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The Morning After

Posted on Tue Nov 8th, 2022 @ 11:01am by Lieutenant Etrara Khalten

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: O’Keefe’s Quarters
Timeline: Morning After Two Lost Souls
1331 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Sean awoke to the glorious scent of Etrara’s hair tickling his nostrils. He had drifted to sleep a short while after she had. He was still spooning her, his left arm about Etrara’s waist.

Sean glanced at her perfect shape under the sheet. O’Keefe was amazed he was able to lay with her and hold her all night without engaging in each other’s passions. He knew she was passionate. He had heard it in her voice while she told her story. She desired to be loved for who she was, not what she should be.

He visualized her appearance from the night before. Her long sexy legs with the leather boots the only thing he had not removed. An arse that was tight and shapely. Her breasts, supple and perfect twins. Her face, not entirely human and not entirely Klingon. He found that the traits of each worked to compliment each other.

Suddenly, Sean came to realize something which could bring Etrara to a full raging panic. His morning erection was in full bloom. Shite! Slowly he moved his hips so that he wouldn’t be pricking her in her backside.

Sean gently whispered in her ear, “Good mornin’ darlin’! What can I git Ye fer bre’fast?”

Etrara had been dreaming, not her usual nightmares but gentle, warm and pleasant dreams and, for once she did not want to wake. Yawning and stretching like a cat she opened her eyes. She was sure she had heard the word breakfast somewhere in the dream. “I’m sorry Sean” she whispered. “I’m sure it’s not how you would have liked your evening to go.” She turned onto her back. “You don’t have to give me breakfast.” She looked up at him. “I’ll just go.”

“Nae!” Sean said impulsively reaching for Etrara’s arm. “Nae apologies. Truth be tol’, yer bein’ ‘ere calmed my dreams. I’ was pleasant. I think I ‘ave been seekin’ physical intimacy, when I shoul’ be findin’ intimacy o’ the soul. Yer life story touched me. I enjoyed jes’ ‘oldin’ ye. Please stay fer bre’fast.”

“I would like that.” she said sitting up. “Do you have something called bacon and eggs with tomatoes and orange juice, and toast? Felice and I used to call it ‘oiling the wheels’.

Sean chuckled. “An Irishman wouldn’ be be wort’ ‘is sal’ ifin he didn’ ‘ave that fer ‘alf ‘is bre’fast.” He stood and put on a sleeveless t-shirt. “The toas’ be made wit’ soda bread. Go ahead’ an get cleaned up. I’ll wash me ‘ands an’ begin fryin’ things up.” He turned as if to leave, then quickly turned back to her. “‘Ow do ye like yer eggs?”

“Runny please Sean” she shouted from the shower. After she had cleansed herself using some of the products in his bathroom she replicated herself a fresh uniform not wanting to put on her armor. Looking at it seemed to give her a sour feeling in her stomach. She came out hungry, watching him put the finishing touches to the breakfast which smelled delicious. “Sean would you prefer me to wear something more.…more feminine?” She asked wondering where that question had come from.

“Etrara…Darlin’,” Sean softly spoke, “I pr’fer ye ta wear w’at ye feel comf’table in. Yer uni’s appropr’te as ye will be repor’ing fer duty.”

Sean served the breakfast with the eggs appearing as two eyes and the bacon the smile to form a smiley face. There were also sausages, mushrooms, soda bread toast, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, marmalade, and butter on the side. Tea was served alongside the orange juice.

“Ave a seat,” Sean offered one at the table, “I ‘ope’ ye are ‘ungry!”

Etrara’s eyes widened appreciatively at the spread. Gently caressing his cheek she smiled. “One thing you should know, if indeed we continue this relationship is that I am always hungry.” She laughed and began to eat. Looking curiously at the mushrooms she speared one with her fork, sniffed it and nibbled it daintily. “I have never seen this before!” She shrugged and placed it in her mouth and chewed. “Not sure about that Sean?” She said. The bread was delicious toasted and she had several pieces explaining “Klingon metabolism is faster.” She ate the rest in silence doing full justice to the meal. Eventually she wiped the corner of her mouth and sat back. “That was wonderful, meeting you last night was wonderful also, I am just so sorry I had to ruin it, I always knew I was soiled goods, better at being friends than lovers. I don’t have that problem with women, does that bother you?” She asked.

Sean laughed at Etrara’s response to the sautéed mushrooms. Most people couldn’t stomach them. He wondered if Etrara had tried gagh because of her heritage. Now that’s something even O’Keefe couldn’t stomach.

“Etrara,” Sean responded, his hand caressing her arm, “ye gotta b’lieve me. Ye ain’ spoiled. Ye are a won’erful bein’. I feel’ tha’ las’ nigh’. Don’ worry ‘bout me. To tell ye the trut’ I needed las’ nigh’. I confess, I too have a problem wit’ women.” Sean chuckled, “I adore them! Las’ nigh’ mean’ a lot ta me. Seriously!”

Etrara actually looked serious. “If we were to enter into a relationship, even though I might not be able to have sex for a while, I would expect you to be faithful to me, would that be too much for you to think of doing?”

“Aye!” Sean boasted. “Now ye tal’in! W’en I commit ta someone, I be true blue!” Sean thought a moment wanting to know more about Etrara. “Ye mentioned F’lice earlier. Wa’ she someone sp’cial?”

“Felice was my wife, and yes, she was very special. She was killed, stabbed by a boy looking for drugs. She wanted to help people so very much and she loved everyone, even me. She made me a better person.” She looked at him vowing to tell him the truth. “Sean, I am currently involved with someone, someone I think I love and this is not fair to you or him. You are a special man Sean and you were there for me last night, I will always be there for you but we cannot be together.” She stood.

What?, Sean thought, as he wondered if had heard Etrara right. What the feck? It was like someone filled a sack full of bricks and swung it full into his face.

Standing and feeling survival kicking in, Sean inquired, “Are ye slaggin’ me? Ye can nae deny the connection we ‘ad las’ nigh’!”

“Oh Sean, we do have a connection and if I was not in love with someone else I would gladly explore it with you. You are a wonderful man, gentle, strong and kind and a good listener.” She sighed, “but last night made me realise the love I already have. I could love you very easily Sean O’Keene. Thank you for last night and thank you for breakfast.” Her heart was breaking for him and for Zac the man she loved. She then knew what she had to do. The only way to solve all this hurt she had begun was to use the Klingon ritual suicide, at that moment all she wanted was to be gone, then, maybe she could atone. “Goodbye Sean” she said softly kissing him on the cheek.

All Sean could do was watch Etrara’s backside walk out the door of his quarters. He was lost. One minute they were talking about building a relationship, the next, she was walking out the door, saying their was someone else. What was it with him. His first girl left him for his older brother. His last one, left him for Jaysus knows who.


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