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Treating Romulans

Posted on Thu Aug 1st, 2019 @ 10:00am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]
Edited on on Thu Aug 1st, 2019 @ 10:30am

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: Cargo Bay 3 / Aid Station
Timeline: after rescue, with our crew out of danger
1836 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Estelle was loaded up with not one but two medkits, containing more varied equipment than she usually carried, and tapped her combadge. "Hertz to de la Rosa, Fernando, could you meet me at the doors to cargo bay three? I'd like to take a look at some of the people we've recovered and I think some of them might not be too friendly." She'd personally sent eleven injured Romulans up to the ship, and she didn't know how many of them had been prisoners, and how many were the guards.

Fernando had been in the armory when Estelle's call came in. "Certainly Doctor, I am on my way." Moments later he arrived at the doors of the cargo bay a phaser on his hip.

He was faster than her, Estelle rounded the corner while Fernando was already waiting. "Good, you're quick", she smiled. "We brought a few Romulans aboard, and while I'm sure they've already been properly separated, I need to get very close to them and don't want them to get any ideas."

He smiled at both her arrival and statement, "I try Doctor." He answered as she explained the situation. "Certainly Doctor, I'm guessing that is why you asked me to join you, so the Romulans would get no ideas."

Estelle nodded. "With what I've seen, I'd rather be cowardly safe than bravely dead." She opened the cargo bay doors and looked about her. "Get me those with phaser burns first." She just hoped the delay in coming to help hadn't got anyone killed.

"A wise decision Doctor.." Fernando agreed. He stepped in beside her. He saw other security personnel stationed about the bay but none close to them. Fernando looked around, saw the injured the doctor wanted to see, "This way Doctor."

They arrived at a cot where a Romulan guard lay. He had phaser burns on his hand and chest. He scowled at Estelle and Fernando. "Federation scum! Are you here to finish the job?"

"Fortunately for you, I'm not the one who shoots people", Estelle said. And she had avoided shooting anyone as a member of the landing party, though she had no doubt she would have, had it come to a situation. She took her tricorder readings, adding, "If you resist no further, we'll do you no more harm." She prepared a hypospray with a painkiller, then gave it to him.

"Fortunately for you, I am in no position to wrap my hands around your scrawny neck!" He hissed then as Estelle gave him the painkiller. He mouthed off again. "Is how you kill me? Have you no honor?"

Estelle shook her head. "I suppose not. I've never cared about honour. I know mnhei'sahe probably says I should kill you. But you're on a Starfleet ship now, so you'll have to live by our rules. The operative word is 'live'." She started mending the burns. "Swallow your anger, and your pride, and you might see this isn't so bad. Some of us don't hold a grudge against you soldiers, only against your commanders."

"Watch your tongue and show some gratitude." Fernando spoke from behind Estelle.

The Romulan glared but kept quiet as Estelle tended to his burns.

"I wonder what they say about us in the Romulan media", Estelle said. "There's got to be a reason for all that fear, and thus all the hatred."

"We're baby killers. We kill the weak and defenseless. To the Romulans we have no honor." Fernando offered.

"Time to win some hearts and minds, I suppose", Estelle said. Turning back to her patient, she said, "You'll need to rest for a while. Phasers don't just burn tissue, they overload your central nervous system. You will need a while to recover from a blast at this setting. You should be feeling better in a day or two."

"Then to a federation penal colony? Hardly an inspiring thought." The patient growled.

"They're not so bad", Estelle said, "and offer opportunities." She sighed. "Given that your commanders acted against the Star Empire as well as the Federation, you might be better off with us than back home with your people, unless we can somehow convince them that you didn't know what was truly going on?"

"They will not believe you and I and the others, if returned, will be summarily executed."

"Then I suggest you find reasons that the Federation will want to keep you around", Estelle said. "We're not asking you to betray state secrets, that's never a condition for our help, but you can become a productive member of our society, and even earn your freedom after a time."

"Our ways are different. I am a traitor in the eyes of the Star Empire and I will never be trusted here. I believe you Humans have a saying, between a rock and a hard place."

"You will just have to make the most of it", Estelle said. She gave his shoulder a squeeze and stood. "Now, on to my next patient." She hoped she had planted the seed within this man's mind, and whether it germinated was out of her hands.

He simply nodded and closed his eyes. "This way Doctor." Fernando said sweeping his hand in front of him.

"How am I doing?" she whispered. "I want them to believe I'm sincere."

"Quite well. Keep it up, I believe it is sinking in. Others heard what you said." Fernando answered as he walked beside her.

