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Life Never Ending (Part 8)

Posted on Sun Oct 2nd, 2022 @ 11:09pm by Kyle Cragen [Reece] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Isle of Crete
Timeline: TBD (10 years after Russia?)
1515 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

"Easy now, young one," Kyle softly corrected. "Don't try to overpower your strokes." He took hold of their daughter's wrists gently, guiding her arms in the proper movement of the breast stroke. "Think of it like this, start with your hands together, just below you breast bone. You first shoot your hands out together in front of you, cutting a path through the water, then rotate them out and back, turning your wrists so you can push through the water, then finish by bringing then back up together, under your breastbone."

Veronika Minako Cragen nodded and mimicked her father's actions and then tried without his support. "Like this, Father?"

Kyle smiled and nodded. "Well done, my little one! We'll keep practicing this part a while longer, then, I'll teach you how the kick part of this stroke as well." He kept his hands on his daughter's hips, allowing her to move through the water of the large pool that was in the huge rear lawn on the Estate that he and Natsuko had recently purchased. Their business in Russia was concluded, for now. The agents that they had put in place could run the trading operations between there and their home in Japan. Next year, he would make a return trip, so ensure things were still running smoothly. Of course, as the agents had been hand picked and completely loyal to both himself and Natsuko, he had little worry that things would turn sour.

However, humans were fickle creatures. So, only time would tell.

A soft laugh from above them reached their ears as Natsuko came down the white steps of their villa to the pool area. Dressed in a white robe, she sat on the edge of the pool and dangled her legs in the water. "How go the lessons?" she asked

Veronika paused at the edge of the pool and waved to her mother. "Hello Mother."

"Hello little one" Natsuko replied and smiled.

Kyle looked over and smiled. "She's a fast learner. She clearly gets her intelligence from her mother." He winked playfully at Natsuko as he spoke.

"hmm and her water skills from her father" Natsuko replied as she idly kicked her feet. "It's a beautiful day."

After Kyle helped their daughter out of the pool, as she wanted a snack, he moved over and floated between his wife's legs, looking up at her as he held onto the side of the pool on either side of her hips. "Only half as beautiful as you are, beloved."

Natsuko leaned down and kissed him gently. "Charmer" she teased. Their daughter was off with a servant getting food so they could show a bit of affection. "How has your work been?" she asked curiously.

He smiled after she kissed him. It was something he realized he would never tire of, being kissed by her. Then he sighed softly as he gently laid his chin on her right thigh. "Slowly. Those Greeks are so shrewd when it comes to business deals. Shrewd, and slow. They seem to take a break for a coffee here, a snack there, a nap in the middle of the day! Makes me yearn for home and the Japanese work ethic."

"They probably do it to throw people off." She said softly. "But their country is beautiful."

"It is," he agreed. "And quite peaceful too."

"Hmm.So plans for the coming months my love?"

Looking back up at her, he smiled softly. "Well, there are several spices and produce that are grown here, that we don't have back home. And they don't have silks here. I was going to set up a trading company between home and here, possibly even do some between here and Russia." He sighed. "It all depends on hos quickly these people get their acts together."

Placing his hands on the pool deck on either side of her, he effortlessly lifted himself out of the water partially, putting them on a more eye-to-eye level. "And you, my love? What plans do you have in the works?" He asked with a handsome grin.

"I have been looking around the city, shopping and such." she mused. "I do have news for you though."

Kyle arched an eyebrow. "Oh? And what might that be, my love?" He stayed right where he was, perched on the edge of the pool.

"One of the ladies I... lunch with, her brother is part owner in a shipping company. He is looking to sell."

Kyle arched an eyebrow. "Oh really? Did she say how much he was asking?"

"No but it would be reasonable, he wants out and out fast apparently."

Kyle frowned slightly. "I wonder why he is so eager..." Then, shaking his head, he added, "Not that it really matters, it'll just be more wealth for us in the long run." He lowered himself back down into the water and gave his wife a sultry grin. "Are you going to stay out there all day, or are you going to join me in here, beloved?"

"hmmm maybe but we still have Veronika... she has eyes and ears.." she leaned close and kissed him.

As she kissed him, Kyle wrapped his arms around Natsuko and pulled her into the pool with him, smiling and chuckling as he did so. Then, holding her close, he whispered, "Well then, we will just have to have the nanny keep her occupied then, won't we, my love?"

Natsuko squealed as he pulled her into the pool and laughed as she snuggled closer to him in the water. "Hmm be a good idea.. maybe we should consider working on a sibling for her?"

Kyle smiled and nodded. "Oh, I definitely agree. Though, I've never though of that as work." He gave her a smirk that screamed how hungry he was for her. He then moved them to the side of the pool, putting her back to it, while he braced both of their weight by grabbing the edge of the deck in his strong hands. He then began kissing her deeply and full of passion.

Natsuko shifted against him in the water, it was rare that they made love in the daytime as they were often too busy or kept apart by their duties. She slid a leg up the back of his as she kissed him back just as passionately.

As they continued to kiss, they were unaware that their butler had accidently noticed their intimate moment, then turned around and quietly returned to the house, where he instructed the entire staff that the south side of the entire property was now off limits and the Master and Mistress were bit to be disturbed, except by him and only in a dire emergency.

As their entire staff was completely devoted to the Cragen family, there were no questions asked. They simply avoided the area, even staying away from any windows that might show the south lawn and pool.

Natsuko let her emotions lead and it would be hours before they made their way back into the house, still wrapped in each others arms in the afterglow of their activities.

Once they returned to the house, Kyle asked Dimitrious, their butler, who had been with them since they came to Greece, to please have the kitchen prepare a light dinner for Natsuko and himself, and have it brought up to the master suite. Then, after their daughter was settled for the night, they would come and read to her before putting her to bed for the night.

Their lives in Greece would end soon enough but for now, they were content.

Once they were up in their suite, Kyle went and started a bath for them to relax in. The tub was large enough that they could either sit across from each other, or get very cozy together. "Why don't you go and get in, my love?" He offered went it was all set up. "I'll bring the food in after it's delivered. We can pick at it and each other, until our hunger is quenched."

"hmm and how long until that?" she asked curiously as she unbound her hair and let it fall. "We have centuries..."

Grinning, Kyle replied as he moved over and enveloped his beautiful wife. "I meant our current hunger, my love. Rest assured, I will always be starving for you." With that, he kissed her again, reignite their passion.

Natsuko matched his passion with her own, glad that even now, years after their meeting, the passion remained. She ran her hands over him, as she always loved to touch him.

Feeling her delicate touch on his skin always inflamed Kyle, even after all these years together. He silently prayed to the Goddesses that she never grew bored with him. He certainly never would with her.

Sliding his hands down to her robe covered ass, he lifted her up as they continued to kiss, and carried her to their bed, where they spent more time enjoying one another, and doing what needed to be done to start the life of their next child.



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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Thu Oct 13th, 2022 @ 3:23pm


Nobody get in the pool. You'll get pregnant.

Yuck. That pool will need to be drained and then scoured with Mr. Clean.

Of course, the best line in the whole post is, "Doing what needed to be done...". That leaves it open for the reader to decide what happens next. And I rather like that. They could have gone for a walk, played a game of Yahtzee...the possibilities are wide open.