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Rude, Violent awakening

Posted on Sat Dec 31st, 2022 @ 10:57am by Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea] & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Vaii/Man'darr Quarters
Timeline: MD03 0300 Hours
792 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Suddenly, violent jolts tossed both Man'darr and Jessica out of bed. Jess was literally tossed around the quarters and literally in the bathroom. Jess was roused from sleep. "Goddamned sone of a... Man'darr!!!!"

Man'darr groaned as he pushed himself off of the deck. His side hurt as he got to his feet unsteady, still in the nude, which was how he slept with Jess. "I'm fine," he grimaced as he took a step towards the bathroom where he heard Jess' voice come from. "Are you ok?"

"Computer lights." Jess pulled herself up. "Somebody get the number of that bus?" She quipped as she opened the night stand and pulled out a medkit and a tricorder. She began to scan both herself and Man'darr. "Nothing broken, but I'm picking up. Ahh hell in a handbag. A quantum goddess damned filament. I'm picking up its quantum resonance through the hull. Get something on."

Man'darr quickly threw on his Marine utility trousers, boots, and black t shirt before approaching Jess, still looking her over, making sure she was ok. "We should try to check for survivors."

"You took the words right from my mouth, hun." Jess grabbed a tank top and some pants. "We also need to get some engineering personnel to engineering. See a Quantum Filament disrupts certain types of containment and magnetic fields. Reversing their polarity. Specifically the ship's anti-matter pods. If someone doesn't check on that." Jess tried the doors. "It looks like main power's offline. Gimmie a hand with the auto door release. We need to find who's in charge, and if some people need someone in charge. Quantum filaments can wreck hell on a starship.

Man'darr moved towards the door, ripping the door control panel off. Reaching up inside, he located the manual release and pulled it. However, the door only released slightly jarring the doors apart. "Damn. Give me a minute," he said, standing. Moving to the center of the door, he gripped the edges and grunted as his muscles bulged as he pushed the doors apart.

"There you are, my lady," he teased with a grin. However, outside the door, he could hear the cackling of fire nearby in the smoke-filled corridor.

"Remind me never to piss you off." Jess activated her torch and moved down the Corridor. She neared Commander Vantar's quarters when she stopped. "Damn. Commander an Vantar is trapped in her quarters. She just reached out to me."

Man'darr looked at Jess, Commander An Vantar wasn't telepathic as far as he knew. He found it curious that she could communicate with Jess. Sure, he could as she was his Imzadi but then again, he was hardly an expert on Betazoids. To be honest, telepaths freaked him out somewhat due to their abilities. Best to stop thinking, he concluded. "Let's go get her, then."

Jess approached Arrianna's door and pulled the panel next to it. She began to crank open the emergency release. Arrianna was inside, trapped under a structural support.

Man'darr turned to the side and barely squeezed through the opening in the doors as he rushed to approach Commander An Vantar. "Looks like you got yourself in a bit of a bind, Commander," Man'darr joked as he looked at the fallen beam that pinned the woman's leg to the deck.

"Arrianna gave no response. Jess examined her. "She's not conscious but aware of her situation. Help me!!!" Jess began to lift the beam off her.

Man'darr grasped the fallen beam. "Let me. When I lift, pull her out," he said.

"Copy that." Jess noted.

"One...Two...Three," he grunted, feeling the beam move, holding it as he waited for Jess to pull Arrianna out.

Jess pulled Arri out from under the strut. "Okay, help me, we need to get her to sickbay, on the double."

Man'darr dropped the beam and moved to help Jess with Arri. Lead the way," he called as he scooped Arri into his arms as if she weighed nothing as they made their way towards Sickbay,

As they stepped out onto the deck Sickbay was located on, Man'darr spotted a Marine coming from the direction of Sickbay. "Corporal, where is the Colonel?"

"I saw her in sickbay with a baby, Sir," the corporal replied.

"Did you come from Marine Country?" Man'darr asked.

"No Sir. I was on my way to try and get there now."

Nodding, Man'darr handed Arri off to Jess. "I need to try and get to Marine Country. I love you, Imzadi," he gave her a quick kiss before slapping the corporal lightly on the back. "You're with me, Corporal. Let's move." He could only hope that he would see Jess again as he rounded the corner at a brisk jog with the corporal next to him.


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