"At least healers are universally respected in Rihannsu society", Estelle smiled. "Just imagine what we'd have to go through if these were Klingons." Besides, it would involve a much stronger assault on her nostrils. As if burnt flesh wasn't bad enough.

She approached the next patient. This one had been shot in the leg. Estelle remembered tagging her after Anje had taken her down. "This one tried to shoot me", she said, warning Fernando. Then, speaking up, "So we meet again."

The Romulan had been lying there with her eyes closed but Estelle's voice opened them. "Back to finish the job?" She snarled.

"Funny, that's what your friend over there said", Estelle said as she sat down. "Considering you're alive because I sent you here, I suppose I am, too."

The Romulan's eyes remained on Estelle. She knew Fernando was there but Estelle had her attention. "Yes. You put me here. So are you here to gloat?"

"Would you rather be dead?" Estelle asked. She applied the regenerator to the leg.

"I would rather not be here at all! Having you touching me with you stinking Human hands!" She shot back.

"And now imagine how bad a spot you'd be in if we were Klingons", Estelle laughed.

"Klingons would have killed me and spared me the ignonimity of being a prisoner." She scowled again.

"It takes more courage to live than to die", Estelle said. Not sure that was the case for someone whose life was going well, but maybe it rang true with their Romulan guests? It should, considering it was a Romulan saying.

"Perhaps. But not under the thumb of your enemy." The female prisoner rejoined.

"Especially under the thumb of your enemy", Estelle said. "Where every day is a challenge, progress a struggle. See, I believe we needn't be enemies, but it's not easy to overcome our differences. I'm willing to start, by forgiving you your attempt to kill me, and making your pain go away. The next step is yours."

The female prisoner was silent for several seconds before she spoke. "Romulus wasn't built in a day. Such things take time.''

Estelle nodded. "They do." As she had with the one before, she also gave this woman a squeeze to her shoulder. "Take care."

The woman nodded but remained silent, no not processing what Estelle had said.

"They're a lot more passive than I expected them to be", Estelle said while they were moving on. "Not that I'm complaining."

"They know they can't go anywhere. so they do what they can, which is complain." Fernando offered.

"If making nice with them makes at least one of them think twice before trying to come back for yet another circle of revenge, then this whole ordeal is worth it", Estelle sighed.

"I do not share your optimism Doctor. However I commend you for your efforts." Fernando replied as they walked among the wounded.

As they came up to the next bed, that was the patient Estelle had been dreading to see. The one she had subdued, and he'd been crazy. "This one thought we were going in to kill everyone", she said softly. Also a Romulan, but one who had clearly run afoul of that faction. "I'm going to have to wake him up. Be ready." She loaded up another hypo and gave the man an injection.

"I'm ready." Fernando said as he stood and waited "Why do you want to wake him up? Let him sleep."

"No, he needs to tell me how he's feeling", Estelle said. "I haven't got a full biobed here."

"If he's crazy how are you going to get an honest answer from him?" Fernando wondered.

"He was crazy then", Estelle said. "During a firefight. Who is to say that wasn't just momentary? Anyway, he'll come around any second now."

"I'm ready." Fernando repeated and then waited.

The male Romulan's eyes fluttered and opened, he looked about wildly before settling on Estelle. "Where am I, Human?" his voice raised but not hysterical.

"On a Federation starship", Estelle said softly. "I'm a doctor. How are you feeling?"

He grabbed her hand. "Federation starship?" He questioned "I was at the prison and a firefight broke out. That's the last I remember."

"Yes, we came in to rescue some of our own", Estelle said. "Couldn't exactly leave the other prisoners, not with blowing the place up afterwards. So now you're here. I had to sedate you."

He nodded, "I remember now. Guards and prisoners were all running, yelling, shooting. Then there were the explosions." He closed his eyes for a moment then reopened them. "I am not a guard. I was a prisoner."

"I know", Estelle said. "Want to tell me what you were in for?"

"I was a smuggler. I smuggled those Romulans who did not wish to remain in the Star Empire."

"Then you'll be pleased to be in the Federation now", Estelle said. She figured he had a good chance to find people who would substantiate his claims. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"A change of clothes. I have worn these rags long enough and perhaps if possible a shower to wash the stench of the prison from me." He responded.

"Yes, of course", Estelle said. "I was thinking medically, though. We're still in the process of seeing everyone's getting looked at, at least."

"No, no. I am fine." The prisoner replied. "Thank you for your help."

"Good. Someone will see to it that you get your shower soon", Estelle smiled.

"I appreciate it." The male Romulan replied.


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