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Getting the news

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2022 @ 12:30am by Consul Andrinn Orin & Captain Samuel Woolheater

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Orin's Apartment, Earth
Timeline: One month before departure
2306 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Orin was sitting at his desk in his apartment back in San Francisco on Earth. He had several papers that he needed to finish working on before the end of the week and they weren't going any faster than they had the previous three days. Shaking his head, he got up and took a stroll out to his balcony.

Standing there in the breeze of the night, Orin thought about everything that happened over the last few years, and more importantly, the last few months.

Michael and him broke up because of how much Orin worked, even though he was a respected diplomat from Trill. However, Orin always felt a bit of a disconnect, especially over the last few years. He wanted to be perfect, even though he knew that he couldn't.

"Maybe Michael was right. Maybe this whole diplomatic attachment to the Elysium could help. I hope that I hear something soon about it because it's driving me stir crazy," Orin said to himself, a small wry smile forming on his face.

However, as soon as he spoke the words, the comm panel in his living room came to life and brought the Starfleet Emblem onto its screen. Walking back inside, Orin went over to the controls and activated the screen fully, allowing the communique to come through fully.

The picture of a Starfleet Commodore came through as he activated the message, but it wasn't a message. The Commodore smiled as he said, "Andrinn Orin, I assume?"

Orin replied, "Yes, who am I speaking with?" Orin looked the man over. He was wearing a purple uniform, denoting that he was working with the Diplomatic Corp for Starfleet. He appeared to be human and was a bit up there in age, maybe mid to late 50's.

Orin waited for his response, to see what he wanted.

"Hello Consul, I am Commodore Pierre Rudd, from the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps, I wanted to call you in person. Mr. Orin, after a careful review of your application and in light of your many years of experience, the Federation Council would like to offer you a position as Federation Ambassador on the USS Elysium. If you accept this post, you will fulfill the duties of the Chief Diplomatic Officer and enjoy the full plenipotentiary powers granted to that office on behalf of the Federation President and Council. You would be a member of the senior staff and have access to mission critical data of a highly sensitive nature. We feel that you have the right mix of experience and tenacity that would be needed on a forward deployed ship of the line.

Smiling, Orin couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked at the Commodore and just stared at him for a few moments before actually responding to what he said.

Orin looked at the screen with his jaw on the floor and said, "Commodore, you mean that....I actually got the position on the Elysium? I didn't think I was fully qualified. Are you sure that it was truly me that was selected for the position?"

Rudd stood up from his desk and came around to the front saying, "Absolutely. Your experience from the Orin symbiont and that of your El-Aurian host was a double-header win for the Council. I won't sugar-coat this Mr. Orin. The Council was not unanimous. You were up against some serious competition from Matik of Vulcan and Veerill of Sephrata IV. The President though brought up a good point. On Elysium we need more than simply a Diplomat who knows which fork to use at dinner parties. We need someone who can interface with all levels of the crew and build a working and eventually, we hope, a respected member of the senior staff. Elysium is no cakewalk Mr. Orin. You a fully functioning starship with many departments, a tight-knit crew that have been through hell and survived. There is already a significant allied government presence on the ship already."

"I wasn't looking for easy, but by the sounds of it, the crew has been through a lot. Will there be any sort of protection for me and the rest of the diplomatic team?" Orin asked, slightly worried about what the Commodore said about the position, not being a cakewalk.

Smiling back Rudd said, "No, I know you weren't looking for easy. Let us worry about keeping you and your Diplomatic staff protected. You'll have a close protection team. Captain Mattias Richardson heads up that detail. You'll be in good hands with him providing the security. He's a former marine with a lot of experience in out-of-the-box thinking. Additionally, there is ship board security and a detachment of marines to augment...special scenarios." Rudd paused a moment looking Andrinn over.

"Commodore, should I honestly be worried about my life or the lives of those on the Diplomatic Team that I'm inheriting? Cause, I would like to know if there are stuff that I need to prepared for in the long run. What can you tell me Commodore? What...have they been through? I'm invoking my Diplomatic Credentials here to know..." Orin said, wanting to know what he got himself into before accepting the position. He didn't want to endanger anyone's life, especially if it was something he could do and help to save lives.

Pierre said, "Risk is our business Mr. Orin. Any endeavor that the Federation has undertaken has risk attached to it. Are we putting you in danger? Yes. Is it likely that you or your staff could be harmed. Yes. But that's why you have a whole starship behind you. To help and support you. And in turn, you support and defend everyone else. That's why we want you. Because you get that. Because you know that if you do your job right, nobody gets hurt. You know the price and consequences of failure."

"Yes, sir. I just wanted to make sure that anyone and everyone that I worked with on the USS Elysium would be safe under my command. What's the specification of their current mission? If you don't mind me asking, sir," Orin said, feeling a bit nervous and relieved all at once. He had seen firsthand what people with passion could do for either side of a point, having grown up on Trill in a very turbulent time.

Rudd continued, "I'm not sure 'command' is the right word here Mr. Orin. Captain is in charge of the ship. Diplomatic missions you'll have more input.
That's why its important to get off on the right foot with the Command Team.
You'll need them to be successful in any mission. I realize that you're not from a military background. You'll have to get up tp speed quickly I'm afraid.
For the time being, I'd rather not go in on mission specifics Mr. Orin. You'll have access to the ship and her logs if you accept the position that is? Do you? Do you accept this position Mr. Orin?"

