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Breaking Bread with the new officer

Posted on Tue Jan 17th, 2023 @ 7:56pm by Lieutenant Etrara Khalten & Lieutenant JG Dunamis & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Etrara's Office
Timeline: Current
1779 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Zac had seen the tactical department had gotten a new officer, one Lt.jg Dunamis.
which he informed Etrara of. "Etrara, did you see the manifest? We have a new officer. A Lt. Dunams I think you need to set up a meeting with him. Get to know him, tell him what you expect from him. That sort of thing."

Etrara looked up from the several paDD”s she had been working on. “Huh…oh, oh yes, great idea Zac.” She stood and stretched. Too many late evenings and later nights it was taking them to get the tactical department in shape.

"Might be a good idea to set up a working lunch to go along with the meeting. Nothing fancy, sandwiches that sort of thing. What do you think?"

“Sounds good, we should do this as soon as possible, have you met him?” She asked.

Zac shook his head, "Nope. be my first time to meet him."

She handed him the PaDD with the new rosters on. “Have a look at these, shorter shifts but more or longer ones with more time off. What do you think?”

Zac took the PaDD and looked it over. He was silent for a few seconds before he replied. "Longer shifts but more time off. Having more free time is everyone's dream."

She nodded, “that’s one decision made, now if only we could have time off. There is someone I would like to explore that time with.” She looked up and smiled. Now, lunch today or tomorrow?”

"Well, that will be a very lucky someone to be sure." Zac bantered back. "As for when to meet our latest member. You are the boss when do you want to meet him?

“Today if possible Zac, then he can start settling in. Once he is up to speed our department will be full.” She walked over to the replicator, “drink Zac” she asked ordering coffee for herself. Etrara tapped her comm. =/\= LieutenAnt Dunamis please report to the Tactical Office for a briefing =/\=

"A vanilla milkshake if you please Etrara." Zac replied with a smile.

She sat sipping her coffee. “I’ve never met a Kelpian before Zac.”

"Me neither Etrara. I know nothing about them. Should be interesting." Zac commented.

Dunamis had had no idea what to expect as he'd made his way from half eaten breakfast in the mess hall. He'd taken much effort to clean himself up - not that he made much of a mess whenever he ate - wiping down his mouth with a napkin and smoothing out the few creases in his elsewise spotless uniform. A first impression, especially to one's superiors, was of utmost importance always, and that first impression began as soon as one stepped into the room or office and the other took in your keeping and appearance.

To his surprise he didn't even need to activate the doorchime as he reached the office door and put out his hand to do just that - the door hissed open on its own, revealing the chief tactical officer and someone else he didn't recognize beyond. He'd heard rumors of her dating one of her own officers, merely gossip and hearsay his sensitive ears picked up as he ordered meals or walked down the corridor or explored the ridiculously large rec deck and its amenities, but he wasn't here to comment on that, nor was it his place to - not yet, at least.

Nonetheless. He straightened up and stepped through the door, letting it hiss closed behind him. "Lieutenant, junior grade Dunamis reporting as ordered, ma'am." He said, smoothly.

Zac didn't speak. Etrara was the departmental chief and ranking officer. He would let her speak first as was her place and make the necessary introductions.

Etrara stood and extended her hand to the tall Kelpian. It was not often she had to look up to meet someone’s eyes but today she did. She indicated Zac, “this is Lieutenant Zac Smithson he will be your ‘go too’ if you have any problems. Please sit down.” Etrara indicated a chair. “Would you like a beverage before we begin?” She smiled.

'Your go to'. A contact of sorts if he had trouble, or needed anything. That sounded reasonable. If anything Dunamis appreciated the gesture. He hadn't had anyone to give him much in the way of guidance on his last assignment. Dunamis sat as asked. "No thank you, ma'am. I'm quite alright as is." He sat up straight, projecting an air of cool calm and sureness that came with the eventual passing of vahar'ai.

Zac nodded with a smile, "That's me, any questions just ask," He turned his head to look at Etrara. "We should get Commander Starr in on this. So, Lt. Dunamis can meet him as well."

Etrara nodded. “I thought he was busy upgrading the memory banks for the new multintegrated comms unit, but if he is free?” She let that hang in the air. She turned back to Dunamis. “So, what does Tactical mean to you?”

