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I Am Vulcan

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 11:54am by Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: MD 3
1085 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

The replicated communicators were beaming to all areas of the ship by this time. Soon, one found its way to the marine medic and Yuto Yamoshita. The Marine instantly knew things were beginning to turn around for them.

Yamoshita was still struggling with the pain. The Marine was attempting to keep him comfortable. He placed a temporary splint on Yamoshita’s leg, but the young man seemed to be in a panic. The Marine wasn’t exactly sure beaming the tactical officer to sick bay would be a good thing. Would the man’s body take the transport.

Picking up the communicator, the Marine took the risk. “Two to beam to Sick Bay from my location,” he spoke into the communicator.

The Marine and Yamoshita soon faded from where they were. They both reappeared in sick bay. It actually worked. The Marine leaned against the wall, his mind exhausted, even as his body was still doing what it must.

Suddenly, Yamoshita began to loudly cry out again, “I am Vulcan! There is no pain! There. Is. No. Pain!”

The Marine attempted to calm the officer. It only escalated the man further. “I am Vulcan! Dammit! I. Am. Vulcan!”

Savar heard the commotion and moved swiftly to the location. He saw Yamoshita screaming. Turning to the marine e asked. "What is the situation here?"

The Marine motioned toward Yamoshita’s lower left leg. “The injury is appears to be a broken leg. When we got to him, he was in shock. I think he attempted to walk on the leg.”

The Marine looked at the tactical officer and whispered to Savar. “The poor man thinks he’s Vulcan. You can clearly tell he is not,” he added Looking at Savar’s ears.

Despite the man whispering, Yuto clearly heard what he said to Savar. Attempting to push himself upward, Yamoshita , “I am Vulcan!”

Savar nodded to the marine. "Thank you." Then he faced Yuto. "You claim to be Vulcan. Yet you are undisciplined. Listen to my voice, concentrate on my voice, focus on my voice. There is no pain. Repeat that, there is no pain." Savar's voice and tone was calm, unruffled, soothing.

Yamoshita heard the calm voice emanating from Savar. He gazed at the man’s ears, then began to focus upon what the man was saying. His body was shaking with the pain, but Yuto was able to concentrate on the soothing nature of the voice.

“There is no pain!” he insisted. The difficulty was in believing that. The truth was, it hurt like hell. However, the Savar’s calming voice was almost hypnotic. Yuto began to calm, his breathing more relaxed. “There is no pain. There is no pain.”

"Very good. keep repeating that phrase." Savar told him as he maneuvered Yuto to a biobed and off the injured leg.

“There is no pain, aahgnh!” came the reply as Savar assisted Yamoshita to the biobed. Once there, he again focused upon Savar, his speech, his calm. “There is no pain.”

" What happened?" The familiar sound of the gorn doctor said as he waddled over wiping his hands clean as he did so.

When Yamoshita broke focus upon the Vulcan helping him, Yuto grimaced in pain. “I think my leg is broken,” Yuto insisted, his head shaking switch the pain, as he nodded to the mis happen lower left leg. He had to manage the pain. He aching out, he grabbed the doctor by the lab coat. “I am Vulcan! There is no pain!”

It was at that moment that Yamoshita realized the mantra was only working as he focused upon Savar’s calm face. He turned back to Savar. More calmly, he intoned, “I am Vulcan. There is no pain.”

"His leg is indeed broken Doctor. It also appears he can manage his pain as he focuses on me." Savar observed with Vulcan coolness.

“You’ve got to fix my leg, Doc,” Yamoshita insisted. It wasn’t because of the pain. Most likely theee were pilots who were hurt or killed. All the while Yuto remained focused upon Savar’s calmness. “If we need to evacuate, I can fly.”

" Calm down let me take a look. " The gorn said as he ran his scanner over Yamoshita leg. " " Well good newsss it'sss a clean break. I can ssset it and get it repaired in a giffy." The gorn stated as he looked at the results. His voice tired yet still warm and grandfatherly.

Yamoshita continued to focus on Savar’s calmness. As he did so, overwhelming shame came to him due to losing control of himself. He had to look away at that point. The pain returned as he cried out.

Yamoshita grew calmer as Dr. Sthilg used a bone regenerator to piece together the tibia and fibula of Yuto’s left leg. Yamoshita was surprised at how quickly the leg mended.

“Thank you, Doctor!” Yamoshita exclaimed.

Yuto looked at Savar. “I appreciate your assistance,” Yuto said to Savar with a gleeful look. “Perhaps when this is over, you could teach me who I am. Would you be so kind as to teach me the Vulcan discipline?”

Savar looked at Yuto, "I will show you the Vulcan discipline and what it entails however it will be up to you to learn it and more importantly if that is the path you wish to follow." Savar said calmly.

“I wish to discover who I was born to be,” Yamoshita declared, “Not what someone else made me to be.”

"Then, if that is your desire, I will assist you in that journey." Savar replied with serene calmness.

“That is what I wish,” Yamoshita replied. “Now, if you will excuse me, I can help and must get to a shuttle bay.” He stood up from the biobed, cautious at first in placing pressure upon his left leg. He looked up after feeling no pain, smiled, and nodded at Savar.

"I will let you know when I will begin to assist you on your journey of self discovery. In the meantime, you must follow doctor's orders and limit yourself to light duty. Use common sense when going about your duties."

“Certainly,” Yuto confirmed! “I will be off of my feet the majority of the time. as Again, thank you!”

Yamoshita walked toward the corridor. When the door swished open, he began to make his way to Shuttle Bay 1.

Savar watched Yuto leave. He was positive that his teaching of Yuto was going to be in a word.....interesting.


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