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A Talk between Counselors

Posted on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 5:03am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
1188 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Savar had been helping where he could, giving what aid and comfort he could in a comforting word and positive reassurance. He noticed Alicia speaking with Yuto, the officer who had insisted that he (Savar) help him in learning Vulcan disciplines. Finding a spare moment between helping others, he moved to Alicia. "Alicia my wife, I noticed you speaking with Mr. Yamoshita. I take it was about his desire to learn Vulcan disciplines and me helping him."

Alicia nodded. “Forgive me if it looked like I was trying to stick my nose in” She grinned. “I just wanted to be sure he was alright after that outburst of his. He has suggested that we work together to help him, that is if you don’t mind?”

Savar spoke, "There is nothing to forgive Alicia, you committed no offense or sin. You were looking to help someone in need. I believe us working in tandem is a most excellent idea. Mr. Yamoshita will be the beneficiary of both our experience." He paused and then a whisp of a smile appeared on his face. I am honored to have you working alongside me."

Alicia grinned. “I am the one whose honoured to work alongside you Imzadi. As for Yamoshita, he was most surprised to find out that I’m your wife. A Vulcan with a non-Vulcan wife, it’s not something you see everyday.”

Savar nodded. "You are most kind Alicia. Your flattery is only exceeded by your talent. Between the two of us, we should be most able to help Mr. Yamoshita achieve his goal. As to being my wife, that is my proudest achievement. I am most fortunate to have you as my wife."

Alicia couldn’t help but blush. “Thank you Imzadi, I’m the one who considers herself fortunate to have you as my husband.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek, seeing as they were both in company and still working. “So what do you think about Mr Yamoshita?”

Savar returned the kiss and replied to her question. "I believe Mr. Yamoshita has a long and arduous journey before him Alicia. It is not just enough to learn and practice Vulcan disciplines, he will have to live them as well and that is far easier said than done. To quote an Earth saying."

Alicia nodded. “That’s very true, and I have questions as to his heritage. It is possible that he has Vulcan lineage, but just how much I can’t tell.”

"I do not know Alicia. You pose an excellent question. The answer will help us.
in how we help Mr. Yamoshita in learning and using the Vulcan disciplines." Savar commented.

Alicia nodded. “Well whatever the answer he’s got a long way to go, I just hope he doesn’t expect a fast result, you know as well as I do how long it’s going to take to teach him.”

"Your statement is quite correct Alicia. Mr. Yamoshita's journey will be a long one and it will not be easy for him or us to teach and guide him along the way. It will require a great deal of time and patience on our parts along with Mr. Yamoshita being fully committed to this endeavor." Savar replied evenly.

Alicia nodded. “From what I understand Vulcans spend a lifetime learning mental disciplines, not to mention the Kohlinar. He hasn’t had any of that. I can see it being a long and arduous journey for him.”

"Your understanding is quite correct Alicia. It is a lifetime's journey. Mr. Yamoshita does indeed have a long arduous journey ahead of him. I can only presume he is ready for it."

“I think so” Alicia nodded and smiled. “He seems quite set on his path, I just hope we can help him achieve what he’s looking for.”

"As with all living things Alicia. He will need to rise to the best of his abilities to achieve what he believes he desires." Savar answered soberly.

Alicia grinned. “Of course. May I ask you something personal Imzadi?”

"You are my wife, Alicia. you may ask me anything you wish." Savar answered.

Nodding Alicia gave her husband a curious look. “What was it like for you? Growing up learning the mental disciplines? And when you took the Kohlinar?”

Savar looked at Alicia. "A most excellent question Alicia. I had been prepared for learning the disciplines but even knowing what they entail the task is daunting. The Kohlinar even more so. The journey can last two to six years. I have not achieved it as I still have emotional outbursts due to my love for you and our children and do not apologize for."

Alicia smiled. “I don’t expect you to apologise for anything Imzadi. I was simply curious what it must have been like for you, as far as not achieving the Kohlinar, I am glad as if you had I wouldn’t have you as my beloved husband, and a wonderful father to our children.”

At that moment nothing else mattered, not the injured, not those waiting to be treated all that mattered was Alicia and his love for her. "It is not something I regret Alicia. I am perfectly content with my life as it is." Then he leaned forward and kissed her. The hell with who saw or what they thought. He and Alicia were married and even if they weren't it was no one else's business.

Alicia returned Savar’s kiss, at a time like this and the situation the ship was in their love for each other meant everything.

As they kissed, Savar projected his love, total and complete devotion to Alicia. They weren't just husband and wife; they were soulmates and united forever.

Alicia smiled as she let Savar into her mind, she was happy to have the connection she had with Savar.

As their minds and thoughts were still connected and shared. Savar imparted what he knew was one of Alicia's favorite poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

Alicia smiled the biggest smile yet as she looked at Savar, no matter what she was his for all time, nothing would ever change that.

Savar caressed Alicia's cheek tenderly with his fingers. *My love is only for you Alicia. * He told her. * Now and until the day after the end of time. *



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