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Saepius Exertus - Part 1 of 3

Posted on Sun May 1st, 2022 @ 10:40am by Captain Samuel Woolheater

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS HALE - en route to Aquiensis Potentia "Arcadia"
Timeline: Stardate 64504.6 (Three Weeks Ago)
Tags: Arcadia, Shella
2114 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure

[ON: "Saepius Exertus – Part 1 of 3"]


Coming into view is the Federation starship USS Hale, a Steamrunner class vessel. The glow of the nacelles and the marker beacons as they strobe give us a good view of the port side of the ship as she passes and enters standard orbit around the conference planet Arcadia.

(Voice Over) “Personal log, Stardate 64504.6, Private First-Class Avia Reyes (PCNPC) recording; we have finally arrived at our next mission op. A group of Federation scientists are hosting an open science forum on the planet Arcadia. The conference is open to both Federation members and to non-aligned worlds to promote a dialogue and share the "wealth" of knowledge. For the past three weeks the HALE has been a galactic taxi service picking up three conference attendees and escorting them to the Arcadia conference. The Marines attached to the HALE for this mission have been tasked with assuring our passengers security. Our platoon CO, butter-bar Second Lieutenant Woolheater is briefing us.”


PFC. Avia Reyes (PCNPC) and the rest of her squad entered the briefing room. Captain Hammond (NPC) and 2LT. Woolheater were already here. The conference room on the HALE was not very large. And for most mission ops the marines would have been briefed below decks. For some reason, Lieutenant Woolheater had called both squads up here.

There were not enough chairs here for everyone. Avia (PCNPC) saw her opportunity and grabbed it, "Girls first guys!" and she quickly took the last open seat. Sam acknowledged them coming in with a nod of his head and a “Sit your asses down” look on his face. He turned his attention back to the big screen. On the left side was what appeared to be a floor plan for the Arcadia conference auditorium. On the right, in split-screen mode were what Avia guessed were the Arcadian security forces. The younger man on the top looked like a diplomat. Not a hair out of place and he looked quite relaxed if a little bit bored. On the bottom was an older Gallamide security officer and he looked like he was in charge. As Avia and the rest of the squad took their places in the room, ship’s Captain Hammond (NPC) continued:

"Ambassador, allow me to assure you that the HALE has every confidence in your security precautions. However, Starfleet has dispatched 2 squads of Marines here merely to assist you in your security patrols", Hammond (NPC).

The younger Ambassador almost yawned, "Excuse me Captain. Let's not play this game. There is simply no need for your armed "goons and jarheads"…(ooppss)…he looked at Lt. Woolheater and said, “Um…no offense".

Sam was quiet just a moment, holding his gaze and then quick to answer, "None taken Ambassador."

Avia (PCNPC) wouldn't have let the bureaucrat off so lightly. She sat back a little in her chair and returned her gaze to the view screen. The Ambassador continued.

"What I mean is that having well-armed Starfleet Marines is neither needed nor desired. I have assurances from Chief of Security Dosch (NPC) that we have taken every precaution. And, not to put too fine a point on it, I simply think that it will give the wrong impression to our guests. As it is, the three scientists on your own vessel have expressed concerns that with such a large contingent of "security" roaming around it calls into question the Federation's motives for the invitation."

The older Gallamide Security officer spoke up, "And indeed casts a distracting and negative taste to Dr. Wallader's keynote address. I sternly object to having armed Marines, no matter Starfleet's assurances, roaming around during the conference."

Avia (PCNPC) noticed Captain Hammond (NPC) glance over to Woolheater for help.

Sam cleared his throat, "Security Chief Dosch (NPC), believe me, I understand that this is a scientific conference, and the idea is to be as open as possible. If you'll look at my deployment schedule on your view screens you will see that the HALE's marines are extremely low-key. We are not beaming down there with rifles or ground-assault supplies. I have asked my squad members here to this briefing so that you can see that we will be dressed very much as you see us now. We are only going to be carrying minimal side arms. My orders from SFMC are very clear that we are there only to support you."

Avia (PCNPC) knew immediately that she didn't like the Ambassador when he said, "Lieutenant…try and understand…am I not making myself clear? We have security under control. Now…I don't care if you beam down with pink ribbons on your phasers, we do not want you here."

Samuel held his tongue in check as he exhaled. Captain Hammond (NPC) saw this was going nowhere. "Well, we will take your request under advisement, and I will pass your concerns along to Starfleet Command." Before either of them could object Hammond closed the channel, "Hammond (NPC) out."

The two conference ministers disappeared and now just the deployment plans were on the conference room view screen. The marines snapped to attention as Captain Hammond (NPC) stood. "That went just swimmingly. Lieutenant Woolheater, continue with your security detail. Although you may have to go down there unarmed? I'll contact CO Captain Serege at SB418 and get his take on the matter. Please proceed with your briefing. Excuse me Marines." Hammond left the room and Woolheater began the briefing.

PFC Reyes (PCNPC) listened as Lt. Woolheater explained the security situation for the conference. It was to last one standard week and the HALE would be in orbit the whole time. The briefing was over rather shortly too as everyone was feeling exactly what Avia (PCNPC) said, "So, Lieutenant…no weapons, no support on the surface, nobody wants us there – so are we supposed to just use bad manners and harsh language …did we do something wrong to end up baby-sitters to a group of eggheads?" she asked sarcastically.

