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Not quite a nightmare not quite a dream.

Posted on Sun Jan 8th, 2023 @ 11:55pm by Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay
511 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Sthilg mind was trying to sleep, but his brain wasn't letting him. Blinking his heavy footsteps moved forwards as the familiar smell of blood, disinfectant and body order filled his nose.

Lit by a small light row after row of biobeds extended into the darkness on either side of him.

" You failed them Sthilg." a voice boomed from the darkness.

Slowly the big lizard took a step forward his eyes darting from side to side. On each bio bed was one of the crew their body covered in gore and blood.

" You failed them Sthilg." the voice boomed again.

The bodies changed becoming personnel from before he was assigned to the Elysium, then his shipmates from the kdf.

All of them dead and there was nothing he could do about it.

" You failed them Sthilg." the voice boomed even louder as suddenly with a flash another biobed appeared a dark figure bent over. His feet kept moving as the dark figure came into view.

" You failed them you stupid weak creature." Said his evil twin as he bent over the biobed seemingly making random cuts into the dead body of his daughter.

" Will you jussst go away." Sthilg said his brain being far more annoyed than scared. " I'm trying to sssleep here and I don't need you messing up my schedule. i have a lot of work to do."

His mirror self stared at him before he burst out laughing his jaw slowly coming apart until there was nothing left except a massive black void.

His eyes shoot open. He was back in his quarters wrapped in a blanket his arms around his future wife. Slowly he slid away from her though not before he wrapped her up in a blanket.

Checking on Alicia and Savar a smile spread over his face as he saw his two sleeping grandchildren. Well were sleeping as N’Vea yawned and opened her eyes and let out a soft cough at her grandfather.

" Ah ah let'sss not wake mom and dad." the reptile said softly as he slowly and carefully picked up his granddaughter who let out a slight gurggle as she wrapped her tiny arms around her grandfather.

The smile still on his face the chief MD carfuly walked over to the office's chair. and carefully lowered himself into it listening to the sounds of his grandaughter happily giggling at being held by her grandfather.

Carefully tapping on his computer the gorn began to look over the casulity report. Many fatalities and many more may join them soon. Even more need operations and new limbs.....

" What happened little one?" He asked the small hybrid clinging to him as if she had anything to offer, but a giggle of laughter.

" If only we could all live in a world of pure happinesssss little one." He said carefully standing up and heading for the office door.

" Let'sss sssee if we can get you sssomthing to eat." He said to his small grandchild thinking just for a moment of nothing else in the universe except her happiness.


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