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You need a change

Posted on Sat Jun 18th, 2022 @ 2:50am by Consul Andrinn Orin & Captain Samuel Woolheater

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Andrinn's Apartment, Earth
Timeline: Three Weeks Prior
1572 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Slowly waking up and feeling the bed next to him, Andrinn realized that he was once again very much alone. The previous night, his ex-fiance had come over and spent the night.

Andrinn and Michael had met through the Diplomatic Corp on Earth several years ago. Michael was a Diplomatic Attache working with the Betazoid delegation, while Andrinn was still working with the Trill Diplomatic delegation. Like the old saying goes, they locked eyes from across the room and the connection was instantaneous. They began dating almost immediately and got engaged within a year, which spelt trouble for two young men both working in diplomacy.

Two years into the engagement and slow growing bitterness towards each other over the amount of work they both put in caused a rift that was unconsolable. Michael officially broke off the engagement and moved out within a week, leaving Andrinn alone for the first time in over three years.

However, this morning was a different type of alone. Michael had come over and they had done the deed the night before. Andrinn thought he would've at least stay through morning, especially after all they had been through together. Since he didn't though, Andrinn slowly stretched as he started waking up and made his way into his living room and kitchen area to make something for breakfast before heading off to work.

When he got into the living room though, Andrinn realized that he was only partially wrong. Michael was standing in the kitchen and was making breakfast for the two of them.

Walking over to Michael, Andrinn wrapped his arms around Michael's waist and he said, "Good morning. I thought you had left." Andrinn kissed Michael's shoulder and laid his chin on the other man's neck as he waited for his reply.

Michael was making omelets, "I hope still like your Denver omletes? I don't think I have forgotten how to make them?" Michael said as he expertly flipped the omlette. Michael sensed how easily, how quickly Andrinn could forget about the past year and pick up as if they were getting back together again. "Coffee Freshly ground as you like it?"

Simply shaking his head with a sad glint in his eye, Andrinn took a few steps back and said, "Yeah. You remember me too damn well."

When the omlette had finished cooking, it slid right out of the pan and he gave one to Andrinn. Complete with a sprig of dill, some salt, pepper and a dab of salsa. "Sit? Last night. I came over for a reason. Not specifically to just have sex; although that was fun too. More than that. I have some news."

Remembering where they were one year prior, Andrinn was a bit nervous. Was Michael trying to completely cut him out of his life? Did he find someone new? No, he couldn't have or the sex wouldn't have happened, or are they into that sort of thing? So many unanswered questions and Andrinn knew that Michael was waiting for a reply back to his inquiry.

Trying to keep himself from crying, thinking about all the worst things in the entire universe that could happen. Andrinn didn't even take a breath when he asked, "Yeah, what's the big news?"

Michael cut into the omelette, sensing the disappointment in Andrinn, he said, "Look at you, you don't even know what I'm going to say and you leap to the worst outcome. I'm the empathic one here, remember?" Michael laughed and reached for Andrinn's hand and squeezed it once.

Squeezing it tightly for a moment before letting go. Andrinn let out a small, soft chuckle as he said, "Okay, okay! What's the big news then that's so important that you had to come over here and read me with that Betazoid empathy of yours?"

Andrinn reached over and picked up his utensils as he began to eat a bit of his food.

Michael took a bite of breakfast and said, "I have a job for you. A good one Andrinn. if you want it. This past year, I know that you've been lonely and hurt. I just don't feel that way about you any more. The way we used to be. We ae two very different people and I feel like staying on together was making me..." He stopped and took a swig of coffee. "This isn't about me either. I think you need a change. A change of address, a change of view, a change of life. There is a whole world out there that could benefit from your work. From your heart."

"You really think I need a change? I've loved it here on Earth and I've lived here on Earth for almost as long as I've lived on Trill...I think. God, I guess that you're right. What do you think I should do?" Andrinn said as he took a few more bites of his food and took a few sips of the coffee that Michael made for them.

Michael set down the fork after another bite of breakfast and took another swig of coffee. "I think you should apply for Chief Diplomatic Office on a starship. Get out there, go and work on the front lines. Go and work where you can feel like you are making a difference. Hey? Look at me? This is a good job. The ship is the Elysium. Captain Lalor has requested a CDO. It came across the comm last night. I haven't posted it yet. Its for you Andrinn. I know that if you get out of the rut you're in...its what you were born to do! You have faced so much adversity, people not believing in you, in your abilities, in your mind. Well. Get out there and show them what you can do."

"Do you...really think I have it in me to be the Chief Diplomatic Officer on a starship? Fighting aliens and trying to find peace like the great Jonathan Archer? I guess that I could try it and see what happens. It would get me away from this place and from offense," Andrinn said, not trying to sound like a total doucebag.

The last year was especially hard on Andrinn. He had started to close up and didn't even begin dating again. There was just so much that reminded him of Michael here on Earth, especially in San Francisco at Federation HQ. After taking another few bites of his breakfast, Andrinn leaned over and squeezed Michael's hand and said, "Okay, I'll do it because you asked me to and it...actually sounds like it could be an adventure. But, just promise me that you'll move on too, if you haven't already? I'm sorry that I tore you heart to bits and apparently stomped all over it."

Michael looked at him, he still cared. "You bet I do. I believe in you. We had something Andrinn. And, we lost it. Somehow? Does it matter now if it was you? If it was me? We're both stuck. Believe it or not, even if I don't love you as a partner; I can still care about you. And want the best for you. I do think you would be good at it. You wouldn't be the policymaker. You'd be there as a resource for the Captain and the crew. Help mediate, use all of that experience you and Orin have to help guide things in the direction that benefits everybody. Hopefully, make new allies, make new friends." Michael was quiet a moment and said, "Andrinn, you don't need my permission. If you find somebody - and I sincerely hope you do - do what you want. We're still friends right? You'll still call m and I'll call you? I have to post it this morning. I would really like it if your name was one of the applicants. I can't promise anything; but I will see that your application, if you choose to do one, will get in front of the Captain. I might even put in a letter of recommendation. Diplomatic favor and all that?"

Andrinn had a tell, a nervous tick that was a carryover from the first host of the Orin Symbiote that not a lot of people got to see or understand. Michael was one of the first people outside of his family that noticed it, but never told anyone about it. He would just lean over and take Andrinn's hand and help stop him from doing it. Andrinn looked down and noticed that Michael was stopping him from doing his tell and he realized that they were perfectly imperfect for each other, if not more on the imperfect side.

Andrinn shook his head and said in a quiet tone, "Yeah, if you make me one promise too. You have to apply for the Diplomatic spot on the Federation Council working with Councillor Tal from Bajor. Gods, go make the universe a better place out there and live a happy life, okay? Go find someone that makes you as happy as you made me while we were together, okay? Make a wonderful legacy."

Michael nodded, "Deal. In the Diplomatic circles; its a small world. So we'll be in touch. Let's finish up? If I'm right, you won't have a whole lot of time to pack." He said and winked.


Michael Westmore


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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