"Yes, sir. I accept the position onboard the Elysium. Since I haven't been an officer in Starfleet, what will my rank be? Will I have a standard rank or will I have one of the diplomatic ranks from the Federation council?" Orin asked, wanting to know if he would be something like a Lieutenant or a Counsel.

Rudd answered, "That's great to hear. You are making the best choice Mr. Orin. Personnel will sort that out. Don't hold my feet to the fire but I think something in the Lieutenant range, based on your experience, would be in order. Captain Lalor can make a recommendation with Starfleet Command. I don't have that information in front of me at the moment. You have about a week to wrap up any personal business. Then we'll send over an escort to take you to Starfleet Command. Well? That about settles it then. Congratulations on your new assignment Ambassador." He smiled warmly and closed the channel.

Standing there in front of an empty screen, Orin was feeling several emotions at once. Happiness, sadness, joy, glee, scared out of his mind. He wasn't entirely sure what to think next. However, he knew that there was one person that he needed to contact and express his gratitude for.

Pulling up the diplomatic comm channels, Andrinn looked up the direct line of communication to Michael, who he knew was still on Earth. He punched in the line to be connected and waited for the line to open to that beautiful face.

Orin just smiled shyly as he saw the face come on and said, "Hey....I just wanted to say thank you. I got the job on the Elysium...."


Turning on the viewsceen and answering, Michael was delighted to see Andrinn standing there calling him. Looking out through the viewscreen a big smile broke onto Michael's face, "That great news Andrinn! I knew you could do it. I'm so happy for you! Really, I am. Get out from behind a desk all the time and go and see firsthand how its done. And have a part in that. Oh, I know you've made a great choice! So, Chief Diplomatic Officer to the Elysium right?" he asked with a grin and pride showing through.

"Yeah, it's the posting that you recommended for me. I guess...I just wanted to call any say thank you, as well as to say goodbye, for good this time. Even after breaking up, we had always hooked up, but now, we won't see each other again for a long time. You were the first guy I really had to do this, it's kind of hard, you know?" Orin said, tears forming in his eyes.

"You are very welcome. I'm glad that you are interested. You just need to remember to balance your work and your home life. You can't always be 'on' as Ambassador. And yes, I know it hurts right now. Because you can't see over that next hill. Just over that ridge is a whole new world. A whole new experience for you. You'll meet new people, you'll make lots of friends and maybe even fall in love with someone new. I want you to know that its OK. You and I had our time. I'm really happy for your Orin. When do you start? Maybe we could meet up for dinner sometime? I can help you store your things?" Michael said as he thought about how he could help Andrinn.

Looking at the picture of Michael on that screen and hearing the words that he said, Andrinn smiled and let out a small chuckle. "I think I have to report into the CO in about a week. So, I've got a couple more days on Earth before I head out. How about you? Have you heard anything from Bajor? Did you get that position with the Ambassador?" Orin said, smiling and hoping that Michael had got the position with the Ambassador to Bajor.

Michael shook his head, "No, not yet. Ambassador Preya is hosting a trade negotiation with Tellar. She has asked for some assistance and, well, I'm available. I won't be delayed long. I'm heading out in two days. But, I don't have to pack anything." He laughed a little and said, "I'm so happy for you Andrinn. All of the experience that Orin has - and what you've been through yourself. This will be a good, good job for you!"

Looking at the screen, Orin felt a pain of regret in his gut. Nothing he hasn't felt beforehand, but it was something that he wished he could have changed. Looking Michael in his eyes, Orin said, "Promise me something? Promise me that you'll go and find someone that makes you happy in this life and takes the time to make you happy, okay? I know I couldn't do that before, so I hope that you find that sometime in this lifetime."

Michael said, "I don't blame you anymore. So don't you go blaming yourself. I understand now how you get so engrossed in your work. I get it. I just couldn't be...another item on your 'to-do' list. I promise to remain open and receptive to the possibility that someday, somehow, I'll find someone who was as loving as you were to me. And I shall always love you and you shall always be my friend; if nothing else. Know that."

Wiping away a tear that had fallen onto his cheek, Orin smiled and said, "Thank you. Uhm....would you like to get dinner at the Presidio tomorrow night? Just let me see that face in person one more time before I head out?"

"I would love too. At Lilly's? I'll make the reservation if that would help? 2100? No, you never did like eating that late, 1900 then?" Michael said. He knew exactly where they were going to meet tomorrow night.

Simply nodding his head, Orin said, "Yeah, that would be lovely. I'll bring the wine, okay? Trill, 2102."

"Ooooo...the 2102! This is a special occasion. See you tomorrow and congratulations Andrinn!" Michael smiled and then closed the channel.

Watching the comm channel close and display the Federation symbol, Orin felt right for the first time in a long time. He finally felt like he was getting the closure that he needed. Maybe Michael was right. Maybe a new adventure was truly what Orin needed, and for that, Orin was happy.


Commodore Pierre Rudd & Michael
NPC's played by 1st Lt. Sam Woolheater


Counsel Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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