Zac nodded, "That's right, he is I had forgotten about him being involved with that. Well, we'll arrange a meeting so he can meet Lt. Dunamis."

Dunamis looked at both of them, seeming a sliver displeased over being spoken about in third person while he was physically present in front of them and able to hear everything they were saying - but he answered coolly and confidently nonetheless and without a trace of animosity: "It is a platform for me to hone my strategic thinking and keep my loved ones safe." For someone who had few loved ones outside of his own family, it'd only felt appropriate at the time of his entry into Starfleet Academy that he protect who and what he had with his life, for they were greater than any treasure one could find in the universe. "And to challenge myself - to improve continuously, as a person and officer, as I meet and overcome the challenges that my duties present me with."

"Hmm. Not bad, not bad at all." Zac replied with approval. "What do you think Etrara?"

Etrara had noted the facial queues Lieutenant Dunamis had presented and his ‘perfect’ answer. She sat back. Lieutenant let me ask you a question. If it came down to saving the ship or saving your family what would you do?”

Dunamis did not take long to come up with his answer: "I would choose to save the ship. My family knows that by saving the ship I would be saving hundreds more families other than my own. Everyone on this ship is someone's child, someone's sibling and in some cases someone's spouse and someone's parent." Including myself, he did not say. That was an unspoken certainty. "To see all of their families whole and relieved that their loved ones are alive and well and will live to come home to them another day would be worth their sacrifice - even if I too had to lay down my life to make that a reality, and I shall gladly do so if I must."

Etrara smiled at the earnest man. “Let us hope that you never have to make that choice Lieutenant. Are your family with you?”

Dunamis blinked once, having been asked to answer a question and then being talked over by the other officer present before he could open his mouth. "No, ma'am, my family aren't with me." He answered, "My mother and father are Starfleet as well and are assigned to the Riposte - my birthplace. I have not seen or heard from them since I was eighteen, ever since I was sent home to Kaminar to live with my aunt." He hated to disrupt the mood - especially between the couple (or seemingly couple, anyway, which would confirm the rumors he'd heard, but he wasn't here to be the judge of that) - but lieutenant Khalten had asked, and he had answered honestly. It would've felt wrong otherwise.

Etrara noted the change in his tone. I am very sorry your family are not here. I was not sure if you had a wife or children. I have heard how beautiful Kaminar is and, I wonder if I lived there whether I would want to leave.” She paused. “Lieutenant I don’t want you to feel lonely on board and, although it is too soon for us to be friends I want you to know myself and Lieutenant Smithson are here for you if you need us. Now I would like to invite you to dinner with myself and Lieutenant Smithson in the next few days.I would like to try my hand at Kelpian cooking and you can give me your honest opinion.” She turned to Zac. “Do you have anything to add Lieutenant Smithson?”

"No sir." Zac answered with a smile. "I will say I am looking forward to this dinner and you trying your hand at Kelpian cooking. It should prove to be very interesting." He turned his head so only Etrara could see and winked at her.

She had to purse her lips to stop herself from laughing. This was one of the problems with having a relationship with someone one worked with, he made her laugh at the most awkward of times.

Zac turned back to Dunamis. Successfully keeping the smile off his face at seeing Etrara's face. "I'm sure you are in for a rare treat Lieutenant. One you will not forget anytime soon."

Dunamis decided not to pressure the couple any more than necessary by telling them that he'd spent the first few years of his young adult life working in the kitchen of a Kelpien run restaurant, and that he knew a thing or two about his own people's cuisine. As funny as it would've been to see their reactions he wasn't here to scare them half to death. "I'm sure I will." He said instead. "I look forward to it."

“Anymore questions Lieutenant?” Etrara asked.

"Not at the moment, ma'am." Dunamis responded. "Simply let me know when you'd like me to come for dinner, and I shall be there. Will the attire be casual?"

Etrara smiled. “It will be in the next few days Lieutenant and the attire will be casual. Please don’t expect much in the food area. I am not a good cook but, I will try.” She looked at Zac. “I think that is so Lieutenant. Dismissed.”

Dunamis nodded, got to his feet and left. Dinner with the head of tactical and her partner, eh? Now that might be interesting, depending on how things turned out. He couldn't wait.


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