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Together Again

Posted on Mon Feb 6th, 2023 @ 3:31am by Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Medical Shuttle Lethe
Timeline: Current
1364 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

OCC: Medical Shuttle Lethe

IC: Fernando lay on the bio bed as the bone knitter repaired his leg. Yet while his body was still his mind was racing as all he could think of was Heather and Cody and were they alright? The more he thought about it the more agitated he got. All he wanted was to get off the bio bed and start a search for his wife and infant son. He tried to calm his rising fear by thinking if something had happened, he would have known, someone would have contacted him. Then he realized, how? The coms were down, and no one knew where he was. The last he saw Heather and Cody they were in the quarters they shared as he left for work.

His hands clenched and unclenched as he thought of them and their safety, they had to be alright! They had to be! They were his life, and his life would be over if something had happened to either of them. Yet all he could do was lie helplessly as images of Heather and Cody's happy, smiling faces filled his mind and wait for the bone knitter to finish its job. He whispered a silent prayer that Heather and Cody were safe and alright and that they would be reunited soon.

Having been moved to join the Lethe Heather had brought Cody along with her. Her son needed to be nearby so she could continue with his feeds as normal as possible, plus given the current circumstances she wasn’t willing to be separated from him. Arriving onboard her eyes welled up with tears as she saw Fernando, his leg being repaired.

“Fernando!!” Rushing over she wrapped her one arm around him and kissed him with all the love she had for him. A few happy tears ran down her cheeks as she did so.

Fernando heard Heather's shout and he looked around and saw the prettiest sight he had ever and would ever see. Heather with Cody in her arms as she rushed to him and kissed him. Tears streaming down her face. "HEATHER!" He shouted, "Oh my! Heather! Cody!" he called out as he tried to rise from the bio bed. His tears of happiness mixed with hers as he kissed her passionately, not caring who saw. He was just happy Heather and Cody were safe and alright. "Are you both alright?" He whispered.

Leaning back Heather nodded as she wiped away the tears. “We’re okay, the marines helped us. I’ve been here, there and everywhere helping to set up and run medical facilities for our injured.” She gave him a worried look. “Are you alright?”

"I am grateful to the marines my love. I have been awfully worried about you and Cody, but I am better knowing you both are safe." He looked down at his injured leg. "I will be darling. I um fractured it on the bridge and then in helping Leilani, I broke it. However, the doctor and Leilani, both say it is a clean break. However, I will be restricted to light duty for a time."

“So you should be!” Heather gave her husband a shake of the head, but couldn’t stay mad at him after everything that had happened. “I can’t fault you for trying to do what you could to help others.” She gently sat Cody down by Fernando so he could see his son. “We’ve been so lucky Imzadi, there are still so many missing.”

Fernando lowered his head as Heather admonished him. "I am sorry Heather; I was trying to help alleviate the problem and I ended up adding to it." He looked away from Heather and at Cody. "Let this be a lesson to you Cody, my son. Always listen to the doctors and your mother. They know best."

Heather smiled as she settled down beside Fernando as best as she could. “How is your leg now? Are you in any pain?” She checked the progress of his bone repair. “It shouldn’t take too much longer now, but you’ll need to stay off your leg it while it heals.”

Fernando slid over as much as he was able to allow Heather to get closer to him. "My leg is better Heather. It aches put there is no pain." He shook his head, "Heather I have to help! There are people missing, they have to be found not to mentioned those injured." He sighed "However, you can rest easy, I told the doctor I would transport people here to be treated or released or at worst transported to the main sickbay."

Heather nodded. “That’s fine as long as you don’t do too much on your leg. Besides I’ll be here to help as well.” She gently kissed him on the cheek. “I have missed you, I was so worried about you!”

Fernando's eyes were moist with tears. He took Heather's hand in his and squeezed it softly. "I was so worried about you and Cody." He said softly. "But I felt so helpless not being able to do anything I knew if I found you, I would find Cody because you would never let him out of your sight."

“Damn right! I’ve kept him with me the whole time.” She gently held onto Fernando’s hand. “There are still so many missing, family members lost, and not knowing is the worst!”

Fernando raised himself up and kissed Heather, "You are a wonderful mother, Heather. I wonder if Cody knows how blessed he is to have you as his mom.'' Fernando squeezed her hand again. "We will do what we can to find and treat those we find. I fear some we may never find."

Heather nodded. “That’s what I’m afraid of Imzadi, this crew are one big family. Losing anyone is a loss to the whole. We have to save as many as we can.”

"I know Heather, I know. I also know everything is being done to find the missing and tend to the injured. It is just extremely slow going." Fernando replied solemnly.

Heather nodded. “I know, none of us knows what the state of the ship is. There are so many what if’s!” She looked at their son. “I’m afraid Imzadi, not for us but for Cody. Supplies are low, food sources are going to be short.” She sighed.

Fernando raised up and kissed Heather gently, squeezing her hand as he did. "I trust Captain Taylor and Commodore Lalor. they will do all they can to provide and keep us safe. we must do our part by not panicking and acting like a mob. We are Starfleet officers."

Heather nodded. “We are at that, I may not be a marine anymore but I still have that training to fall back on. I will not be weak, I will be strong!” She returned his kiss before taking a deep breath. “We need this shuttle to be ready to help the injured.”

"Correction, you are strong Heather and I know you will continue to be strong and an inspiration to others. We will get through this by being strong and being united." He nodded, "You re correct Heather, preparations need to be made."

“Then I’ll get started by checking the status of our medical supplies” She smiled and kissed Fernando on the cheek. “Can you manage to watch Cody, he’s due his nap anyway so he shouldn’t give you any trouble.”

"Of course, I can Heather my love. Cody and I will lie here together and spend some quality man time together. He will be fine. Don't worry about us, we got this right Cody?" To which Cody smiled and cooed happily.

Heather couldn’t help but grin, Fernando had a natural way with their son. “You’re a wonderful father Imzadi, I have every confidence in you.”

"Why thank you Heather. You are a wonderful mother and Cody is lucky to have a mother and father who love him so much." Fernando said with a grin.

“Indeed he is” Heather nodded and smiled.



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