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The Fall of Gary Taylor

Posted on Thu Aug 1st, 2019 @ 12:22am by Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Mission 2: Heaven On Earth
Location: Gary's Quarters
Timeline: After 'Position Changes'
1111 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

How low is low? Gary didn't know but he was sure he had reached rock bottom, the bottom of the barrel. He could fall no further. His descent was swift, complete and total.

Gary's quarters were silent and dark as a tomb. He sat on the couch. His soul was equally as dark. Not even the music he loved and brought him such joy and pleasure permeated his quarters. He had tried to block out the events of the prison.....unsuccessfully even now he felt every crack of the electro whip and pain stick. His chest and back bore new scars to go along with the ones he already had. The physical pain of the torture his body had received and endured that he could cope and live with. The mental anguish of the other events not so readily. The other more painful reality was that he was a fraud. The veneer of being a civilized man had been pulled away to reveal the ugly beast lying there.

After being rescued from the prison, Gary and the others had been returned to the Elysium where they were sent to Sickbay and examined. After receiving a clean bill of health,(At least physically) Gary had retreated to his cabin and taken refuge there. Except for his duty shifts he hadn't left it. He had no desire to see or speak with anyone and more importantly they probably didn't want to have anything to do with him. Especially after what he had done while they were all in prison. The beast had been unleashed. What he had for so long kept buried under the veil of being civilized had been brought into the harsh light of day and there was no going back.

He had saved his friends and lost his soul. It was a fair exchange he thought. He tried to think on the others reactions to his deeds, Lia, his love. He knew of her mistreatment, how a Romulan had claimed her as his property, then stripped and shackled her to train her. Despite her own mistreatment she had overcome the bastard and sent him on a one way trip to hell. Now,she was probably stunned speechless at his. They had their fair share of ups and downs. The latest being the death of their premature daughter. She had called him a barbarian once. She had no idea how right she was... well she did now. The monster had been unveiled. Liselle his best friend and his partner on so many Old West holodeck adventures as well having the shoulder to cry on was likely aghast at his actions and would not want to be within ten feet of him and more importantly now hating and vowing to never forgive him for the torture and humiliation she had endured because of him. Their friendship over, shattered and fragmented into a million tiny little shards. Never to be whole again. Phoenix was probably already looking through XO candidates to replace him and the others were likely also dismayed. His actions were harsh, swift and deadly and were probably already making their way through the ship's grapevine and soon all would know the Elysium First Officer was a monster a killer. He took a deep breath, it was all over. He wished with all his heart Catlin was here to speak with but alas that wasn't possible and that made his decision even more difficult. His normal cool headedness had melted away and was replaced by emotional turmoil. He had the tendency to react emotionally where friends were involved. He desperately wished Catlin was here now so he could talk to her, just talk. Tell her what he had done and become. How low he had sunk. How in doing away with evil, he had become evil himself.

Did he regret his actions? Indeed not.Those he had struck down were the worst of the worst and deserved their punishment. He hoped they burned in whatever hell the universe had to offer. His dismay came from the others, his friends in seeing his cold blooded ruthlessness. He would never again be viewed as a 'nice guy' he was a killer and the whole ship now knew it. He would apply for a transfer and quietly slip away. Head for the outer rim where no one would know or care what he had done. He had been a fool to think the Elysium could be home to him a family. It had been a nice dream but it was a smoking pile of rubble now. All he had worked for lay in smoldering ruins at his feet. Time to move on perhaps the Wolf Queen could use his talents once again.

He paused as he entered his bedroom and began throwing some items into a duffel bag. Mostly personal items, The picture of Catlin and himself. The ring Lia had given him,the Christmas present from Liselle ( little silver anchors) along with other odds and ends (Shirts and some slacks). His beloved Winchester rifle (A gift from Catlin) he packed in it's case. As he did his mind drifted to a song, quite possibly the last one he would play as a member of the Elysium crew. "Computer, play "I Wouldn't Have Missed it For the World." and send to Commander Lia Holmes." He wanted Lia to know how much he loved her and how sorry he was that she and the others had suffered because of him and he would forever treasure what they had even if it was for a brief period. With that, he hefted the duffel bag and placed it by the door, ready to leave at any moment and leave the Elysium and it's crew, it's family behind.

Our paths may never cross again
Maybe my heart will never mend
But I'm glad for all the good times
Cause you've brought me so much sunshine
And love was the best it's ever been
I wouldn't have missed it for the world
Wouldn't have missed loving you girl
You've made my whole life worth while, with your smile
I wouldn't trade one memory
Cause you mean too much to me
Even though I lost you girl
I wouldn't have missed it for the world
They say that all good things must end
Loves comes and goes just like the wind
You've got your dreams to follow
But if I had the chance tomorrow
You know I'd do it all again
Oh I wouldn't trade one memory
Cause you mean too much to me
Even though I lost you girl
I wouldn't have missed it for the world.


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