nor do I want your resignation Commander. The problem as you refer to it is simple. You watched Jess blow up, make unfounded and untrue accusations and stayed quiet. Only after she left the room was security called. She's in the brig to calm down. Only then did you say something. You had ample opportunity to stop her yet you condemn me for my actions. As for this mission as of now, you just have to accept that Intel Operatives are coming aboard the Elysium."

Lia took a deep breath and faced Lovejoy fully, "In regards to the Commander, it was not my place to pre-empt you in how you wished to react or handle that situation. Once she had made her accusation, you simply could have turned to me and ordered me to detain her." She stopped and looked at Gary who had remained quiet, taking another breath she continued. "I could have then advised you on the procedure in her regard, but you chose to bypass me and act out of what could be perceived as spite." Lia was now in her stride, "I did not condemn you, I simply told you what I would do in regards to the Commander. And further to that, informed you of my perception of your actions." She took another breath and shook her head, "As for accepting certain Intel operatives, I have never said I didn't accept them. I stated I needed further information about them, so as to give the correct orders to my department in regards to them." She now addressed both men, "As Captain, you have shown scant regard for my office as Chief of Security. Your First Officer has chosen to follow your example, something I find offensive and bewildering. I will follow orders when those orders are given openly and honestly, but as Security Chief I will question those orders if I think they need to questioned or further expanded." Lia now sat back slightly, "With respect Captain, I think your seeing things that aren't there and acting rashly as a result."

"Let me correct you Commander, I have four pips on my collar and you have three. That gives me the authority to do what I need to do in regards to my duty to this ship and crew. Also my First Officer, your husband knows how to separate business from personal and to trust me. Something you seem to be lacking. I have great respect for you and your department but you have blinders on and only see what you want to see and how it affects your department and not the big picture." Garrett countered.

"Permission to speak freely sir", Lia waited to see if Lovejoy would allow her to continue.

"By all means Commander." Lovejoy answered. "I don't believe if I said no it would stop you. Not if you had something you really wanted to say."

Lia now closed her eye's and took a deep breath and slowly released it, opening her eye's she locked them onto Lovejoy. "Four pips doesn't mean you don't make mistakes, what it does do is allow you to ask your fellow Officers for aide and advice. If you have the good grace to admit your unsure of a given situation, nobody will think you weak or unable to do your job they may in fact look up to you with respect for seeking advice." She stopped and thought before continuing, "As for separating professional and private parts of my life, I find your charge of being lacking an insult. I don't trust you because you have never earned that trust, and incidents like this only serve to widen that mis-trust. I see the big picture Captain, what I don't see is your honest and open duty in relaying that big picture to this crew. Ever since you waltzed on this vessel with the late Captain Carrington, you've kept nasty little secrets hidden from the Command staff. You allowed the gossip about Phoenix Lalor to run rampant, I know through good honest intel work that Phoenix Lalor isn't sitting in a cell awaiting trial on treason charges. I can't prove it hence I keep quiet about it, what Jess did earlier was as much your fault as hers."

Lia clasped her hands together, to keep her temper in check. "If my husband wishes to simply give you his trust, that's his choice. If you want my trust, you're going to have to earn it by being open with both me and the Command staff. I'm sick to death of everybody keeping bloody secrets, then getting all upset and offended when others go seeking the truth." She now stopped and took another deep breath, "My department is for now, my main concern. Simply because we don't have any secrets, we're open about what we do. Now if you require my removal after what I've just said, please say so openly to my face." Lia now sat back and awaited the forth coming wave of abuse and insult, she knew Lovejoy wouldn't admit or let her comments go unchallenged.

The corners Garrett's mouth turned upward as he looked over to Gary. "She certainly has an opinion." Gary nodded. "Yes sir she does and she'll make sure you know it." Gary finished proudly. Garrett nodded and turned back to Lia. "Commander, I think you have blinders on. Since taking command from the late Captain Carrington, I have been open. I've held meetings with both my first and second officer. I have asked for opinions and input. I have been more open and accessible. Have you not seen Lt. Redal walking around with a Super Garrett t-shirt? However I drift from our discussion. Are you familiar with the phrase need to know. It applies to you. Right now, you don't need to know. If you cannot accept that then I am truly sorry. As for your good, honest Intl work. I have no comment."

"With respect Captain, your openness is limited to those who agree with you and or trust you. I am not your First or Second Officer, when at any time did you call for me and talk about Security affairs?" Lia glanced at Gary and smiled at his support of her opinion, she then looked back at Lovejoy. "I suppose right now I do have restricted vision, but then this ship isn't exactly encouraging me to do otherwise. As for need to know, I lost a friend because of need to know. A simple phrase and a word to the wise might have saved her, I don't need to know facts. But I do need to know simple details, for the Security of this vessel. That's all I'm after, and I'm sorry you see it in a different light."

"And I think your perspective is bias Commander. I haven't called on you simply because you run a tight department and I can find nothing at fault. "You say you don't want details yet when I tell you Starfleet Intel Operatives are coming onboard that's exactly what you want...details. Which I am not prepared to give at this time as I have also stated previously." Garrett countered and waited for Lia's reply.

Giving Lovejoy a sideways glance, Lia now bit her lip. "Ok I'm bias, ok I want more than your going to give. With due respect Captain I'm getting dizzy going round and round in circles, keep you bloody secrets but when things go south don't blame me." Her head slowly fell forward, "I give up, permission to dismiss sir."

"I'm sorry you think I am being secretive Commander and keeping as you put it bloody secrets. Yes you have permission to dismiss. In addition fear not if things go south you and your department will not be blamed." Garrett replied evenly,

"What I think doesn't appear to matter Captain, so my myopic view on events will be continuing. Thank you for your time sir, if needed I'll be on the bridge". Lia stood and headed for the door, as she entered the bridge she now made for her station. A few quick movements later and her department was placed on standby, she shook her head and closed her eye's. *Life just got a whole lot more difficult*, she thought.

Garrett watched Lia and shook his head, he was disappointed that she couldn't see the big picture but even more so in that she couldn't or wouldn't accept his explanation. He realized it came down to one simple fact, Lia didn't have confidence in him, so she didn't believe what he told her.

Commander Lia Taylor
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium

Commander Gary Taylor
Executive Officer
USS Elysium


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