Sam didn't smile, "I sympathize with you. We'll have to do this op the very old-fashioned way. Keep your eyes and ears open. When you get to the surface your COMM badges are programmed to relay messages to the HALE and to the Gallamidian Security offices." We'll be beaming down this afternoon to view the conference center and……assist.” Sam gathered his PaDD and switched off the display monitor. “Marines, you're dismissed!"

And with that the briefing was over. As the squads filed out of the small briefing room and made their way to the turbolift an air of boredom settled in on them. Everyone thought that the Ambassador who yawned a lot and the Gallamidian Security Chief were right. They all thought that SFMC was being too overachieving in this mission. And it went unchecked. It was a very costly mistake as they would soon find out.


Simply the largest fleet yards in the Federation, Utopia Planetia encompassed both a planet side facility and the 21 orbiting space docks used to build, test, and maintain a wide variety of old and new starships. Everything could be made here and so could everything be unmade here. Like so many fireflies on a warm summer evening, the lights twinkled below on the surface of Mars. Those thousand upon thousand twinkling lights were plasma torches, electric arc welders and automated worker bees. High above our heads was just one of the massive orbiting dry docks where a Sovereign class starship was being repaired. Starfleet engineers buzzed around the space frame like so many gnats.

Below, was the valley of lights. Surface facilities for repair and maintenance of all sorts of land-based craft used by the Federation. Mechanized Marine unit tanks, ion defensive guns for planet side defense, all manner of landing craft and shuttle craft; literally everything. Why, even underwater vessels were engineered and built here before being shipped to their final customer. Massive, automated plants cranked out an almost inexhaustible supply of ships and equipment that the Federation used every day.

Passing through the skeletal frame of an LEV (Landed Extrication Vehicle) were the castle-like towers of the corporate offices of the company that made all of this happen. Universal Spacecraft Systems was where the "magic" happened. Some engineers called it the "Magic Kingdom”; others called it the "Purple Palace" a thinly veiled reference to the color of the carpet that dominated most of the inner offices. A steady stream of shuttles buzzed the spaces between the towers. Long straight lines they formed as orderly and single file as ants on Earth. Like spokes on a wheel superfast maglev train delivered raw materials to the outer processing plants.

Universal Spacecraft Systems (The “USS” that prefixed many a ship) had long ago ceased to be merely a vassal of the Federation. In many ways and with equal baronial powers they frequently called the shots and could raise a project to life or mire it in endless committees so that a design never saw the light of day. As we move closer to just one of the lower towers, we can see windows of the many offices here. And it is to these offices that our attention must needs be directed. There it is, second one on the left, just below the shuttle pod airlock. There is a waiting room here. There is an alien man, very tall, even though he is seated. He sits alone in the waiting room opposite from a civilian secretary. The male secretary is busy answering calls, and the alien man waits patiently.


"Sorry to keep you waiting. Admiral Shella will see you now", the male secretary stood as he spoke to the tall alien. Except for the purple carpet, the walls were a bright-metallic steel. Cold some might say. The alien man stood to his full height topping out at least 9 feet tall (2.7 meters) he towered over the human. A set of oversized doors complete with ornate handles swept silently open. The secretary watched as the alien walked silently across the carpet and into the interior office. The doors closed again silently except for the click of the locking mechanism.


As the tall alien had left, he had what can only be described as a smile. Certainly, a smile like a nightmare. We can see him walk silently across the carpet and out into the not-so-busy hallway at Universal. The Administrator's hair was neatly kept in a bun on top of her head. Her office was brightly lit but now she had dimmed the lights so that only the glow from the outside illuminates the room. Her desk beeps that an incoming call is awaiting her. She answers the call,

"I've just finished meeting with our associate", she answers. The voice on the other end is that of an older male, possibly human.

"Enlighten us if you will" the voice says.

The administrator leans back in her chair, and we can see her platinum blonde hair glimmer in the faint light. "Long ago, map makers sketched dragons on maps as a sign to Terran sailors that they would be entering unknown territory at their own risk" she said.

"Is that a fact?" the male voice replied. There was no emotion in either of their voices. "Go on."

Rising from her chair, she continued, "Some sailors took this sign quite literally and were afraid to venture on. Still others saw these dragons as a sign of opportunity, a door to places unknown, of virgin territory."

"And how do you see our proposal?" he asks.

She steps closer to the window, and we can now see her upper torso. Her uniform is that of an Admiral with three pips in Starfleet. Her face is cold, and a frown is etched into her face. Her eyes are dark, like pools of tar that suck light into them and let nothing out. She smiles a very fake smile and replies, "I think it is time that we slay some old dragons."

Behind her, the man on the other end of the COMM channel nods. The pale light on her desktop vanishes and the COMM channel is closed. She gazes onto the bustling activity just outside her window.


2nd Lieutenant, Samuel Woolheater
“Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas”
2nd Platoon CO, Bravo Company
1st Battalion, 91st Marine Regiment
=/\= STARBASE 418 =/\=


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