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Night Night, Sweet Prince pt 1

Posted on Sun Nov 27th, 2022 @ 8:52pm by Lieutenant JG Helias Sauvageon

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: USS Elysium, Sauvageon Quarters
Timeline: MD 3/ 01h30
524 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Lieutenant Helias Sauvageon was a very happy man. He had been aboard the Elysium a short time now, and she was everything he had dreamed she would be. His quarters were palatial by ship standards, and as he lounged in the lavatory’s bathtub, the betazoid couldn’t help but smile.

Having just finished his shift, Helias had decided to retire to his quarters early. An obscene portion of Ongilin caviar, washed down with a couple glasses of replicted champagne had satisfied his hunger, and now he listened to reports surrounding the upcoming space-yacht racing season.

Suddenly, a massive thud resounded through the cabin. The force of the blow pushed most of the water out of the tub, along with the betazoid suspended in said water. He landed on the hard deck with a splash… and the snap of bone. The pain made him scream before the darkness creeping into his vision threatened to take him to unconsciousness.

Some time later he forced himself to act, lower back throbbing. He laid on the lavatory floor, eyes struggling to see in the dim lighting cast by the glowing markers that illuminated when the ship’s power was offline.

Rolling shakily onto his hands and knees, Helias began crawling towards the living area of his quarters. His Comm-badge would be there and they could function for short distances without the ship’s system.

The betazoid didn’t get very far, before setting his hand down on a razor-sharp fragment of glass from his champagne coupe. The string of profanity he released had no lack of vulgar terms or colorful metaphors.

Finally, the organ occupying Helias’ skull began to function a little. “Maven…Maven I’m hurt.” He yelled toward a suitcase-sized object in the corner of the room. For a moment, the only response was a blinking amber indicator.

Suddenly a holographic projection emerged from the device. A woman appearing to be in her mid twenties, clad in traditional betazoid attire appeared. She had an unenthusiastic expression on her face.

“Who broke your….oh Helias!” Maven said, seeing his condition. “What or who did this to you?!” She asked, immediately heading towards him.

Maven Standiford was a holoprogram Helias’ mother had originally designed for him. Helias tinkered with the program, giving her AI more autonomy, and then eventually building the mobile emitter that she now resided within permanently. She was family now, and traveled with him on his assignments.

“Power outage. Ship got struck, I was thrown out of the bath. I think I broke something.” Helias said, in obvious pain.

He watched Maven’s eyes lose focus, a telltale hint that she was accessing information in her database that wasn’t used frequently. When she found it, she came over and began examining his condition.

Maven slipped a hand on the area where Helias’ neck and shoulder met, in a grip that required her fingers to pair off.

“You’ll feel better in no time.” She said in a bland voice.

She applied pressure to where she had been gripping his neck and the Betazoid’s head lowered to the deck, his face going slack.


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